Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 433 Shadow In The Video

Chapter 435

After Ye Tianfeng hung up Ye Tianxue’s phone, he quickly got up, and then went straight to the traffic police team. At this time, the traffic police team was almost empty, only two people were on the night shift. They got up quickly under the interruption of Ye Tianfeng. They did not show too much dissatisfaction, or even some enthusiasm. Obviously, they knew Ye Tianfeng.

“You two have worked hard. I want to ask you two for help with some things.” Ye Tianfeng did not show the attitude of the son, obviously very kind.

“Young Master Ye, you said, don’t hesitate to tell me if you have anything.” One of the older traffic policemen hurriedly said flatteringly.

“It’s nothing serious. I have a friend who is missing. I want you to check it for me.” Ye Tianfeng was not polite to the two traffic police, and said directly.

“Young Master Ye, you said it was that section of road, I’ll check it for you.” The three people said as they walked to the monitoring room. In this way, Ye Tianfeng told the two traffic policemen about the approximate road section and the time provided by Ye Tianxue, and walked into the monitoring room.

There was a female traffic policeman on duty in the monitoring room, but she was asleep at this time, and the older traffic police patted her on the shoulder before opening her eyes in a daze, “Captain Yang, I…” The young woman The traffic police originally wanted to explain a few words, but she was interrupted by someone she called Captain Yang, “Work hard. Now there is a case to be investigated. You need your cooperation.”

The female traffic police is very proficient in her business. She quickly called out the monitoring of the road section near Renmin University, and then began to fast forward. Suddenly, the time was frozen at 2:12 AM, and Ye Tianfeng’s eyes lit up, “Stop, it’s him.” ”

At 2:12, Tang Feng appeared on the side of the road. He looked around first, then ran, and instantly turned into a shadow. The complexions of the three people immediately changed, especially Ye Tianfeng, after 10 It took a few seconds to react, and then took a look at the two traffic policemen nearby, “You two should go out first, I can find it myself.”

The two traffic policemen are also very sophisticated, knowing what they should know and what they should not know, things like this are not what they should know, even if they see it, they can only suck in their stomachs. Before leaving, she glanced at the female traffic policeman. “Su Man, do you have anything to cooperate with Young Master Ye as much as possible.” After speaking, the two people walked out.

Su Man just woke up at this moment, widened his beautiful eyes with a look of surprise, and then looked at the dark road on the screen, as if nothing had happened.

“What did you just see?” After the two traffic policemen went out, Ye Tianfeng looked at the woman in front of him rigorously. Although the other person was very beautiful, it was a matter of great importance. Why did he think about that.(Read more @

“A dark shadow, a dark shadow, ran over here.” Su Man repeated what he had just seen.

“Black shadow, where is the shadow, I can tell you, do you understand if you don’t see anything?” Ye Tianfeng said sternly.

Although Su Man was a little unhappy, she also knew the severity, so she nodded, “I didn’t see anything.”

Ye Tianfeng heaved a sigh of relief when he saw the other person nodded, and then said, “Help me track where that person went.”

Su Man switched to the next video according to Ye Tianfeng’s instructions, and finally tracked until Tang Feng near the Leng Yuqing community disappeared.

Ye Tianfeng frowned when he saw the name of the community, “Isn’t that the Leng family’s property? What is he going to do there?” Ye Tianfeng couldn’t understand, but he thought of Leng Yuhan, it was important, he had to figure it out, and then He glanced at Suman on the side, “Excuse me, please go out, I’ll call you later.”

“Sir, please find out. This is where I work. I said I didn’t see anything. I didn’t see anything.” Su Man thought that Ye Tianfeng was from the police and came here to investigate the case. Very cooperative, especially tolerating Ye Tianfeng’s gesticulations, but let her go out and couldn’t help it anymore, and came back directly with satire.

Ye Tianfeng was taken aback for a moment, and then he seemed to understand what the other party meant, but now the matter is important, he has no time to care about Su Man, so he had to walk outside by himself, closed the door and walked a few steps towards the corridor, and then picked it up. phone.

Leng Yuhan was already weak after being rescued by Tang Feng. After moving Tang Feng, he was too tired and fell asleep in a daze. Leng Yuqing was also lying next to the bed, possibly tired. I fell asleep in a daze, until the phone rang and the two sisters opened their eyes almost at the same time.

The phone ringing was Leng Yuhan’s. First, Leng Yuhan frowned, then picked up the phone from the side table and took a look. When he saw the name on the phone, he was stunned, “He called me so late. What’s the call?” I wanted to ignore it, but when I thought it was midnight, there must be something urgent, so I got connected.

Leng Yuqing was very dissatisfied with Leng Yuhan’s phone call in the middle of the night. First, she gently touched Tang Feng’s face, but there was no response. Then she looked at Leng Yuhan, “Who is harassing the phone in the middle of the night?” Express her dissatisfaction.

“Ye Tianfeng, what are you looking for me?” Leng Yuhan was very cold to outsiders, and his voice was full of chill.

“Leng Yuhan, I’m sorry to disturb you so late, I do have something urgent.” Ye Tianfeng heard Leng Yuhan’s dissatisfaction and quickly explained, and then said: “Do you know any friends in Happy Garden?”‘Happy Garden ‘Is the name of Leng Yuqing Community, where many family members of the Leng family live.

“My sister Yu Qing is here, just tell me if you have anything!” Leng Yuhan glanced at Leng Yuqing.

Ye Tianfeng was a little disappointed when he heard that Leng Yuhan’s sister was there, but he could only be a dead horse doctor, “Leng Yuhan, that’s it, do you remember Tang Feng? He seems to have disappeared in that community. , Can you ask your sister to check it nearby?” Ye Tianfeng himself was a little guilty, and it would be unrealistic to ask a girl to check outside in the middle of the night.

Leng Yuhan was shocked when he heard Ye Tianfeng mention Tang Feng’s name. Fortunately, Ye Tianfeng couldn’t see her expression, but Leng Yuqing saw it and frowned. Unfortunately, she couldn’t hear the opposite. What are you talking about.

“Okay! I’ll help you ask, and I’ll reply to you in a while.” Leng Yuhan forced his emotions to stabilize before he said.

Ye Tianfeng did not expect that Leng Yuhan actually agreed, and said quickly, “Thank you.” Before he waited for something to say, he hung up the phone. I can only wait with a nervous heart, walking back and forth in the corridor, quietly hearing the echo of my footsteps at night.

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