Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 490 Goodbye Without Saying Goodbye

Chapter 492

Bai Yaqing took the phone in Tang Feng’s hand, quickly turned off the alarm bell, turned on the message, edited one at random and posted it, and then turned it off.

Xiao Xue, who had just finished washing, found that there was an extra message on her phone. Who had sent it so early?

Open it and read, “Xiaoxue, I feel a little uncomfortable today, so I won’t go to the company. Just take care of the company’s affairs!”

Xiao Xue is a little strange, she was fine yesterday, why is she sick today? It’s not like her style. She has never asked for leave before. How can she do it today…

She decided to call and ask, and then dialed back, “Sorry the subscriber you dialed is poer y the subscriber you dialed is poer off……”

“Die Yaqing actually turned off the phone, did she go on a blind date? Or she had a boyfriend…”

Bai Yaqing was still looking at the man in front of her, but she didn’t want to get to the good sister and subordinate on the other side of the phone. She had already started to arrange her.

Bai Yaqing couldn’t get up, and Tang Feng couldn’t leave, so she had to take care of the eldest lady in this small hotel.

Bai Yaqing didn’t know that she had already turned upside down when she hadn’t returned all night, and a man in his 20s was looking for her all over the world.

Until the night, Bai Yaqing was still lying in bed. Tang Feng bought her anti-inflammatory drugs and could barely get out of bed. However, the walking posture obviously betrayed her pain.

Looking at Bai Yaqing lying on the bed, Tang Feng did not leave or stay, because this hotel is too small and only has a double bed.

“Sit down! But don’t touch me.”

Bai Yaqing looked at Tang Feng, who had been busy all day, still softened, and pointed to the edge of the bed.

“You rest, I won’t disturb you, I just sit on the side of the bed.”

Tang Feng took off his shoe plate and sat on the corner of the bed as he spoke. After the battle last night, he found that the speed of Zhen Qi was moving much faster than before, and there was an unknown flow in the meridians. The energy is constantly neutralizing with Zhen Qi.

Although the zhenqi neutralized by unknown energy has not increased, it has become stronger. If Tang Feng could hit 300 kilograms with one punch before, now he decided to hit 500 kilograms.

“What is he doing?”(Read more @

Bai Yaqing, who grew up in United States, didn’t know that China had a magical skill. She was just curious. She dragged her chin with her hands and looked at him. She didn’t know when she fell asleep…

“Calabash baby, Calabash baby, seven flowers on a vine. Wind and rain, don’t be afraid, la la la la. Dingdangdangdangdangdangdang, gourddangdangdangdangdangdang, gourd doll, dingdangdangdangdangdang, great skill, lala la …”

This is the alarm bell that Bai Yaqing wakes up every day. After the alarm rings, she knows it’s time to get up to work.

“you’re awake.”

After Bai Yaqing opened her eyes, she found a pair of eyes looking at her.

“Look at it, don’t turn around yet.”

It turned out that Bai Yaqing didn’t sleep honestly, her snow-white skin had already been half dewy on the outside, especially the full side of her chest, and it turned into various shapes. At this time, she felt her own indecentness.

Tang Feng thought in his heart, “It’s not that I haven’t seen it before, I have slept before, and so…” But he still turned his head to the side and waited until Bai Yaqing got dressed before turning his head around.

Bai Yaqing now has the desire to die. She has been lying in bed for two days. This small hotel is so rudimentary and there is no place to take a bath. Now she is so slimy and uncomfortable.

“Yaqing, don’t go, when will I still see you?”

After getting dressed, Bai Yaqing was about to leave, but was stopped by Tang Feng.

“No need to see you anymore. Don’t worry, I won’t call the police, just as nothing happened. I don’t know you, and you don’t know me.”

Bai Yaqing said that she turned around and wanted to leave again, but she didn’t expect Tang Feng to quickly block her in front of her, “Yaqing, you don’t want to be like this, okay?”

Tang Feng thought she had just gotten angry with herself peeking at her, and this had blocked her in front.

“Well, in this case, even if I prostitute you, there are 200,000 in this card, and the password is: 840403, please don’t pester me in the future, let alone show up in front of me…”

Tang Feng looked at this bank card with a lingering fragrance, and couldn’t recover for a long time. He woke up and showed a wry smile until he heard the sound of talking outside. What a thing, the corpse was picked up. A big beauty, that’s not even counted, she was still a virgin, and in the end, she left without saying goodbye and gave herself a bank card.

Back to her apartment, the cold bath water ran over her casually, covering the tears from the corners of her eyes, “Bai Yaqing, Bai Yaqing, what’s wrong with you? Isn’t it the first time? What’s so great , It’s enough to be gnawed.”

At this time, Tang Feng has returned to his rental house. I don’t know that Bai Yaqing has compared him to a dog. If you let him know and don’t know what to think, you may be helpless and can only smile bitterly.

After coming out of the bathroom, Bai Yaqing had a new look, put on a brand new Chanel suit, simple dressing and dressing, and once again returned to the icy strong woman like a tiger in the mall.

Turning on the mobile phone, countless messages followed, the most one was the man who signed the second brother, “Where are you Sister Yaqing? Sister Yaqing…” Numerous concerns and anxieties.

Next is Xiao Xue’s, asking her how is her health, whether she is getting better, whether she has taken medicine… It seems that her good sister cares about herself.

There is another one, “Yaqing, where have you been, come back soon! I won’t force you.” This one is the last thing she wants to see, signed as Big Brother.

Six months ago, my mother was suddenly critically ill. Before leaving, she took her hand and told her a piece of news that no one knew, that is, “You are not my biological daughter. You are what I bought from a trafficker 20 years ago. Yes, when I looked at you poorly, I took you in. Your surname is Bai and your name is Bai Ya…

The mother gave up her last breath before she finished speaking. The scene at the time is still vivid, and she still has a lot to ask her mother, but she can’t hear it anymore.

Since then, Bai Yaqing has moved away from Zhao’s family, finally getting out of the pain of losing her mother, and devoting all her energy to work.

Unexpectedly, just the day before yesterday, her most beloved eldest brother suddenly came to the door and proposed to herself. Unable to accept it for a while, she ran out of the house, walked to the bar, and met a group of malicious blackheads. The time for her to go to the bathroom was spent in her wine, which happened the night of her and Tang Feng.

I’m a little confused, I’ve been insisting, and I don’t know what I’m insisting on.

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