Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 488 The History Of The Development Of Bitcoin

Chapter 490

Maybe Tang Feng’s movements were too big just now, and the woman opened her eyes in a daze, as if she hadn’t fully woken up yet.

Tang Feng felt a little embarrassed, so he simply closed his eyes, his heart throbbing and already betrayed the result of his pretense.

After Bai Yaqing woke up, she found that she was in an unfamiliar environment, especially the man in front of her. The buzzing sound of her brain seemed to be short-circuited, and the intermittent pictures flickered in her brain, and she understood what was going on.

She was a little angry, she wanted to smash the man in front of her to pieces, and she was a little helpless. She didn’t expect that the chastity she had retained for 25 years would be so confused and lost, but she thinks that instead of giving it to him, it’s better to get along with herself. Brother Qiang, who has been working for 20 years, is relieved in this way.

“Please take your hand away, when do you want to touch it?”

Tang Feng heard Bai Yaqing’s angrily and knew that he couldn’t pretend, so he should be calm. He didn’t even think that she, who was so active last night, would turn his face and deny people today.

“Miss, last night…”

“What happened last night? You can be frivolous with me if I drank too much last night?”

Tang Feng wanted to say that you took the initiative to seduce me last night, but Bai Yaqing interrupted him, and the wicked complained first.

Why didn’t Bai Yaqing know that what happened last night was caused by a glass of wine, and blamed herself for being in a bad mood, so she followed other people’s ways, but this must be the first time for her, how could she be so reconciled.

“I’m frivolous with you, miss, are you making a mistake?”

Tang Feng thought that the woman in front of him was so beautiful, and he was a little guilty. He didn’t expect that he was also a fisherman, and he was worried about her for nothing.


The bodies of the two were separated, and Tang Feng was about to get up and leave, but he was stunned by the scene in front of him. A bright plum blossom was printed on the snow-white bed sheet.

Obviously, there was no one on the bed sheet before, it was just printed on it, and it still had stains of love on it.

“You, you are…”

Tang Feng opened his mouth wide, and he still couldn’t believe this fact.

“What do you think?”

Just now Tang Feng’s getting up caused Bai Yaqing’s pain in her lower body, frowning tightly.

“Miss, I’m sorry, I’m sorry…”

Tang Feng realized that she had misunderstood. No wonder she had something wrong last night. It was because she was obsessed with her for a while and didn’t notice her strangeness.

Looking back now, to connect all the things together, it must be the blackhead and the others who gave her the medicine, but James Robert took it away and picked up a cheap one by himself.

If it hadn’t been for the white ocean horse to come and strike up a conversation, he hadn’t had such an opportunity yet, and it seemed that he should still be grateful to her.

“Sorry, can you pay me back if I’m sorry?”

Bai Yaqing originally didn’t want to care about Tang Feng, but his attitude just now was obviously that he wanted to walk in after eating, how could he not make her angry.(Read more @

“I’m sorry, I’m really sorry…”

“Go away, don’t touch me, take your dirty hands away.”

Tang Feng wanted to help her up, but she was disgusted by her. She really wanted to shake her hand and leave. But thinking about it, she must have given it to herself the first time. Some complaints should be accepted, so she can bear it. But it’s the first time for myself, who will comfort me?

Tang Feng got cheap and still behaved in his heart, and blamed the emperor’s Heart Sutra. If there is no Xuanyuan Sword, it can pass through to 2009?

Without the Emperor’s Heart Sutra, can he be on par with an underground boxing champion who has been circling the United States for many years in three days? Not to mention such a good affair.

“Miss, I didn’t mean it, I, I, I will be responsible for you.”

“Responsible? What are you responsible for? Let me live a poor life with you, or let me support you?”

Bai Yaqing trembled with anger, her chest was full and ups and downs, and Tang Feng almost turned into a hungry wolf and jumped on it again.

“Miss, don’t worry about this, as long as you give me time, up to 10 years, I will definitely make you the happiest woman in the world.”

It is August 2009. Tang Feng knows that Satoshi Nakamoto’s Bitcoin will soon sweep the world, especially on May 21, 2010. The first Bitcoin transaction: Florida programmer Laszlo Hanyecz spent 10,000 BTC bought pizza coupons worth $25.

Since then, Bitcoin has entered people’s field of vision and has become a new type of electronic currency.

On July 16, 2010, the BTC price rose from 0.008 US dollars to 0.08 US dollars. The first sharp price fluctuation showed the rise of new things.

On July 17, 2010, the first Bitcoin platform was established.

On November 6, 2010, the price on MTGOX reached $0.5, when the Bitcoin economy reached $1 million.

On December 7, 2010, the first portable device-to-portable device transaction was realized on NOKIA900, with a transaction volume of 0.42 BTC.

On February 9, 2011, the price reached 1 U.S. dollar for the first time, which was equivalent to the U.S. dollar. The news that BTC is equivalent to the U.S. dollar has been widely reported by the media, which has aroused people’s attention, and new users have greatly increased. In the following two months, exchange trading platforms for Bitcoin and British pound, Brazilian currency, and Polish currency have been opened successively.

On March 18, 2011, the BTC/USD exchange rate hit a 7-week low, dropping to 0.7 U.S. dollars.

On August 20, 2011, the first Bitcoin Conference and World Expo was held in New York. Among Google Trends districts and counties, the attention of Bitcoin reached a new high, when the price was .

On November 14, 2011, the price of Bitcoin hit a six-month low at $1.99.

On September 15, 2012, the London Bitcoin Conference was held. At this time, the price of Bitcoin was $11.8.

On September 27, 2012, the Bitcoin Fund was established. At this time, the price of Bitcoin was $12.46.

On November 25, 2012, the first Bitcoin conference in Europe was held in Prague, Czech Republic. At this time, the price of Bitcoin was $12.6.

On February 19, 2013, the Bitcoin client V8.0 was released. At this time, the price of Bitcoin was $28.66.

On April 10, 2013, BTC hit an all-time high of $110.

On May 9, 2013, the largest Bitcoin reporting website-received a $5 million Series A investment from investment fund Union Square. At this time, the Bitcoin price was $112.09.

On May 17, 2013, the 2013 San Jose Bitcoin Conference was held. 1,300 people participated. At this time, the Bitcoin price was 119.1 US dollars.

On May 28, 2013, the United States Department of Homeland Security banned the virtual currency service of Liberty Reserve, a foreign exchange company located in Costa Rica, with suspected xiqian and unlicensed fund transfer services. United States prosecutors said this will become the largest international in history. In the xiqian lawsuit, the amount of money absorbed reached US$6 billion, and a large number of users, including China, lost their money. At this time, the price of Bitcoin was US$128.

In June 2013, it was reported that the United States will withdraw from QE3, the deflationary Bitcoin, and the quantitative easing monetary policy, the two are the relationship between the needle and the wheat.

On June 27, 2013, the German meeting made a decision: Bitcoin held for more than one year will be tax-exempt. The industry believes that this move has recognized the legal status of Bitcoin in disguise. At this time, the price of Bitcoin was $102.24.

On June 28, 2013, MTGOX obtained a currency service business license issued by the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network Division of the United States Ministry of Finance. The standardization of transactions may mean that Bitcoin is on the right track, government risks are reduced, and its integration into the economy will accelerate. At the same time, it will play a demonstrative role for other virtual currencies. At this time, the price of Bitcoin is $97.99.

On November 28, 2013, the Bitcoin transaction price of the popular Bitcoin exchange Mt. Gox broke through $1,000, setting a record high of $1,073.

On November 29, 2013, the transaction price of x hit a record high of US$1,242, while the price of gold was US$1241.98 per ounce, and the price of Bitcoin surpassed gold for the first time.

On December 5, 2013, the Central Bank of China, in conjunction with five ministries and commissions, issued a notice to supervise Bitcoin. Bitcoin fell sharply. As of 5 pm, the price of 1 Bitcoin had fallen to around US$1,030. Subsequently, Bitcoin continued to fall sharply and once fell. To under $500.

On January 5, 2014, with the advent of 2014 and a new year, Bitcoin rose back to more than US0, and then began to plummet until it fell below US0.

Bitcoin was relatively stable in 2015, and it has been kept below 0.

2016 was a turning point, when Bitcoin suddenly grew, and once again broke through the $500 mark all the way.

2017 was an extraordinary year. Bitcoin fluctuated from over $1,100 to below $800, and then soared until Tang Feng’s previous life. In June 2017, Bitcoin had exceeded the $2,800 level. Closed, then plummeted.

Bitcoin’s ups and downs, I don’t know how many people are ruined, and how many people become rich overnight, its charm lies in the hype.

The reason Tang Feng knows so much is that he has always had a dream of getting rich. He has studied Bitcoin deeply. Not only did he not make money in his previous life, but he also lost his money, and finally embarked on the path of treasure hunting.

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