Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 505 Early Stage Of Qi Training

Chapter 507

Tang Feng’s last life was very successful. He founded Yade Information Technology Co., Ltd. and China Entertainment. Each company is on the right track and will soon become brilliant. At this moment, he had an accident and everything was paid. The east flow.

The car accident in this life did not happen, and history has changed accordingly. Tang Feng did not get Bai Yaqing’s favor, let alone her funding, and it was very difficult to go the old way.

old road? The old road is just a failure for Tang Feng. He will never take the previous path. What’s more, it is his real body who is here this time with all his memories. He is not allowed to fail. If he fails, he will never go back. There is no chance.

The twenty-eight artifact swiftly shuttled across the road, and soon disappeared in the vast crowd. Tang Feng arrived home very early, his father went to work, and his mother was doing farm work in the field. He checked the time and it was just over three o’clock. It was still early. He closed his door and sat cross-legged on the bed. Practicing.

Qi training is only the beginning of cultivation. Only when you successfully build the foundation can you enter the threshold of first training. Only when you enter the Golden Core period can you pass the first threshold. From now on, you can fly high and achieve the supreme road.

In his previous life, Tang Feng practiced the Nine Turns Yin-Yang Art. This is a miraculous step. It is able to integrate the techniques of various sects. This is also the reason why he has achieved Immortal Venerable in just a few thousand years. It is a pity that Tang Feng only practiced at that time. At the third rank, if he had cultivated to the fifth rank at that time, he would be able to pass the divine calamity smoothly even if he had the heart.

There is no regret in the world. In this life, Tang Feng decided to practice Yin-Yang Art to Rank Nine. Only in this way can he survive the Divine Tribulation without fail, and then fly to a higher level of interface.

The God Realm is unknown to Tang Feng, but he knows one thing. Once he succeeds in crossing the Tribulation, he must start from the beginning, just like those practitioners ascending to the Immortal Realm. In order to have a place in the God Realm in the future, he must have The ability to protect yourself.

Rank Nine, in the immortal world is a strange book, it can also be said to be a waste, who would abolish the cultivation base that he has worked so hard for no reason, and then practice from scratch, if it hadn’t been Tang Feng who had practiced the doppelganger. He has three clones, and he doesn’t know how to practice Rank Nine.

It took Tang Feng thousands of years to reach the Immortal Venerable from an ordinary person. It can be said that he created a miracle in the immortal world. Even so, it would take tens of thousands of years to cultivate from Rank Nine to Dacheng, not to mention those old monsters. All of us have lived for tens of millions of years, or even more, and will not waste these nine ranks in vain.

It is precisely because of this wonderful work that almost no one has practiced this book, even if there are people, there are people who have clones. For hundreds of millions of years, only a few people have practiced this book, but the highest one has only been cultivated. At the fifth turn, no one knows what the nine-turn master is like. This book became the best book in the heavens. It has been stored in the Tibetan scripture pavilion of Tianmen, and was later acquired by Tang Feng.(Read more @

After Tang Feng practiced, he found that Rank Nine was not as good as the legendary. All three of his clones had been improved to a certain extent. Although it was not very obvious, it would be obvious if there were nine clones.

Under normal circumstances, the strength of the clone is weaker than that of the deity, and its strength is even less than half of the deity. Some people will never practice even if they have a clone, because the requirements for practicing the clone are too harsh.

Cultivating clones must separate one’s soul, and each time one separates one’s own strength will decrease. The separated soul is compatible with the roots of Eternal Soul, and after a long period of gestation, it can become a clone.

Wannian Linggen is such a noble item, even the immortal Venerable will be jealous when he sees it. Wannian Linggen can not only improve the cultivation performance of the cultivator, but most importantly, he is the main medicine for training the barrier-breaking pill.

One of the ten great god pills in the heavens of the barrier-breaking pill, the most important thing is to change the physique of the cultivator. The aptitude of each cultivator is destined at the moment of birth. Some people are suitable for cultivation, some are not suitable for cultivation, and suitable for cultivation. The qualifications are also different. Most cultivators are stuck at the threshold of cultivation and cannot advance. For hundreds or even thousands of years, they will die alone. With good aptitude, they can break through Yuan Ying and even become immortal.

How difficult it is to cross the catastrophe and become immortal, even if it is a cultivator, there is no one in a million. Since Zhang Zhenren’s ascension in the daytime, there have been no ascenders on earth for hundreds of years. The reason why Tang Feng was able to become Tianzun is because He was taken to the immortal world by his master.

The immortal realm is a cultivation resource which is not comparable to the earth, which is poor in cultivation. Even an ordinary grass is an immortal grass to the earth. It can live for hundreds of years after eating it, and even enter into cultivation. Threshold.

Qi training is a very simple matter for Tang Feng. He only sensed the flow of gas after sitting for a quarter of an hour. Tang Feng took the opportunity to absorb the spiritual power in the air frantically, but it is a pity that the spiritual power on the earth is too scarce. One hour later, the aura in the dantian was less than one percent.

Tang Feng’s cultivation method is just an ordinary cultivation method, everyone in the immortal world can, even ordinary mortals will strengthen their physique through the cultivation method. Fortunately, there are no cultivators here. If others see it, they will open their eyes. This is too exaggerated. With Tang Feng’s continuous cultivation, he needs more and more aura.

The aura on the earth is scarce, Tang Feng can only mobilize the surrounding aura and constantly rush into the body, which causes a small vortex to form on top of Tang Feng’s head.

At about six o’clock, Qian Shufang came back from the ground. Tang Feng opened his eyes as soon as he opened the door. The second practice was interrupted, but he has officially entered the initial stage of Qi training. Even if it is interrupted, it will not be affected.

When Tang Feng opened his eyes, he was shocked by the scene in front of him. The house was full of mess, shredded paper everywhere, and even the table was overturned. In the beauty of cultivation, how could he feel the scene just now? .

Before he could think about it, Tang Feng hurriedly jumped out of the bed and started to tidy up quickly, absolutely not allowing his old mother to see it, otherwise it would be inevitable to be scolded.

“Xiao Feng, are you back?”

Qian Shufang knew that her son had returned when she saw Tang Feng’s 28th-year-old artifact parked in the yard, and shouted loudly before entering the door.

“Mom! I’ve been back for a while, I’m hungry, you should cook!” Tang Feng was afraid that his mother would see the scene in front of him, so he quickly found a reason.

“Well, you are the eldest young master of our family, our family’s hope, cook, I will cook now.”

Tang Feng could hear her exhaustion from his mother’s tone. To tell the truth, he was really intolerable, especially when he saw his mother’s old appearance, he felt a little heartache.

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