Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 407 Phone On The Train

Chapter 409

This sentence of Tang Feng produced a cross-epochal product, that is, “watermelon phone”. Everything was settled. Tang Feng stayed in Shenzhen for another week. Within this week, all the procedures were completed.

Today is Saturday, Tang Feng intends to go back tomorrow. At this moment, another good news came from Dewey, that is, the scammers Tang Feng passed to him that day all fell into the French Open. Things have come to an end.

“Husband, can we stay here for a few more days?” Leng Yuqing snuggled in Tang Feng’s arms. Hearing that he said that he would go back someday, she was a little bit reluctant. Tang Feng must belong to her all these days. Happy every day.

Tang Feng thought for a while, then nodded, “Okay, but we will stay for three days at most, and we must go back after three days.”

“Thank you husband.” Leng Yuqing proactively kissed her as she said, and soon the bed made a “creaking” noise.

Everything has been settled, Tang Feng is also considered relaxed. During these three days, he played with Leng Yuqing and bought a lot of souvenirs. Of course, he went back and brought them to Chen Yuhua, Ye Tianxue and Chen Yuyao.

The high-speed train was speeding on the rails, and Leng Yuqing was nestled in Tang Feng’s arms. At this moment, Tang Feng’s cell phone rang. Who would call him at this time? Tang Feng guessed it was Ye Tianxue, because Ye Tianxue would call him several calls almost every day, but he was wrong. After taking out his mobile phone, it was an unfamiliar number.

“Hello! Hello, who do you look for?” Tang Feng said hello to the phone party very politely.

“Hey! Are you Tang Feng?” The other party also asked politely.

“It’s me, are you?” Tang Feng sounds familiar, but he can’t remember where he has heard it.

“I am Li**”

“Mr. Li, don’t know what’s going to happen to me so late?” Now it’s just mid-April, and it’s not time for repayment, Tang Feng doesn’t understand what he means by calling at this time.

“Ms. Tang, I’m sorry to bother you, don’t you know if it is convenient for you now?” Now that it is not too late, and that it is early or late, it is already half past nine. People who are used to it may have already lie down. Those night owls have just begin.(Read more @

“Mr. Li, you can just talk up if you have something, there is no convenience or inconvenience.” Tang Feng glanced at Leng Yuqing on the side, she was eavesdropping, and nodded her forehead with her hand.

“Mr. Tang, there is nothing major. How can you say that you are now a shareholder of Baidu. It is better to inform you about some things. It is better if you come to Baidu headquarters.” Tang Feng replaced Baidu with Tieba last time. Shares, now he is considered to be Baidu’s major shareholder, but he has never managed anything as a shareholder.

“Mr. Li, just tell me if you have something!” Tang Feng didn’t want to take over Baidu’s mess. Now he can’t manage his own business, so there is no experience to worry about Baidu.

“Mr. Tang, this is the case. We at Baidu are an engine, but we have not been able to develop. A few of us decided to acquire a website navigation. I don’t know if you have any comments?” Mr. Li asked cautiously.

Tang Feng laughed as soon as he heard that the other party wanted to acquire the website navigation. Only then did he remember the previous life of Baidu’s acquisition of Hao123, but with his arrival in this life, it has played a butterfly effect, completely disrupting the order of the world.

“Mr. Li, I don’t have any opinion on this, just don’t know which company to buy?”

“Mr Tang, we have booked two companies, one is 2345 website navigation, and the other is Hao123.”

Tang Feng had expected this kind of thing a long time ago, but the other party was able to mention the 2345 website navigation, and he let Tang Feng put the matter in his stomach.

“Mr. Li, to be honest, the 2345 website navigation is mine. If you are interested, I hope we will cooperate again.” Tang Feng established the 2345 website navigation and waited for this day, it was established for Baidu, now the 2345 website Navigation has long surpassed the established Haowang123.

Mr. Li on the opposite side was surprised when he heard that the 2345 website navigation was Tang Feng’s. At the same time, he also had a headache, because he had dealt with Tang Feng, which was famous and difficult, and it was strange that it didn’t let you vomit blood.

“President Tang, it’s okay to cooperate, but…” Mr. Li said hesitantly.

“Hahaha… President Li, when did you become so shy? Don’t worry, this time my request is not high. I don’t charge any money for 10% of the shares.” Tang Feng was suddenly happy. Laughing, the entire train car looked over here.

“Hey! Can you keep your voice down and let people not sleep?” The dissatisfied traveler complained to Tang Feng.

Tang Feng glanced at the other party. It was a middle-aged woman in her 30s. She showed an apologetic smile and her voice became quieter, but the other party did not intend to stop there. “What’s not good about learning at a young age,” Learn some bragging B, why don’t you call yourself Bill Gates?”

“My husband is calling, what’s the matter with you?” Leng Yuqing found that the other party was reluctant to Tang Feng. She was also on fire at the time, and immediately went back.

President Li on the opposite side of the quarrel here heard it, and apologized, “Mr. Tang, I’m sorry, I’ll let the matter go so far. I’ll let you know if there is something tomorrow.”

Mr. Li laughed after hanging up the phone, he was much smoother than expected, and he did not expect Tang Feng to speak so well this time, 2345 website navigation and good 123, although they are not as good as posting, they are not much worse. , Their original plan was to add a certain amount of money to 5% to 10% of the shares.

Now Baidu still owes Tang Feng money. There is definitely not much money. Only the shares can be exchanged. If it is really only 10% of the shares to win the 2345 website navigation, it will be much less than the budget. This is what he is happy about. .

“Yu Qing, okay, go to sleep.” Tang Feng glanced at the other person and saw that she was a shrew, and didn’t want to deal with such a person at all to lose her identity.

“Poor ghost, if you don’t have money, you still pretend to be forced.” Tang Feng’s humility actually got the other party’s humiliation again. You can’t do it all. Everyone has patience. Tang Feng glared at the other party, and then He turned his head back.

“Xiao Bai Lian, who are you staring at?” Tang Feng did not hide it. Of course he saw the other side at that glance, and obviously the other side did not want to let him go.

“You shut up, and I will throw you off the train without shutting up.” Tang Feng’s words were coercive, and the temperature of the entire carriage dropped a lot in an instant, especially the middle-aged man who was directly opposite. The woman’s face was pale.

The middle-aged woman was really frightened by Tang Feng and stopped talking, but she glared at Tang Feng secretly. Tang Feng had seen it a long time ago and ignored it. She held Leng Yuqing in her arms and then closed it. Closed eyes.

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