Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 369 Trapped Stone Chamber

Chapter 371: Trapped in the Stone Chamber

The way to open the iron box is very simple, that is Tang Feng’s fingerprint. When Tang Feng pressed his middle finger on it, the iron box made a “quack” sound, and the lock was unlocked.

Tang Feng was excited, shaking his hands and slowly opened the iron box. The first thing that caught his eye was a yellowed scroll, which seemed to be sewn from animal skins. The scroll looked a little damaged. It’s been some years.

Turning over the first page of the book, I saw a picture of a Taoist priest sitting cross-legged. There are countless points on his body, and each point is marked with an acupuncture point. It’s a pity that Tang Feng doesn’t understand it at all if he doesn’t study Chinese medicine.

Turning to the second page of the book, there is still the Taoist priest on it. The two pictures are almost the same, but Tang Feng still found the difference, that is, the points on the body of Tao are somewhat different, that is, the position of the acupuncture points has changed.

Five pages in a row were pictures of this Taoist priest. On the sixth page, there was finally a change. Although the picture was still the Taoist priest, there was a text explanation below.

“Practicing oneself and stop thinking of all destiny, let go of all destiny, let go of your mind, careless about things, nothing about things, audiovisual and non-communication. There is no heaven and earth, no sun and moon, and the world is ignorant. It is counted if you cultivate into a great road and go astray. A great husband in the world. The sun and the moon are immortal with the Ming, the universe and the old, strong and mysterious…”

Tang Feng gets more excited as he reads it. Although he doesn’t understand what it means, he knows that this book is not simple. It is probably a legendary book of monasticism.

With the help of the paraffin wax on the stone table, Tang Feng finally read the entire book in an hour. He was even more sure that it was a book for cultivating qi. The only regret was that he could not understand it. Fortunately, there was image.

After being happy, Tang Feng calmed down and put the book back in the box. It was a simple action, but found that there was something in the box, a snow-white jade bottle, which looked expensive, and there was a white on the top of the bottle. The stopper is also made of jade, and it is integrated without any gaps, which shows the superb craftsmanship of the person who carves the jade bottle.

Tang Feng did not rush to open the jade bottle, but looked at another item in the box, a black bracelet with various incomprehensible patterns carved on it. After picking up the bracelet, he pressed one under the bracelet. A piece of paper with a picture on it. The character on the screen is holding a knife, the knife edge is placed on the finger, the knife edge cuts the finger, and the blood dripped from the cut, which happened to be dripping on the bracelet.

Tang Feng seemed to understand the meaning of the picture, and his heart became more excited. What does this action represent? It clearly represented the magic weapon to recognize the lord. He put his finger on his mouth with a nervous heart, and he bit a hole when he tried hard, and bright red blood dripped from the finger.(Read more @

After Tang Feng dropped the blood on the bracelet, it was directly absorbed by the bracelet, which further verified his guess, but he was disappointed that he did not get any information.

“Is there not enough blood?” Tang Feng dropped a few drops of blood on the bracelet again, but unfortunately there was no reaction this time. Even if half of the bracelet was dyed red, there was still no change.

The box was too big to carry. Tang Feng simply put the bracelet on his wrist, then looked at the jade bottle, and the stopper was opened when he tried hard, and an unknown scent came out of the jade bottle, scared He had to stop the jade bottle quickly.

“Is this the legendary elixir?” Tang Feng saw the contents of the jade bottle as soon as he opened it. A golden pill was lying quietly on the bottom of the bottle.

The box is large and not very convenient to carry, but Tang Feng decided to take him away. This is much more advanced than the current safe. In the future, any valuables can be put in it.

Everything was packed, Tang Feng planned to leave, but something bad happened. He couldn’t find the exit. For three hours, he searched the entire stone house and found nothing.

“Where is the exit? Where is the exit?” Tang Feng was so anxious that it was God who made a joke with him, just like sitting on a golden mountain, but found that he could not move at all, just like Tang Feng’s at that time mood.

Three days passed in a blink of an eye. Tang Feng was even more untouched. He was so hungry that he was dizzy. He blamed himself for rushing in and put his backpack outside. If he couldn’t find a way out, use He will be trapped here in two days.

By the fourth day, Tang Feng was so hungry that he lost his ability to act, and his thirst became even more intolerable. Finally, he looked at the jade bottle in the iron box. Maintain yourself for a few more days.

The pill melted in the mouth, and a scorching force dissipated to the whole body, like a fire burning in his body. Tang Feng was in pain unbearable, rolling back and forth on the stone bed, and finally couldn’t hold on and fainted. past.

I don’t know how long it took, Tang Feng slowly opened his eyes, and a foul smell came out instantly, almost fainting him, only to realize that the foul smell was coming from his body.

“Wash the marrow?” Tang Feng noticed that his current situation is exactly the same as described in the description, but he can’t be happy. Even if the marrow is washed successfully, it doesn’t mean that he can skip meals, but it will last longer , Do the last dying struggle.

Tang Feng searched in the stone room for another two days, but still didn’t get any results. In these two days, he didn’t feel hungry. He knew that this was the cause of the pill. Once the medicine was over, he was still facing death. So far he has given up searching.

Since it was a practice book, maybe he had achieved great success, and then broke out, thinking of here he was full of the desire to escape.

Tang Feng, who has never practiced before, knows nothing about cultivation, so he can only explore slowly according to the instructions in the book…

New Year’s Eve in a blink of an eye, Tang Feng has disappeared for more than two months, and his family members have also begun to be anxious, especially Qian Shufang. Since knowing that his son is missing, he has never slept peacefully.

“Xiao Feng, where are you? Why don’t you go home?” The days when the family of three were supposed to be reunited, now there are only the old couple left. Tang Aiguo was sitting beside Qian Shufang, frowning as well.

“Shufang, Xiaofeng, he will definitely come back. Something must have been delayed. Maybe he’s on the way home now.” Tang Aiguo was also uncomfortable in his heart, but he still wanted to comfort the wife next to him.

“Husband, you don’t need to comfort me. In fact, I understand that this has been more than two months, I am afraid…” Qian Shufang was choked up at this point, and couldn’t continue.

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