Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 538 Crazy Stone (15)

Chapter 540 Crazy Stone (15)

Bai Yaqing didn’t like Zhang Yang and Chen Kang very much, especially when the two people looked at her and Anya, it was clearly Chi Guoguo’s possessiveness. If she used to be a bit afraid, but now she is a special member, not to mention bringing two people, it’s no problem to bring ten or eight people, her face sinks, “Brother Deqiang, you are with two friends. Go! Ms. Ann and I will just look around.”

Bai Yaqing originally planned to help Zhao Deqiang, but when the two of them are here, she is not easy to take action. When the good materials are available, she will take it back and give it to her aunt, which is also a kind of heart.

Zhao Deqiang knew that Bai Yaqing asked him to come here because he wanted him to take her to stroll around. He is not a member himself. Now he can only ask Zhang Yang and Chen Kang for help. He was a little anxious after hearing what she said. Can’t get in.”

“Who said we don’t have a membership card?”

Bai Yaqing just helped herself. Of course, she had to pay back a love point. She took out a golden membership card directly from her shoulder bag.

Zhang Yang and Chen Kang saw the golden card that Anya took out, and their eyes instantly lit up, “Premium membership card!” Even Zhao Deqiang took a breath of air. The people holding this card are not ordinary people, most of them are. He is a top-notch rich man who spends more than 100 million yuan here every year before he is eligible to apply for this card.

Zhao Deqiang knows that Bai Yaqing’s friend is not simple. He knows from her dress that the clothes she wears are top European brands, and each piece is in the range of tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even millions. It is not something ordinary people can consume.

The Bai family is considered a rich man in the provincial capital. Despite this, Bai Yaqing does not wear such expensive clothes in normal times, and only wears such top clothes on important occasions.

The Zhao family is considered the richest man in Haicheng. Compared with the Bai family in the provincial capital, the Zhao family is still a bit worse than the Bai family in the provincial capital. Now it is not a little bit worse than the woman in front of him. At this time, Zhao Deqiang is a little ashamed, “Ya Qing, then you can go shopping by yourself !”

Anya is a senior member, and Bai Yaqing is a special-level member. If you let Zhao Deqiang know about it, I don’t know what to think, the special-level member is handled by Jinsheng. It may be too rushed. The membership card has not been delivered to her. Only a few people know her title of King of Jade.

There are no more than 10 special-level members in the country. These people are people with identities. They are not masters of jade or a wealthy one. As long as they spend 1 billion yuan at a time, they have the opportunity to apply for special-level members.(Read more @

Although Zhang Yang and Chen Kang were dissatisfied with Zhao Deqiang’s arrangement, they did not want to be embarrassed. They knew what kind of woman they could afford, and what kind of woman they could not afford, and some of them could not give up. Watching the three people leave.

“Brother Zhao, what is the background of your aunt’s friend? The accent seems to be from Port X.”

Zhang Yang looked at the disappearing three people and asked unwillingly.

Zhao Deqiang also heard Anya’s accent from Port X, but he had never heard of Bai Yaqing and friends from Port X, so he could only shook his head, “I’m sorry, I don’t know. Let’s go. , Let’s go inside and have a look.”

The hotel is very close to the public market. Tang Feng, Bai Yaqing, and Anya hired a taxi, which arrived in about ten minutes. Just after getting off the car, a fat man and a thin man ran over, “Miss Bai, you Are you here?”

Fat and thin are not others. They are Tong Wanwan and Xing Dongtian who are on a narrow road. They are the last to leave. Of course, they know the identity of Bai Yaqing. Jin Ye said that the other party is the King of Emerald, so it must be the same. The two wanted to ask Bai Yaqing to help choose a few good materials, or to follow along and see a few omissions.

Bai Yaqing just glanced at the two people, nodded, and then walked inward in a stride. As soon as I walked into the gate, the scene inside changed. The more you go in, the more shocked you are. There are countless stalls, and you can’t see the edge at a glance. The quality of the rough stones at each stall is not bad.

The excitement outside made Tang Feng feel the prevalence of stone gambling. But here, Tang Feng knows what is the real stone betting style and what is the real excitement.

Looking at the piles of rough jadeite stones, Tang Feng’s eyes were shining, and he could not wait to fly over. In his eyes, the rough jade stones in front of him are all gold, gold hidden in the stone skin. As long as he can dig out a slightly better texture in it, he won’t have to worry about it in the days to come.

Bai Yaqing was still the same as before, starting from the first booth, touching one by one, while Tong million and Xing Dongtian stood behind her, each holding a small notebook in their hands to record something.

The public bidding method is a hidden bid, that is, the prospective buyer receives a bid from the public bid organizer, and puts it in the bid box within a specified time limit. The highest bidder wins the bid on the date of bid opening.

The base price of rough stone is generally set very low. In order to ensure that their raw materials are sold at the ideal price, the vendors will participate in the bidding, which is called “blocking bids” in the industry. The price of each bid is 500 yuan. If there is no bid price higher than the blocked price on the bid opening day, the stall owner can take the raw materials away after the end of the public auction or participate in the public auction again at a later date.

Even if Bai Yaqing finds the rough stone with fluctuating energy, she cannot buy it right away. She must participate in the bidding and give a reasonable price, otherwise she will not be able to buy it at all. When Bai Yaqing came for the first time, she didn’t know the rules at all. Fortunately, Anya had already prepared. He took out a small notebook and a pen from her bag and handed them to Bai Yaqing, and told her some of the contents. The rules, she just understood it.

Bai Yaqing looked at the fat and thin people behind, only to understand why the two people were holding small notebooks and jot down there. There were also many such people around. At the beginning, she was still strange, but now she understands. , It turns out that everyone is recording the mark of the rough stone, and once they are fancy, they will fill in a tender.

The fat man and the thin man are behind Bai Yaqing, no matter what she writes, both of them can see, and she has no way of writing.

“Sister Yaqing, let’s take a look here! I’ll take a look over there.”

There are a lot of people inside, even more crowded than outside. There are fat and thin people watching. Tang Feng is not worried about Bai Yaqing’s safety, not to mention that she is now a person in the early stage of Qi training, and most people are not her opponents.

Bai Yaqing understood Tang Feng’s meaning and nodded. When Anya saw that Tang Feng was about to leave, she was anxious at the time. In case Tang Feng made a ghost at this time, wouldn’t her jade be soaked? But if she didn’t follow Bai Yaqing, she was a little worried. Finally, after weighing the pros and cons, she gritted her teeth and followed Tang Feng.

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