Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 549 Crazy Stone (26)

Chapter 551 Crazy Stone (twenty-six)

At noon in midsummer, the hot sun scorched everything in front of me mercilessly. The concrete floor and the forested floors are like a bronze mirror, so that you can’t open your eyes; the trees are hanging their heads, weakly facing the difficult time, and raising their heads from time to time, as if looking at the distance. Can there be dark clouds drifting across the sky. The ground at this time seemed to be covered by a huge steamer, making people breathless with heat.

In the public market, the originally dense crowds also dispersed, leaving only the bosses who were guarding the stalls.

“Tang Feng, can’t we change time?”

Anya, who loves beauty, is really dissatisfied with the scorching sun.

“For another time, do you want to be surrounded by those men and then hush you?”

Tang Feng curled his lips, didn’t care about Anya’s attitude at all, and continued to walk into the public market.

Bai Yaqing was also in the early stage of Qi training, but she couldn’t do what Tang Feng did. She was not immersed in the cold and heat, and sweat dripped on her forehead, but it was better than Anya.

There were only a few scattered people walking in the public market, and the arrival of Tang Feng, Bai Yaqing, and Anya did not attract everyone’s attention at all.

The record book belonged to Tang Feng, but Anya was surprised to find that Bai Yaqing did not go to see the rough stone, but started bidding according to Tang Feng’s record book.

“Miss Bai, what are you?”

Anya suddenly had a bad feeling that she was cheated by Tang Feng. Then think about why he bought the rough violet stone. If he just wanted to cheat himself, he could change the method and why. Stone on the spot… thinking about it, a cold sweat broke out on his body, and he looked at Tang Feng with a peculiar look.

Bai Yaqing did not speak, but looked at Tang Feng, and the sweat on An Ya’s forehead continued to flow, “Tang Feng, you lie to me.”

“Fuck, where did I lie to you? Did you say I lied to you for money, or did I lie to you?”(Read more @

Tang Feng is righteous and strong, with his hands folded on his chest, he looks like a rogue, and Anya is speechless. She wants to open her mouth several times and closes her mouth. In the end, she can only coldly hum and turn her head away. .

“Tang Feng, what does Anya say is also a girl, can’t you let her order?”

Bai Yaqing couldn’t stand it anymore. Not only did this guy often molested Anya, he also never let it go, especially last night, when he actually wanted to eat his own tofu, it was too angry to think about it.

The weather is hot, Bai Yaqing didn’t want to delay too much here, filling out the bid form quickly, and then putting it into the standard box. It took more than an hour to complete this feat, and the number of people in the public market began to gradually increase. Some people recognized the three of Bai Yaqing’s companions and came over to say hello.

The waiting in the morning was really empty and helpless. The hot sun caused those waiting to suffer. Originally thought that the’Jade King’ would not appear, and finally left disappointed. Some fluke hopes that there will be a chance in the afternoon. A good start, but found that the’Jade King’ came out of the public market.

There are a lot of rough stones in the public disk, just let the Emerald King check them one by one, and you can’t finish it in a month. Some of these people hope that the “Jade King” can give some guidance, and some hope that she can help herself see if the rough stone she chooses can be cut up. Everyone’s purpose is different, and some bosses even want to spend a lot of money on it. The King Jade helped him choose a few good raw materials, and such people accounted for the majority.

After receiving Tong million’s advice, A Boyang and Qi Shuyuan quickly rushed to the hotel where Tang Feng and Bai Yaqing were located, but the two of them were empty, even Zhao Deqiang, Zhang Yang, and Chen Kang did not see it, because The three of them heard that a glass of violets had been produced, and with curiosity, they wanted to find out, and left early.

Not to mention the three of Anya, Bai Yaqing, and Tang Feng. When countless people were looking for the three, the three were shopping leisurely in major shopping malls. Buying clothes is a woman’s nature, especially with the help of Anya, Bai Yaqing bought a lot of clothes, and soon Tang Feng’s left and right hands were full of bags.

An Boyang and Qi Shuyuan’s masters and apprentices were empty, they could only pin their hopes on the public market, and rushed back in a hurry. As soon as they arrived at the gate of the public market, they saw a familiar figure from the back. It was their eldest lady Anya. From the back, I wanted to check it out, but found that the other party was already in a taxi.

The two masters and apprentices missed Anya again, and they were a little worried. They didn’t even bother to eat lunch, so they hired a taxi and rushed to the hotel again, hoping that they won’t be empty this time.

“Master, can you hurry up, we can add more money.”

In order to prevent Anya from hiding between the two people, Aboyang hopes to return to the hotel before her.

“Okay, no problem, you guys sit firmly.”

With the driver’s rush all the way, the short distance was a few minutes ahead of schedule.

“Master, it’s Anya, it’s Anya.”

Qi Shuyuan’s eyes were sharper than those of An Boyang, and he saw the shadow in the taxi far away, which reminded him.

“Go, alienate, let’s go.”

An Boyang got off the car first, and walked to Anya who was getting off the car, “Miss, go back with us!”

After Anya saw An Boyang, she was first taken aback, and then her face went cold, “Amber, as for the raw material problem, I have solved it, you go back!”

“Miss, I know you may have some opinions on alienation, but we can’t make a joke. Tomorrow is the bidding period. This afternoon is our last chance. Once we miss this opportunity, we can only wait for the next time.”

An Boyang glanced at his apprentice Qi Shuyuan. As a master, how could he not know what the apprentice thinks, and he is also a little helpless. He also knows that Anya’s eyes are higher than the sky, and he doesn’t look down on his apprentice at all, but he This apprentice is very unbelievable, so he just likes her.

Now An’s Jewelry is in distress. As a member of the settlement, A Boyang is also responsible, especially for this purchase. He has a great responsibility. He has also made two-handed preparations. One is to select some from the public market. The other good rough stone is to contact some mainland jewelers and buy a lot of jewels from them at high prices. Although there is no profit in this way, at least it can keep the Anshi jewellery as it is and not be dragged down by its opponents. .

Anya is the general manager of An’s Jewelry and has the right to manage finances. Without her consent, others would not be able to pay. This requires her cooperation, but regardless of the overall situation, she has ran away secretly since she came to the inland.

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