Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 545 Crazy Stone (Twenty-Two)

Chapter 547 Crazy Stone (twenty-two)

“Boss, I know you all want this jadeite, but this young lady really gave me this jadeite. If I can prove that she gave it to me, would you stop fighting? ”

There are too many people. Tang Feng still has many jadeites to sell. He doesn’t want to offend so many people at the same time. What’s more, he has noticed that several eyes are fixed on this jadeite. , And even for myself and others to leave Pingzhou are somewhat difficult.

“Well, if you can prove that this violet was given to you by Miss Ann, we will not pursue it, otherwise you will have to sell it to us at a price of 500 million yuan, and you can’t be an excuse.”

Qian Guangcang was the first to stand up. He didn’t believe what Tang Feng said. If Anya had this violet, she would give it to the other party. Her jewelry store would be crushed by him. This is his. Confidence. Now the three bosses are combined. These three are not as good as their own. But when the three of them are combined, they have nothing to do with themselves. If you manage the matter by yourself, can you join them by yourself, even if you get it? One quarter of it is also a big receipt.

“Yes, as long as you show evidence, we will forget about this. Otherwise, we must give us a statement. If you don’t sell, you should say it earlier. But when we finish bidding, you say not to sell. This is clearly not true. Are you kidding us?”

The other bosses also expressed their opinions one after another, and they were also even less convinced that the other party would send hundreds of millions of things to this little boy casually.

“Well, since all the bosses have said so, let’s ask the boss if we know it, and the transfer record, and see if this lady transferred the account.”

Tang Feng’s words seemed to make everyone feel bad, especially Qian Guangcang. He always felt that there must be something in it, and he followed several bosses without saying a word.

“I can prove that this rough stone is indeed the money spent by this Miss Ann.”(Read more @

Tong Baiwan knows the importance of Tang Feng, and of course he has to stand on his side. At the same time, he looked at Yang Fafeng, “Boss Yang, please show your transfer records to everyone.”

The most regretful person is Yang Fafeng except Yuan Hao and Wang Wanben. The original stone came from him, and 150,000 was replaced by 500 million. How could he not be moved? He didn’t want to testify to Tang Feng, but Tong million made him here. , Can only show a wry smile, “Boss, don’t fight, the money is indeed from this lady, and there is transfer information on my mobile phone. You can check it out.”

Yang Fafeng’s cell phone quickly passed from the crowd. Everyone’s complexion was not very good after looking at it. In the end, they could only sigh, and it seemed that he had no chance with this violet.

“Don’t believe him, this jade is not his at all, but this young lady’s.”

Everyone knew that there was no hope, and they were ready to disperse. At this moment, Yuan Hao shouted, attracting everyone’s attention. Only one person looked at him with vicious eyes, and that was Qian Guangcang. If this piece of violet really got into Anya’s hands, then what he had done before would be done in vain, and that would be a big loss. Even in the future, it would be difficult for him to suppress her in competition.

“Friend, you can’t talk nonsense.”

Qian Guangcang narrowed his eyes and looked at Yuan Hao without a smile. Yuan Hao has not forgotten the shame Tang Feng brought to him just now. He has been looking at him bitterly, never noticed Qian Guangcang’s abnormality, and patted his chest. “Dear friends, many people are the same. Here, I have seen the whole thing in my eyes. I originally liked this stone. The boss promised to sell it to me for 100,000 yuan, but what about the other party? The other party forced the lady to buy it for 150,000 yuan. Later, the young lady really had no choice. It might be that this guy caught something and then bought it. She bought it. It should have belonged to her, but the other party cut the price, and she forced the young lady… …”

Yuan Hao was filled with righteous indignation and reorganized the story again. Even if he could not get it, he would not give it to Tang Feng in vain. He didn’t believe that this lady was indifferent to 500 million yuan, as long as he was tempted. , And have her own testimony, then this violet is hers, and she will definitely thank herself when that happens… Yuan Hao is happier as he thinks about it, and even thinks that Anya might throw in his arms.

“Yes, there is nothing wrong with my little brother, Miss An, don’t be afraid, we will all make the decision for you together.”

Wang Wan is a businessman who is also good at observing words and colors. He has long noticed Anya’s desire for this violet. It is now time for him to perform and hope she can remember her well.

After listening to what Yuan Hao and Wang Wanben said, Anya really couldn’t laugh or cry, especially Tang Feng kept looking at herself with a smile, she could not have any distracting thoughts, “Sorry, I don’t have any handle in his hand, I give it to him It was just a rough stone, and I don’t know if it can produce green inside. The reason why it is green, I think his luck is better.”

“I can guarantee Ms. An on this point. An’s and we are competitors. Now An’s has reached the end of the world. If she really knows that there can be violets in it, she will definitely not give it to others. Now she is giving something out. It’s someone else’s. Although we are competitors, I still admire Ms. An’s personality.”

Qian Guangcang was originally Anya’s enemy. He was the first to speak for Anya, and everyone understood his intentions. Anyway, everyone can’t buy it, and it’s no use arguing. The other party is from Port X. Even if the other party gets it, it will have no effect on them. The most is to make less money.

Yuan Hao originally wanted to say something, but Qian Guangcang’s smiled eyes told him that once he was saying something, he would definitely not end well. He opened his mouth, and finally closed it.

“Boss Qian, thank you. I can’t forget you any material in the future. As for this violet, I won’t let anyone else. I’m not afraid that everyone will laugh. I plan to use him to wear a few bracelets and go back. Then it will be given to my mothers and sisters.”

After Tang Feng finished speaking, Xiao Baifang smiled. Everyone understood his intentions. At the same time, they saw Anya’s disappointment. Qian Guangcang nodded in satisfaction.

Anya did mean to take this piece of violet, but Tang Feng’s words completely made her desperate, because he found that this little boy, who looked very small, never spoke the same thing.

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