Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 394 Chicken Feet

Chapter 396 Phoenix Claws

“Okay, Yu Qing, you go back first! I’ll go back in a while, remember what I said to you just now, if you don’t know me, you can call me a handsome guy.” Tang Feng feels that the time is almost the same. Released Leng Yuqing.

“I know, but my husband, my little handsome boy, you’d better wash your face before you go back.” Leng Yuqing ran away after speaking, giggling as she ran.

“Leng Yuqing, where did you just go?” Ye Tianxue didn’t find Tang Feng and Leng Yuqing, but waited at the door. Suddenly she found that Leng Yuqing was back, and she seemed very happy. She was surprised.

Just now Leng Yuqing was about to say, “Where did I go? It’s your shit!” she remembered what Tang Feng said to her, and she immediately showed a smile, “Sister Tianxue, I just went outside for a while, and it’s cold outside. , Let’s go in together!”

Ye Tianxue was stunned. Why did this Leng Yuqing suddenly change her sex? This change is too great! When did you treat me so well? Before she could even think about it, Leng Yuqing was dragged into the room.

“Sister, what are you talking about with Yuhua?” As soon as Leng Yuqing opened the door, she found that Leng Yuhan and Chen Yuhua were talking, but she stopped talking after she came in.

“Nothing, it’s all about work.” Leng Yuhan said casually. In fact, the two of them didn’t talk about anything at work. Only the two of them knew what they were talking about.

“Sister, you know that you work every day and you should enjoy life more.” Leng Yuqing smiled and sat beside Leng Yuhan.

“You girl, who is like you, doesn’t care about anything and don’t think about anything every day.” Leng Yuqing can be said to be the least motivated person in the whole family, who just fools around every day except for playing.

“Sister, don’t you still have my brother and you? If they are all the same as you, I won’t be annoyed every day, depending on how good I am now, I can do whatever I want.”

Leng Yuhan sometimes really envy Leng Yuqing, but she is different. She is the only daughter in the family. Although she will not inherit the position of the head of the family, she will inherit the family’s property in the future. She must constantly improve herself to be able to Stand on your heels in the family.

While several people were chatting, Tang Feng also quietly walked outside and came in. Leng Yuqing was the first to see, “Little handsome guy, isn’t it the return lover from outside? You have been here too long, right?”

“Yes? If you know a lover, that would be you too.” The two people are like joking, and they speak the same way. Only Ye Tianxue looked at Tang Feng with skepticism and then at Leng Yuqing, and saw the expressions of the two people. There is nothing unusual, “Isn’t the two of them together?”(Read more @

When Tang Feng was talking to Leng Yuqing, he found that Chen Yuhua was staring at him. He closed his mouth and moved his ears. He stood up and walked towards the door. The door opened. Old Tan was about to open the door. Tang Feng at the door was shocked at that time, “I said, young man, you scared me to death. I am old and can’t stand your scare.”

“Lao Tan, I kindly opened the door for you, aren’t you thinking of beautiful women?” Tang Feng said jokingly.

“People are getting old, those are all clouds and smoke from the past, to your kid, Yanfu is not shallow, there are 5 people in a room, 4 of them are beauties, and you are a man.” Lao Tan said with a smile and stewed it. The chicken nuggets were placed on the table.

“Envy! But you can’t talk nonsense, they are all my friends, and this is my girlfriend.” Tang Feng pointed at Chen Yuhua as he said, the faces of Ye Tianxue and Leng Yuqing changed immediately, but Tang Feng immediately added, “The future girlfriend is still working hard, she has not yet agreed.” At this time, Leng Yuqing’s face improved a little.

“People are getting old, people are getting old…” Lao Tan shook his head as he said, then walked out of the room.

“Sister Yuhua didn’t agree. Why should I be your girlfriend?” Ye Tianxue’s relationship with Tang Feng is not a day or two. Today is the first time she expresses it in front of everyone, and it also has a joking taste. , While she was talking, she was looking at Chen Yuhua’s expression. As expected, her expression was ugly, staring at Tang Feng like a murderer.

“You are too young, I don’t like you as a little kid, the hair is not long, when you are full, let’s discuss this issue!” Tang Feng glanced at Chen Yuhua secretly, scared him to hurry Look away.

“Sister Tianxue, it’s okay, he doesn’t like you, wait two days for my sister to find you a more handsome one.” Before Ye Tianxue could speak, Leng Yuqing took the words.

“Eating, eating, all of us don’t sit down and do our hands.” Leng Yuhan was a little embarrassed after listening to the conversation between several people, and was afraid that Leng Yuqing would say something unpleasant, which interrupted everything. Human words.

Everyone also moved their hands under Leng Yuhan’s call. After the second, everyone’s words became less. The meal was fairly safe. Only Leng Yuqing would peek at Tang Feng from time to time. And deliberately put food for Tang Feng.

For the sake of fairness, everyone took part in Tang Feng and gave Chen Yuhua a piece of chicken thighs. Leng Yuhan is also a chicken thigh. There are only two thighs, and then there are chicken paws. I don’t know if it was Tang Feng deliberately or Leng Yu. Qing loves to eat chicken paws and gives her all, followed by chicken wings, which is given to Ye Tianxue.

“Little handsome guy, are you too eccentric?” Leng Yuqing looked at the chicken paws in her bowl and said with some dissatisfaction.

“Eccentric? Is there any? Obviously I will give you the best, but you say I am eccentric.” Tang Feng said somewhat innocently.

“Best? Brother, have you made a mistake?” Leng Yuqing looked at the chicken paws in her bowl and couldn’t laugh or cry.

“Since you said that, then I ask you, what is in your sister’s bowl?” Tang Feng pointed to Leng Yuhan’s bowl.

Leng Yuqing looked at Leng Yuhan’s bowl and didn’t understand what Tang Feng meant, but she still told the truth, “Of course it’s chicken thighs.”

“Then do you know what is in your bowl?” Tang Feng said with a smile.

“What can it be? Of course it’s chicken feet.”

“Wrong, you are not chicken claws, that is chicken claws, don’t you understand chicken claws? Do you say that chickens can be compared with phoenixes? Did I give you the best?”

After Tang Feng finished speaking, he made the other three women in the room amused. He could also think of this. Only Leng Yuqing was the only one with a bitter face, and he utterly agreed.

Tang Feng laughed happily when he saw several people. Only Leng Yuqing kicked Tang Feng a few times under the table, and finally put his foot on Tang Feng’s thigh. Tang Feng glared at her at the time. , And then reluctantly moved away.

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