Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 466 A Blessing In Disguise

Chapter 468

When Ye Tianxue was desperate to leave, she suddenly found Tang Feng’s eyelids moved, and his face was filled with joy in an instant, “Tang Feng, Tang Feng…” Ye Tianxue didn’t dare to slam him. This was Leng Yuqing’s confession. Able to shout.

Now there are two people in the room, Ye Tianxue and Chen Yuyao. Chen Yuyao’s eyes have been fixed on Ye Tianxue’s body, and she also looked to the bed when she heard the shouts, her mouth was instantly open with an expression of disbelief.

Originally, Leng Yuhan and Leng Yuqing were resting, and they ran over when they heard Ye Tianxue’s shouts. Especially Leng Yuqing, she was more excited than anyone else. Tang Feng, who watched the fluctuation of her eyelids, shouted loudly, “Husband, Husband…” Even Leng Yuhan, the oldest inside, was very excited, shouting “Tang Feng, Tang Feng…”.

“Where is the way out? Where is the way out?” In a gray space, a young man kept shouting. If Leng Yuqing and Ye Tianxue were there, they would surely find out how this person resembles Tang Feng, but , He is a ghost, like a ghost on TV.

Tang Feng didn’t know what happened. He only remembered that he had rescued Chen Yuyao, and finally brought her to Leng Yuqing’s house. Then he didn’t know what happened. When he woke up, he found that he was staying. Here.

This is an unfamiliar space, there is no sky, no earth, yes, no sky, no earth, because he can’t find the direction of the sky and the earth, he is like floating in the universe, everywhere is gray, no With a little sense of direction, he finally adapted to the environment here, and he could barely walk here.

Tang Feng didn’t know how long he stayed here, one year, ten years, one thousand years, ten thousand years…Anyway, it was very long, he kept walking and walking! Even if he can’t get out of this world, the opportunity will be desperate, but he still clenched his teeth and persisted. Finally one day he saw the light, and his heart was filled with joy in an instant. After several years of walking, he has not reached the end of the light. It’s just that the light is getting stronger and stronger.

“Husband, are you awake?”

“Tang Feng, are you awake?”(Read more @

“Brother Tang Feng, are you awake?”

When Tang Feng saw the first ray of light, he found that four pairs of beautiful big eyes were looking at him. He was awake, indeed.

“Enlightenment period?” When Tang Feng opened his eyes, he was not surprised because of the four beauties, but because of his cultivation. He actually broke through, breaking through from the middle of foundation construction to the enlightenment period, and it was the peak of the enlightenment period. , The whole, across a large level.

Now the spiritual energy on the earth is almost extinct, very scarce, and cultivation is extremely slow. From the beginning of the foundation to the middle of the foundation, Tang Feng spent several months, this is still in that unknown cave. , The aura there is more abundant than outside, and it is ten times that of the outside. According to the dilution of the outside, it will take at least 5 years for Tang Feng to go from the early stage of the foundation to the middle of the foundation. To practice all the time.

Calculating at this rate, Tang Feng believes that it will take him at least 30 years from the middle of the foundation construction to the peak of the consecration. At that time, he was 50 years old. Immortal cultivators cannot be compared with ordinary people. Even if Tang Feng only succeeded in building a foundation, he could easily live over 200 years old. Once he reached the bigu period, he could live over 500 years old. Peng Zu has lived since ancient times According to the 800-year-old legend, Tang Feng guessed that he might be a strong man in the bigu period. If it can reach the Golden Core Stage, it will be almost immortal and can live for tens of thousands of years. This is the real old monster. If it can reach the Tribulation Stage, it will be the legendary power of overwhelming mountains and seas.

These are too far away for Tang Feng. If there is any miracle or sufficient aura, Tang Feng is still confident to reach the Golden Elixir stage, but now he has never expected it. Even so, there is no problem for him to live a few hundred years old. Even at the age of 50, his appearance will not change much, at most he looks about 30 years old.

Tang Feng ignored the gazes of the four women, and quickly sat cross-legged and began to look inside. He found that it was really a blessing in disguise this time. Not only did he reach the peak of enlightenment, he could break through to the fetal period with a single opportunity, but also What is valuable is that his meridians are much wider than before, and he is more resilient, which shows that he will be able to hold more spiritual energy in the future, and his attack power at the same level will be higher.

Tang Feng didn’t even know how dangerous he was at that time. He was completely upholding his will, even his soul would be broken. It was the reincarnation disc that felt his crisis at the time, and he forcibly sucked his soul into his body. , Slowly cultivated, and then recovered.

Maybe Tang Feng knows his superficial benefits, but he doesn’t even know that his real benefits come from his soul. Under the nourishment of the reincarnation disk, his soul is several times stronger, and it will be good for future cultivation. Basically, once the cultivation reaches the stage of transforming the gods, he will feel immense benefits. It’s just that the transformation stage is too far away, maybe Tang Feng will not reach it in this life.

Now that I have mentioned the cultivator, I will also talk about the level, which is the same as the normal level, which is divided into: Refining Qi-Building Foundation-Enlightening-Fetal Breath-Bigu-Golden Pill-Yuan Ying-Out of Aperture-Distraction-Combination-Mahayana -Cross the robbery.

Tang Feng did not go through the Qi training period, but just built the foundation. This situation like him has never happened even in ancient times. If you want to build the foundation, you must first practice the Qi, or you simply cannot withstand the power of the Jidan. Will definitely burst and die. He was lucky, because he was already half a foundation builder in the last accident. The impurities on his body were much less, and the strength of his body far exceeded that of others, which made him survive the crisis.

Tang Feng sat for a few hours. When he opened his eyes, the sky was already dark, and he was still looking at him with four big beautiful eyes. Tang Feng scratched his head in surprise, “You are all looking at me… …” Before he finished speaking, he realized that something was wrong. Then he realized that the bed sheet was red, and he seemed to have caught something, something dark, and a little red and purple. It was obviously blood-dried. .

“Beauties, I’ll take a shower first.” Tang Feng, who was sitting on the bed just now, disappeared in an instant, and then heard the sound of running water in the bathroom.

“It’s dangerous!” Tang Feng gasped, even when he met those big men in black, he had never been so nervous.

If there are more women, it is a troublesome matter. If there are one or even two, he can still coax, and say a few more words. Now there are four. Let him explain, especially Leng Yuqing, then Fan, the overbearing queen who does my job, has a headache to think about. Now he has the idea of ​​fleeing here, but he is like this now, not to mention half-dead people, it will not take long for the police to come to the door.

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