Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 517 Return To The Cave

Chapter 519

After three days of preparation, Tang Feng and Bai Yaqing officially set off. During these three days, Tang Feng did a lot of things. The most important thing is that he led Bai Yaqing to the threshold of cultivation. In addition to practicing, Tang Feng also took Bai Yaqing to his home.

If it was only Tang Feng himself, his parents might still not believe it, but when they saw Bai Yaqing driving a BMW, they did believe it, and then they could get away.

Three days of riding, reversing, shopping… Tang Feng and Bai Yaqing finally came to one kilometer of their goal. Looking at these towering mountains, Bai Yaqing was not timid, but was full of strength, carrying dozens of kilograms of weight on his back. The item slowly followed Tang Feng’s back and walked up the mountain.

Looking at the familiar scene, Tang Feng couldn’t help but remember that year. He spent a week of savage life here before he found the cave. Now that he knows the location of the cave, there is no need to be too anxious. Just get to the cave before dark. .

“Tang Feng, how far is it?”

The two have been walking for a long time, and Bai Yaqing wiped the sweat on his forehead from time to time.

“Alright, it’s almost the same after two hours of walking. If you are tired, we will take a rest.”

Bai Yaqing learned how to breathe and breathe under Tang Feng’s teaching, which relieved her a lot of burden. Otherwise, with her physical stamina, let alone walking here, she might not be able to get up even halfway through. , Despite this, sweat kept dripping down.

Tang Feng’s condition is better than Bai Yaqing, but not much better. The clothes on his body are already soaked. The main reason is that he carries too many things, up to hundreds of catties. These are all prepared for Bai Yaqing. Especially water, there are two big buckets. If ordinary people don’t talk about walking on the mountain road, it will be difficult to walk on the flat ground.

Bai Yaqing was really too tired to walk, so she could only stop. The two of them found a flat place and began to practice. Tang Feng opened his eyes in about an hour, and there was no sweat on his forehead. Now, full of energy, full of strength.

Bai Yaqing is still cultivating, and Tang Feng didn’t bother her. Tang Feng seriously admired her during this process. The more she watched, the more obsessed she became, and she couldn’t help but recall the bits and pieces of the two.

“you’re awake?”

Seeing Bai Yaqing opened his eyes, Tang Feng quickly withdrew his mind.

“Yeah! Let’s go!”

Bai Yaqing nodded, and the two people continued to walk forward. After walking for about two more people and hours, the two stopped at a cliff.(Read more @

“Isn’t the place you are talking about is here?”

Bai Yaqing looked around, there was no road ahead and found nothing.

“We will go down here. After we go down, we won’t be able to get up again. We have to stay for at least one month. If you regret it now, I can send you back.”

The ideal is very beautiful, the reality is very skinny. Bai Yaqing thought about beautiful scenes when she came, but now she hasn’t seen the beautiful scenes. She is so tired that she wants to take a bath the most. I was soaked in sweat, and I was so uncomfortable to die.

Facing the reality, Bai Yaqing hesitated, and she must not be able to take a bath for a month. This is more uncomfortable than killing her, and she can think of what she will look like a month later. In fact, Tang Feng didn’t tell her that he was going to build the foundation, and in the process of building the foundation, all the impurities in the body would be discharged, and it would be very smelly at that time.

“I, I, I’ll follow you down.”

Bai Yaqing gritted her teeth, and finally made up her mind, especially when she thought of Tang Feng’s magical qigong, she was moved even after thinking about it. If she had practiced it, would she be afraid of those harassers? If anyone refuses to accept, kick his little brother.

If Tang Feng knew that Bai Yaqing and his cultivation was to guard against wolves, he didn’t know whether to cry or laugh, but he nodded in satisfaction when he saw Bai Yaqing’s current performance.

Cultivation is an act against the sky, and you must be a person with great perseverance, otherwise, even if you are successful in cultivation with your own qualifications, you will not be able to pass the tribulation of the sky, and finally fall into the tribulation.

“Go, let’s go down, I’ll go down first, and when I get down, I’m calling you.”

This is no man’s land, and he is not afraid of being discovered. Tang Feng has tied the rope to a big tree long ago.

Bai Yaqing looked at the cliff that couldn’t be seen to the bottom, and was a little scared. If Tang Feng hadn’t shown him, she wouldn’t have the courage to go down.

Tang Feng followed the rope all the way down and quickly reached the entrance of the cave. One hand held the rope, and the other hand pulled the weeds away from the entrance of the cave, revealing the face inside, and then got into it sideways.

The cave was still the original cave without any changes. Tang Feng cleaned the entrance of the cave, revealing its original appearance completely. It was dark in the cave and couldn’t see anything clearly. Tang Feng placed the searchlight not far from the entrance of the cave, got everything ready, and climbed up the rope again.

Bai Yaqing finally breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Tang Feng rising from the cliff. Since he went down the cliff, she was a little worried and scared. It was originally summer, but she was cold.

“Well, I will send you off this time, and you will be waiting for me at the entrance of the cave.”

Tang Feng was about to tie the rope to Bai Yaqing’s waist while she was talking. She was scared to take a step back. Tang Feng was taken aback at the time, but she soon understood that she was scared.

“It’s okay. If you are afraid, I will send you back. If you believe me, I will guarantee your safety.”

Tang Feng looked at Bai Yaqing with a smile, with warmth in his smile. Perhaps Bai Yaqing was moved by his smile, and instead of backing away, he came to Tang Feng’s initiative and asked him to tie the rope to himself.

“In fact, why bother? Even if you don’t come here with me, I will teach you qigong, why should you come here to suffer with me.”

Tang Feng didn’t do anything this time, but looked at Bai Yaqing with a smile.

“It’s okay. I believe I can. If you can do it, I can do it.”

Bai Yaqing exuded a self-confident temperament as she spoke, and she was not afraid. It is false to say that she is not afraid. With the help of Tang Feng, she finally arrived at the entrance of the cave with the help of Tang Feng. For Bai Yaqing, the 10 minutes she has experienced is like a few centuries for Bai Yaqing, too scared.

Several times in succession, Tang Feng sent all the supplies down. Bai Yaqing stood at the entrance of the cave and continued until Tang Feng also came to the entrance of the cave. The two people walked inside one after the other.

Under the light of the searchlight, there was nothing bare inside, especially Bai Yaqing, who kept looking around for fear of a monster or something.

Seeing it, there was nothing, Bai Yaqing was a little suspicious of Tang Feng’s purpose, “She won’t trick me here to rape and kill first, right?”

It is not difficult to see how rich Bai Yaqing’s imagination is. Although she is following Tang Feng, she always pays attention to Tang Feng’s claws. Once he has something abnormal, she immediately initiates a resistance.

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