Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 510 Unexpected Date

Chapter 512

“Xiaofeng, you just want to show us your ability without using a table, right?”

After a period of calm, Qian Shufang finally returned to normal. Looking at the toppled table, it was really dumbfounding. Three days of farm work was done in vain.

“Mom, isn’t I in a rush? You don’t look at the expressions of you and my dad at the time, especially my dad. They are going to eat me. I am eager to show and take a slap. You don’t have to I feel distressed. I will learn from the big boss my master knows in a few days. Will we still worry about not having money then?”

At the beginning, Qian Shufang might not believe it, but now she believes a little, especially looking at this torn apart table, can ordinary people do it? Even if you take a sledgehammer, it’s nothing more than one hammer down, right? This is the palm of her hand, she really doubts what her son’s palm is made of.

Tang Aiguo remained silent, keeping his eyes on the torn apart table. Qian Shufang’s lack of knowledge does not mean that he was ignorant. He used to be a soldier in the wrong place. He knows some of the hardships. It is said that China has a mysterious army. They are all top masters, with one top one hundred.

Tang Aiguo just listened to things like this at the time. He didn’t take it in his heart at all. Until one day, a chief instructor came from his army. It is said that he came from that place. He could see with his own eyes how powerful he was at that time. , With one punch, defeated the Bing King of their troops at that time with just one punch. The defeat is still a trivial matter. The key is that the Bing King still lived in the courtyard for half a year. This is still the case of the other side’s mercy. The king’s life is gone.

“Xiao Feng, what kind of person is your master?”

Tang Aiguo looked at Tang Feng seriously.

“Dad, I can’t see the face of my master in detail, anyway, it looks like a fairy-style, full of silver hair, long beard…” Tang Feng simply described it to Tang Aiguo as Taibai Jinxing. Again.

Everything has happened. Tang Feng also proved himself to his parents. In order to make his father give up, Tang Feng used his unnecessary master to make up a lie again, that is, his master gave his father a calculation. If you hang up, you will be in prison, and you will not be allowed to go to the southeast within two months. To the southeast is where Tang Aiguo went to work.

Tang Feng’s performance made Tang Aiguo confused, but Qian Shufang was anxious after hearing Tang Feng’s words. She said nothing to let Tang Aiguo go to work. Even if this month’s salary is not required, she is not willing to take risks with her husband. .(Read more @

Qian Shufang usually considers money very much. Even if it is a penny, he has to consider how to spend it. He wants to save money for the family. If it is lavish, they will not stick to it long ago.

Although Tang Aiguo was not reconciled, he still agreed. He did not ask much about Master Tang Feng. He knew that many things in this world were beyond his ability to know, and it was useless to ask more, but added to the troubles. He is better than Qian Shufang.

Qian Shufang thinks Tang Feng’s performance is amazing. There are indeed many things to ask him, even what kind of clothes his master wears, what he usually eats and what he drinks, and more than half an hour has passed. Without the intention of stopping, the whole person almost collapsed, even if his Tianzun’s state of mind could not stand it, it can be seen how powerful Qian Shufang is.

“Mom! I’m hungry.”

Finally, it was over after Tang Feng’s change of topic, but Qian Shufang hadn’t let go of his meaning during the meal. It was the first time that Tang Feng knew that his mother was so curious.

If Tang Feng does not practice, he still sleeps like normal people. He also needs to rest. At 5:30 in the morning, Tang Feng was woken up by the “dididi” alarm. Today is the time to return to school. There is no hesitation. , He immediately got up.

In the previous life, Tang Feng remembered that he took care of an airplane nose, which caused quite a stir, but in this life he has no such mood. He is very calm, as calm as a basin of water, and the two-eight artifact is on the road. Speeding fast.

Tang Feng came earlier. He didn’t go directly to the school. He found a phone booth nearby. He found a phone number in his brain and dialed it, “Hey! Sister Yaqing? I’m Tang Feng.”

Bai Yaqing is very idle every day. Except for shopping and watching TV, she is very boring. She just got up today and received an unfamiliar phone call. She didn’t plan to answer it, so she hung up after a few rings, but it didn’t take long for the other party to call again. Came here, three times in a row, and finally she picked it up.

Bai Yaqing heard Tang Feng’s voice like a dream. He has been thinking about this strange big boy these days. Just when she was about to forget him, she heard his voice again. She was a little excited at the time, “You, You say you are Tang Feng?”

“Sister Yaqing, do you have time in the afternoon? I want to invite you out to see you. I have one thing I want to ask you for help.” Tang Feng said calmly.

When Bai Yaqing heard that Tang Feng asked her to meet, she was a little excited at the time, whether he agreed or refused, but only after hearing what he said did she know that she had misunderstood, but she was somewhat disappointed. This is the case with women, maybe Tang Feng doesn’t add the following sentence. Bai Yaqing will really consider whether to come out. Once she comes out, it proves that she gave him a chance. Fortunately, Tang Feng didn’t think so much at the time, but simply wanted her to help.

Tang Feng understands Bai Yaqing’s character more or less. She will definitely help if she is busy. Even if she refuses to help, Tang Feng can exchange terms with her. This is what Tang Feng does not want to see. Once the benefits are used Exchanging two people is completely insulated.

The two did not say much. Bai Yaqing agreed. Tang Feng was going back to school in the morning, so he chose the afternoon. They made an appointment at 2 o’clock and met at the Haicheng Hotel at 2 o’clock.

“Chen Changjun 702, Dong Guiming 697… Chen Yuyao 688…”

The teacher stood on the podium and kept reading everyone’s college entrance examination results. Although everyone knew about these results, they still had to announce them.

Chen Yuyao was not surprised that she had scored 688 on the test, but when she heard that Tang Feng had also scored 688, she was not calm, and she looked back specifically, which was inquisitive and puzzled.

Chen Yuyao’s behavior was unintentional, but some people took it in their eyes, and their eyes changed back and forth between her and Tang Feng.

Chen Yuyao didn’t know that someone had hated her and Tang Feng long ago, but Tang Feng had already discovered that he was still calm as water, staring at the teacher in front of him, warning Wu Yougan like farting.

Wu Youqian looked very angry at Tang Feng’s arrogant appearance, but now in class, he can’t get angry, he can only bear it, and he has already sentenced Tang Feng to death in his heart.

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