Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 397 IM Meeting A Train Liar

Chapter 399

The night is dark, the high-speed train is speeding on the railroad tracks, and Leng Yuqing is nestled in Tang Feng’s arms in the warm carriage, opening her beautiful big eyes to look at Tang Feng from time to time.

“Yu Qing, what are you looking at?” Tang Feng found that Leng Yuqing would look at herself from time to time, and then asked curiously.

“Husband, where did I make up your face and how did I become so handsome.” Leng Yuqing didn’t know that Tang Feng had changed once, and thought he had plastic surgery, so I asked. Tao.

“It’s not plastic surgery, it’s truly natural. If you don’t believe me, touch it.” Tang Feng put Leng Yuqing’s hand on his face. Leng Yuqing fucked Tang Feng’s face back and forth for a while, feeling very smooth, and then looked at him affectionately.

Tang Feng understands what Leng Yuqing means, but there are a lot of people in the carriage. He doesn’t want to be that annoying person. He touched her long hair and said softly, “It’s not early, let’s go to bed, and we will arrive tomorrow.”

“Husband, I want you to hold me to sleep.” Leng Yuqing saw that Tang Feng was about to get up and quickly pulled him.

Tang Feng bought two sleeper tickets, the upper and lower berths, with Leng Yuqing on the bottom and Tang Feng on the top. He was a little embarrassed when he heard Leng Yuqing’s words, but he nodded, “Let’s go to the top! But you have to be honest and don’t move.”

Leng Yuqing is a woman and a big beauty. Tang Feng hasn’t eaten meat for a long time, so she can still bear it if she holds her. If she…I’m afraid she can’t hold on.

Leng Yuqing also missed Tang Feng very much. On the surface, she seemed very open, but in reality she was not. There were too many people in the carriage, and she did not dare to move. She put her head completely in Tang Feng’s arms. I fell asleep when I slept. Tang Feng looked at the sleeping Leng Yuqing and sighed, then closed his eyes.

A middle-aged man in his 40s is selling to people with a mobile phone in his hand. It may be that the other car is too noisy. The people in this car can’t hear what the middle man is saying at all, but Tang Feng He heard it, opened his eyes, looked at the other carriage, laughed at that time, and met an old acquaintance again.

The middle-aged man asked a lot of people, and everyone shook their heads. The middle-aged man was not discouraged. He still had a smile on his face. He asked an eighteen or nine-year-old boy again. The boy dressed very ordinary, so ordinary than Tang Feng. Or ordinary, just like a child who just walked out of the mountains.

“Classmates, what do you think about this mobile phone? It only costs 1,000 yuan, and the store can sell more than 3,000.” Maybe it was the middle-aged man’s last sentence that touched the teenagers in the mountains. More than 3,000 mobile phones are only sold for 1,000 yuan, indeed Not expensive, especially in terms of appearance, they are all 90% new.

The boy behaved strangely. He first touched his pocket, then looked at the middle-aged man, “I don’t have that much money.”(Read more @

“How about 900?” The middle-aged man showed an embarrassed expression, and the young man in the mountains still shook his head.

“800, 800 can’t be less.” The middle-aged man shook his head helplessly.

“300?” The young man in the mountain touched his pocket, and then stretched out three fingers.

“Okay, 300 is 300. I’m unlucky today. I’ll sell it to you if you look poor.” The teenager in the mountain was very happy when he heard the number 300, and took out a lot of money from his jacket pocket. As soon as the money was taken out, everyone was shocked. Only then did they understand why the young man said that there was not so much. It turned out that the stack of money was 1 yuan, 5 yuan, the largest 20 yuan, and even some 5 were mixed in it. Horned.

“Uncle, should you sell it to me for 400 yuan?” Just as the young man and the middle-aged man in the mountains paid the money and delivered the goods, another young man not far from the two spoke.

“Sorry, I only sell to him, not to you.” The middle-aged man curled his lips at the brightly dressed young man.

“500 yuan, how about 500 yuan?” The boy seemed to want to buy this phone very much, and suddenly added another 100 yuan.

It’s still the bridge section and the few people. It seems that they are still in the shadows. Tang Feng pulls Leng Yuqing, and Leng Yuqing woke up leisurely, looking at Tang Feng with some puzzlement.

Tang Feng pointed to another carriage, “Go, I’ll take you to the good show.”

“Husband, I want you to hold me to sleep.” Leng Yuqing said squeamishly.

Tang Feng thought for a while, but kept his eyes on the other carriage, and finally shook his head, “Yu Qing, we have a lot of time, and the drama over there is really good. You’ll find out after a while.”

Although Tang Feng is not a messenger of justice, he is not an impersonal person. He let those people escape last time. This time he decided to bring these people to justice, otherwise more people will be caught. cheat.

Although Leng Yuqing was reluctant, she still came down from above with Tang Feng.

Now the side of the carriage is developing to the point where the middle-aged man speaks to the young man in the mountain, “Wait a while, wait until I finish this transaction before trading with you.”

The middle-aged man said that he took the money from the young man in Dashan. Instead of handing over the mobile phone to him, he put the mobile phone in his pocket and took out the same mobile phone from it. , It’s just that the appearance of this phone is only 85 percent new, and it was handed to the teenagers in the mountains.

In the process, Tang Feng also took out his fruit machine and started video recording. Leng Yuqing just watched it stupidly and didn’t understand the reason.

“Uncle, this is not what I want.” The teenager in the mountain did not take the mobile phone in the middle-aged man’s hand, and pointed to his handbag very shyly.

“That phone has already been requested. Didn’t you see that someone offered 500? Did you also want to give 500 yuan? If that’s the case, I’ll sell it to you.” The young man in the mountain bowed his head after hearing what the middle-aged man said. , I had no choice but to take over the phone.

“You can check and look at the phone and there is no problem. Don’t tell you that I lied to you, saying that I gave you a bad phone. I, Liu Bayi, never do that kind of wicked things.” The middle-aged man said indignantly. , It seems to say how great he is.

After listening to Liu Bayi’s words, the young man in the mountains made his face flushed, “I, I…” I didn’t say a word for a long time, and then everyone understood what he meant. I don’t know how to play with the mobile phone, even if I turn it on, I just clicked on the mobile phone without any response, making all the people in the car “haha” laughed.

Tang Feng didn’t say a word during this process, but recorded the whole process. Leng Yuqing looked stupidly, “Husband, is this good-looking?”

“Yu Qing, you don’t understand, you will understand after a while.” Tang Feng didn’t explain, his eyes swept back and forth on all the people on the train, he was confirming how many accomplices these scammers had, and finally it was true. Let him find a different person, that is, that person, like himself, has no expression on such things, just like watching a play.

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