Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 354 Best Interpretation Period

Chapter 356

Ye Tianxue calmed down after hearing Tang Feng’s words. She just glared at Tang Feng, and simply leaned in his arms and refused to come out. At this moment, Tang Feng has become the idol of all male students in the class. This is all right, but Ye Tianxue, who is unruly and willful, was done like this, especially the brothers in Tang Feng’s dormitory gave thumbs up one after another.

“Tianxue, get up quickly, the teacher will be coming after a meeting, let the teacher see badly, you also know my current situation, if…” the classroom door is open, Tang Feng can not guarantee whether Chen Yuyao is right She has already come to the classroom, if she sees herself holding Ye Tianxue in the classroom, then she can’t explain it again.

The turmoil was calmed down by Tang Feng, and it was time for class soon. In order to show Ye Tianxue well, he took the initiative to pass a note, “Tianxue, shall we watch a movie together in two days?

Ye Tianxue was instantly happy when he saw the note passed by Tang Feng. He had forgotten everything that Tang Feng had disappeared for two days, and turned his head to Tang Feng and showed a sweet smile.

“Tianxue, I’m sorry…” Tang Feng felt a little guilty about Ye Tianxue’s innocent appearance, as if he was committing a crime.

“It’s okay, as long as you treat me well.” Ye Tianxue pushed the note over again and showed a sweet smile. The more she was like this, the more Tang Feng felt guilty, and he wanted to explain but didn’t know Conghe.

“Tianxue, you are a good girl, I don’t want to hurt you, you know I have a girlfriend, and love her very much, we, we…, if something happens, I will choose you to be my girlfriend.” Tang Feng thought After a while, he decided to confess to her that he didn’t want to delay Ye Tianxue, he was afraid that the longer he would really fall in love with this girl.

“I know, as long as you like me, it’s enough. I don’t mind your dating Chen Yuyao, but the person who gets married must be me. She can be your lover, and I can even accept other women.”

Ye Tianxue is a woman from a big family who is accustomed to the warmth and coldness between men and women. She thought that men are the same. She thought that she would never fall in love with a man in her life. When she met Tang Feng, she realized that she was wrong, this man. He is very charming, and makes him revolve around him without knowing it. Besides himself, there are many outstanding women beside him, and he has fallen into it without knowing it.

After Tang Feng read Ye Tianxue’s note, his head became even bigger. She can accept Chen Yuyao, can Chen Yuyao accept her? Obviously it is impossible, let alone be his lover. He thinks about it, and the least compromised among these women is Chen Yuyao. Even Chen Yuhua has a cold appearance but a warm heart, as long as A little trick on your own will compromise.

Ye Tianxue said that, Tang Feng couldn’t say anything anymore, stretched out her hand slowly, grabbed her little hand and shook it lightly.

There was something wrong with his action. He simply expressed his feelings, but Ye Tianxue refused to let go, so the two people held hands until the end of get out of class.

Ye Tianxue was solved but there was still one Chen Yuyao who didn’t solve it. After class, she blew into Ye Tianxue’s ear, “Tianxue, Yuyao is still angry with me. I will coax her in the past. Don’t worry, I promise you. The request will definitely be fulfilled.”(Read more @

Since Ye Tianxue doesn’t object to her relationship with Chen Yuyao, then she definitely doesn’t object to it. No objection is one thing, but jealousy is another. You can only invite each other for good, hoping to get her support. Ye Tianxue did write Not happy, but when I thought of watching a movie with Tang Feng, I let go of my hand and kissed Tang Feng on the cheek, almost envious of the boys in the classroom.

“It’s sour, no, I’m going to buy some sugar.” Guan Feibai likes to joke the most, and walks out as he talks.

“Guan Feibai, are you looking for death? Believe it or not, I blow your two heads?” The little woman who was gentle just now changed into a witch and immediately became a witch.

“Two heads?” Tang Feng was a little embarrassed after listening, but he didn’t have time to fight with them here, took a pitying glance at Guan Feibai’s middle and walked outside.

“Fourth, you don’t care about your mother-in-law, if this is…” Before Guan Feibai finished speaking, he found that Tang Feng had walked out of the classroom, closed his mouth quickly, and fled.

“Yuyao, come out, I have something to do with you.” With the lesson from the last time, Tang Feng didn’t walk into Chen Yuyao’s classroom, but waited at the door.

Chen Yuyao was first happy when she saw Tang Feng at the door, then her face immediately became cold, but she still left her seat and walked out, “What’s the matter?”

“Yuyao I’m sorry, I have not been able to accompany you in the past two days. I did have something to delay. It just happened that the phone ran out of power. Don’t worry, I will accompany you next time as long as I have time.” Tang Feng pulled Chen Yuyao down the corridor. At the end, there is no one there at all.

“I know you are very busy, but are you so busy that you don’t even have time for texting? Do you know how much I want you to be by my side in the dark night.” Chen Yuyao is a person who rarely complains People, she was really angry this time.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I ignored your feelings.” Tang Feng wanted to hold Chen Yuyao in his arms, but she avoided it.

“Don’t touch me, I’m sorry? Two days, have you asked me these two days? Do you know how much I worry about you?” Chen Yuyao’s voice was a little hoarse, tears in her eyes, she stared angrily Tang Feng has unspeakable grievances in his heart.

“Dingling bell, Jingling bell…” Tang Feng wanted to say something, but found that the class bell rang.

“Why did you eat Karma?” Tang Feng just passed a note from Ye Tianxue as soon as he sat back in his seat.

“You follow me?”

“Whoever followed you, it’s your face, it’s not that you are being bullied.”

“Is my face ugly?”

“It’s not ugly, it’s kind of like a donkey.”

“You are the donkey.”

The two people actually used a note to fight with each other like a young couple. After Ye Tianxue’s teasing, Tang Feng’s mood finally improved.

Time flies quickly, and get out of class is over soon. This time Tang Feng did not go to Chen Yuyao again. He knew that it would be useless even if he did. Maybe it would be fine to give him a little time, but he didn’t know that Chen Yuyao would do it after class was over. From time to time, looking to the door, he also missed the best opportunity to explain.

As the class time got closer and closer, Chen Yuyao became more and more disappointed. In the end, she simply lay on the table. It was Wu Yanan who saw the matter and walked over from behind, “He won’t come anymore, I think this kind of man It’s not worth your love.”

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