Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 524 Crazy Stone (1)

Chapter 526 Crazy Stone (1)

“Sister Yaqing, this stone is your fancy, it’s up to you to tell the specific explanation!”

Since it was the stone chosen by Bai Yaqing, Tang Feng did not intend to steal the limelight.

Bai Yaqing had already felt the range of energy, and she was not welcome, and drew a line on one-third of the waste, and then stepped back.


The rubbing machine rubbed the stone and made a continuous harsh and sharp sound. A stone half the size of a basketball was quickly divided into two pieces.

“It’s green, it’s green, ice seed, actually ice seed…”

A crowd of onlookers suddenly exclaimed that he was also attracted by Bai Yaqing’s beauty.

“Ice seed?”

Yuan Hao trembled. He didn’t even look at Chen Geng’s jieshi. He kept his eyes on Bai Yaqing’s body. He didn’t look at the jieshi machine until he heard someone shouting.

The crowd who had dispersed were gathered again by this shout, and there were more onlookers, ice seed, that was a second-class jadeite, even though it was rare in the public market, ice appeared on the periphery. Can this be a sensation?

The small vendors nearby didn’t even look at the stalls, they were all attracted by this exclamation. Even some people who had planned to go to the public market stopped and walked over here.

Yuan Hao looked at the color of the section, his brain “boomed”, it was really an ice seed, and now he regrets dead, regretting why he lost it. If he doesn’t lose it, it will be his own.

“No, this is my own…”

The more Yuan Hao thinks about it, the more useless he is. He is not a big money. He only relies on looking at some rough stones for others to make some money. Even if the other party’s bet goes up, it has nothing to do with him. He can give a big red envelope at most, thousands to 10,000 yuan. Yuan varies.

Gambling on stones is originally a gambling, and the chance of gambling is so high. It seems to be a glorious one, but in fact there is not much income, just like Chen Geng’s income. A year’s income of tens of thousands of yuan is not bad, at most a middle-income group. With this piece of glass, it’s different. If you have money, you can’t find any kind of woman. Why hang on this tree.(Read more @

The more Yuan Hao thought he could not let this jadeite out, he simply squeezed out from the crowd and walked towards Chen Geng, “Boss, I am puzzled by this rough stone, I want to take him back.”

Yuan Hao, in order not to have a lot of dreams at night, he decided to take this half-solved rough stone away, and find a place where there is no one to untie it. With this piece of ice seed, he won’t have to work for at least two years.

Although Yuan Hao’s voice is not very loud, Tang Feng still heard clearly, and walked past the stall, “Boss, please hurry up, I’m still waiting for a good price.”

The rough stone was originally found by Bai Yaqing, and of course Tang Feng could not let it out.

Chen Geng didn’t know how to do it, but he just heard Yuan Hao say that this stone is not needed, not to mention that he took the stone from Tang Feng’s hands, and now he can only listen to Tang Feng, and continue to take the rough stone.

“Boss, did you hear that, I said I am puzzled, I want to take him away.”

Yuan Hao didn’t listen to him at all when he saw the other party. At that time, he had some eye problems, and his voice was a little louder. This time everyone in the back heard it, and everyone who watched the excitement in the back also started to talk, thinking that Chen Geng To swallow his emeralds.

“Take it away? Where do you take it? This jade is obviously mine. Why do you want to grab it?”

The current people are divided into two factions. One group supports Tang Feng, both of whom came before. Knowing what happened, the other group supports Yuan Hao, thinking it was Tang Feng and Chen Geng who together wanted to swallow his jade.

“Yours? Where is yours written? Boss, did you say I bought this rough stone from you?”

Now that he had turned his face, Yuan Hao was not humbly giving up, and directly let out a sneer.

This matter made Chen Geng very embarrassed. He also heard the voice of the people next to him. It was very unfavorable to him. Yuan Hao was very smart. He used the people around him to put pressure on Chen Geng. If you don’t help me, you can, then You don’t need to sell your business.

Chen Geng considered the pros and cons, then nodded, “That’s right, you did buy a rough stone from me half an hour ago. I don’t know if it is this one.”

Chen Geng’s words seemed to be helping Yuan Hao, but in fact he would have been involved in it a long time ago. Not only did he distinguish himself, he also advertised himself well.

Tang Feng coldly snorted, and he was actually playing yin with himself, so he stayed with him to the end, “I don’t know who threw the stone on the side of the road just now. Wouldn’t I be allowed to pick it up if others threw something? I had asked someone clearly before, asking him if he wanted more, what did he say at the time?”

Tang Feng talked and looked at Chen Geng, who didn’t know what to do. Chen Geng understood Tang Feng’s words. This was in line with his mind. Isn’t it obvious that he can rid himself of suspicion? He quickly followed Tang Feng’s words, “No more, it was originally intended to be given to this young lady, but she refused to accept it, and she carried it too heavy and discarded it.”

“Yes, that’s the sentence. Boss, what you said is too right. Since the other party didn’t want it, why can’t I pick it up? What’s more, this stone was originally my sister’s eye, but he was robbed by him in order to please my sister. First…”

Tang Feng’s words directly shattered Yuan Hao’s dream, and his face became somber and gloomy.

“Shameless, shameless.”

“Yes! I thought it was the young man who got him pitted with the boss. It seems that I took a look.”

“It’s still not a man, something I don’t want, I regret it once I solve it, and I want to chase after him. I don’t want to kill it.”

What had originally been leaning towards Yuan Hao has now become one-sided, and they have criticized him one after another.

“What’s wrong with Yuan Hao?”

Yuan Hao was sullen, listening to the discussion around him, but he couldn’t give up. Even if he is scolded by thousands of people, he will get back this jadeite. Just here, a man in a suit and leather shoes squeezed from the crowd. Yuan Hao’s eyes lit up when he saw the person coming, “Brother Wang, you are going to be the master for me! I was just taken off by someone.”

Wang Wanben, the owner of Wanben Jewelry Shop, is worth more than 100 million yuan. This time he came to Pingzhou to choose a few good rough stones and collect some solved jade by the way, so that he can add his own shop. In order to prevent punching, he found several good jade players, Yuan Hao was one of the people he invited.

“Under the set? Who made the set, Brother Wang is the master. Wang Wanben, I have no other skills, and I still know some friends.”

Wang Wanben and Yuan Hao had originally agreed to meet inside. He was also about to walk into the public market, but found that there were a lot of people around here. After a casual glance, he found that Yuan Hao seemed to be arguing with someone. Only then came over. Originally wanted to see what was going on, but found that I understood the rough ice seed on the stone machine. At that time, it was bright.

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