Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 352 Clarify The Relationship

Chapter 354

Today was the day when the cram school officially started, but Tang Feng disappeared, just like the world has evaporated. He was not seen until the evening, and the phone always prompted to shut down.

“Dang’er, Dang’er, Dang’er…” Ye Tianxue’s door was knocked, and she was instantly energetic. After dropping the phone she was calling, she jumped off the bed and opened the door. When she saw The person in front of the door was instantly disappointed.

“Tianxue, did you see Tang Feng today?” Chen Yuhua said, standing in front of Ye Tianxue’s door, with an unpleasant expression.

Chen Yuhua found Tang Feng in a hurry. Tang Feng left Dewey some time ago with a note with his name written on it. Now those people are almost searching for it, waiting for the final signing, but now he can’t be found. In addition to work, she also missed him a bit. She must have seen his figure after get off work every day, but these two days have been deserted. She and Ye Tianxue are almost in the water and stay alone when there is nothing to do. In his own room, today, in order to find Tang Feng, Chen Yuhua had no choice but to find Ye Tianxue.

Ye Tianxue didn’t want to tell Chen Yuhua about Tang Feng, but when she thought that she also had an unclear relationship with Tang Feng, Tang Feng didn’t answer his own phone, maybe he would answer her phone, and he would have an idea as soon as he turned his eyes. “Sister Yuhua, I don’t know where he is, but someone may know, you might as well ask her.”

Chen Yuhua knew that Tang Feng and Chen Yuyao had a very good relationship, and thought that Ye Tianxue was talking about her, and his face became even more ugly after listening, but he asked sensibly, “Who?”

Ye Tianxue saw Chen Yuhua’s expression and knew that his goal had been achieved, so she said: “Today Tang Feng seems to be with Sister Yu Han, you might as well ask.”

After Ye Tianxue said Leng Yuhan’s name, Chen Yuhua’s expression became even more unnatural, and finally nodded, “Thank you Tianxue.”

Chen Yuhua knows the relationship between Tang Feng and Leng Yuhan, and also knows that the two people have had a super-friendship physical relationship. After returning to her room, she has been thinking about whether the call is going to be made or not. In the end, it is the reason that desire to overcome. Decided to call and ask.

“Hey! Is it Yu Han?” This is the first time Chen Yuhua makes a phone call with Yu Han, which is very unnatural.

Leng Yuhan thought it was Ye Tianxue who called again, but when he was connected, he found that the voice was wrong. After listening carefully, he knew that it was Chen Yuhua. Then he said: “It’s me, Yuhua, are you looking for me?”(Read more @

Leng Yuhan is also wondering that the economic crisis of Yade Information Technology Co., Ltd. has passed, and the money has arrived. What does she want to do with herself? Just when she couldn’t figure it out, Chen Yuhua spoke again, “Yu Han, is Tang Feng with you? I am looking for him in a hurry.”

“No, no…” When Leng Yuhan heard Chen Yuhua’s question, his answer was a little vacant, especially when he remembered the absurd things the three of them did in bed that night.

“Then have you seen him today?” Chen Yuhua was disappointed when he heard Leng Yuhan’s answer, and at the same time he was a little happy. What was disappointed was that he didn’t find Tang Feng. What was happy was that Tang Feng didn’t get involved with her.

“No, no…” At this time, Leng Yuhan was even more guilty, and she didn’t even dare to tell Chen Yuhua that the two separated in the morning, but she was also wondering, didn’t Tang Feng go back after all this day?

When Chen Yuhua heard Leng Yuhan hesitating, she knew that she didn’t tell the truth. Even if the two were not together, she would definitely know where Tang Feng was. Why didn’t she tell herself that it was unknown.

“Excuse me, if Tang Feng contacts you, tell him that I’m looking for him and ask him to go home quickly.” Chen Yuhua didn’t know whether it was intentional or unintentional, so he said the word “home” very much. The weight.

After Leng Yuhan hung up Tang Feng’s phone, she started to think. She knew that Tang Feng was a very sane person and would not disappear without reason. Then where did he go after he separated from himself? In order to verify whether Tang Feng was shut down, she made a special call.

“Where will he go after we are separated from the hotel?” Leng Yuhan was lying on the bed looking at the ceiling, thinking of the scene when the two people were separated, and suddenly thought of one person, that is his sister Leng Yuqing, she After leaving, she didn’t leave, and according to her personality, she would definitely go to Tang Feng’s troubles. Thinking of this, she had an unknown premonition that something must have happened.

“Hey! Yu Qing, where are you?” Thinking of this, Leng Yuhan found Leng Yuqing’s phone number and quickly dialed it, and finally heaved a sigh of relief when he was connected.

“Sister, where am I at home? Are there any facts about how to find me?” Leng Yuqing lay on the bed, pressing her entire body on Tang Feng, and said happily.

After Leng Yuhan heard her sister’s voice, she seemed to be very happy. She wondered what was going on. Didn’t she go to the trouble of Tang Feng, she guessed wrong? Still unwilling to ask, “Did you see Tang Feng after I left?”

Leng Yuqing was unhappy when she heard her sister mentioned Tang Feng. She thought that she also fell in love with Tang Feng just like herself. In that case, she really didn’t have much chance of winning in competition with her, because she grew up. She is better than herself in everything, and the only thing she doesn’t lose to her is her age.

Tang Feng’s ears are far superior to ordinary people. The moment Leng Yuqing got on the phone, he knew that the other person was talking to Leng Yuhan. At the same time, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and his eyes were always staring at Leng Yuqing’s expression. I was relieved to see that she was not angry, and I became nervous before the breath was over.

“What are you looking for my husband for? He is lying next to me.” Leng Yuqing glanced at Tang Feng and suddenly noticed.

Leng Yuhan was directly shocked by his sister’s words, and instantly lost the ability to think. It took a full 10 seconds to reflect, “Yu Qing, you, you…”

“Sister, Tang Feng is now my man. I don’t care what kind of relationship you have had with him before. It’s just the past. I don’t want you to disturb him.” Leng Yuqing is someone who dares to hate and love him. Girl, even if this man and his sister have had an unclear relationship, she doesn’t care.

Leng Yuhan didn’t know how he hung up the phone. When he hung up, he realized that he didn’t say what he wanted to say. Then he called again, “Yu Qing, you tell Tang Feng that Miss Chen from their company is looking for it. He is in a hurry.”

In order to prevent her sister’s misunderstanding, Leng Yuhan said that Chen Yuhua was not so kind when she said Chen Yuhua. Sure enough, Leng Yuqing didn’t think much about it. She thought it was a work matter. Today, she heard Tang Feng mention that she has important things many times. The things to do were left to accompany him, and he gave Tang Feng a touched look.

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