Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 551 Crazy Stone (28)

Chapter 553 Crazy Stone (twenty-eight)

“Miss, I’m asking you again, are you going back with us?”

Aboyang has no face to stay anymore. This Aboyang is indeed too embarrassing. There are a lot of people around. Everyone has seen it. Now he has given pointers and can only put all the resentment on Anya. .

If in the past, Anya would go back obediently with him even if she didn’t want to, but now it’s different. With Tang Feng’s support, the problem of the least raw materials has been solved, not to mention that she followed Tang Feng for a purpose. Because he is too capricious, just because he is afraid of going back.

“Amber, go back first!”

Anya sighed. If she didn’t hate Qi Shuyuan too much, she wouldn’t want to offend An Boyang. An’s is actually not as stable as it seems on the surface. Anya’s father is now in charge of the Anya family, but he has two daughters. Anya is the eldest daughter. The youngest daughter is still in middle school. She is just over 50 years old, but her health is not very good. Back, maybe you just let it go anytime, and the heir of Anjia fell on Anya.

The Anya family is so big that it is blossoming everywhere. There are more than a dozen cousins, sisters, younger brothers, and younger sisters in Anya. What’s more, her uncles are still there. Everyone is staring at the position of the head of the Anya family and can’t wait. Pull Anya off the horse all the time.

It is for this reason that Anya has always been conscientious and kept the company in order. It was not until she took over the mess of An’s Jewelry that she got into trouble.

An Boyang is an offshoot of An’s, and he is on Anya’s father’s side. Anya dare not offend him, because he is afraid that he will turn to the other side and eventually fall into the camp of others. That would be a disaster for Anya.

In An’s Jewelry, it is better to say that Anya is the general manager. He is both a shareholder and a technician of An’s Jewelry. It is precisely because of his status as a technician that all business of An’s Jewelry is managed by him. In addition to not being in charge of money, An’s Jewelry simply can’t function without him. This is also the reason why she has been avoiding Qi Shuyuan, otherwise she would have expelled him a long time ago.

“Miss, I will report to the board of directors truthfully what you have done…”

“Old man, are you endless? Who are you scaring? I can tell you that she is now my post… maid…” Tang Feng just wanted to say’personal maid’ and found that Bai Yaqing’s eyes were not right, this Then he hurriedly squeezed back, and finally changed to a maid.

“Tang Feng, what are you talking nonsense, who is your maid.”

Anya can tolerate anything, but this one cannot be tolerated. Her dignified Miss An’s, if she is passed on to a little kid as a maid, especially now that Amber is here, if it is passed back to An’s, she How to hold power.(Read more @

“Anya, don’t forget your identity, don’t you? Don’t forget what you have said before. If you say no, you can leave now, just as if we have never known each other.”

Tang Feng had been wearing a faint smile on his face, and suddenly fell cold, as if he had changed a person. Yes, even Bai Yaqing was a little uncomfortable, but she knew that this was the real Tang Feng.

Anya gritted her teeth and tried her best not to make a sound. She knew that as long as she said a no-word, the relationship between the two would definitely end. She couldn’t get a stone from him. I can only follow An Boyang obediently and leave at the end.

“Anya, if you miss it, you miss it. If I let you choose between An’s and me, would you choose me? If I told you that An’s is just an ant in my eyes, would you believe it? You follow me, what I can give you will be something Ans can never get…”

“Young people, don’t be too arrogant. You are not in Anshi, and you will never know the strength of Anshi. Billions are just the surface of the family. What is really powerful is the foundation of Anshi. Anjia has existed hundreds of years ago. It’s simply not something you upstarts can understand.”

An Boyang thought that Tang Feng was the son of a wealthy family in the inland. Both in his character and temperament, he looked like an unscrupulous second-generation rich, arrogant, arrogant, and even the woman next to him was solemn and upright, with everyone. Demeanor.

“Really? Isn’t it an ancient martial arts family? Is the current ancient martial arts family so lonely? Can anyone who has just come into contact with internal energy be able to be the master?”

Tang Feng’s small eyes narrowed, and his eyes swept across An Boyang’s body. If A Boyang doesn’t say anything, he really hasn’t noticed it. It turns out that he is also a master, and these masters are relative to ordinary people.

The division of warriors is not the same as that of cultivators. They are mainly divided into four levels, heaven, earth, mysterious, and yellow. The heavenly rank is the highest state of the warrior, that is, the innate, which is equivalent to the foundation of the cultivator. Foundation building is the entry point for the cultivator, while the heavenly level is the pinnacle of the warrior, which shows the gap between the two.

Heaven, Earth, Xuan, and Huang are divided into three levels: junior, middle, and high. Like the current An Boyang is at most the early stage of the yellow rank, the entry stage of Anjin, if it were not for Tang Feng’s careful investigation, he would not have found his seemingly insincere at all.

“who are you?”

An Boyang was obviously a little flustered. There were not many people who could know the ancient martial artist. What shocked him most was that the other party actually said his own strength.

An Boyang looked at Tang Feng several times up and down, and anyone who could see his strength clearly had to be at least one level higher than himself. But in Tang Feng’s body, there is no real energy at all. Unless he has cultivated to the realm of returning to innocence, how is it possible, how big he is, those innate great abilities, which are not old monsters that have lived for hundreds of years, or those ancient martial arts disciples who have settled down, he can also feel the hugeness. True yuan.

“It doesn’t matter who I am. What’s important is that I am someone you can’t afford.” Tang Feng snorted, like a thunder exploded in An Boyang’s mind.

“Sister Yaqing, let’s go.”

Tang Feng shouted, without even looking at Anya, he walked to the hotel, Bai Yaqing shook his head helplessly, and then followed.

Anya bit her lip tightly, even if she bit her lips, the bleeding came. She gritted her teeth and followed after looking at Tang Feng who was about to disappear at the door.

“Master, what’s wrong with you?”

Qi Shuyuan looked at his master in a daze, and then asked concerned.

“Shu Yuan, it’s okay, let’s go! You have seen it too. It’s not because the teacher refuses to help you, but the young lady doesn’t like you at all. Nie Yuan!”

Under Qi Shuyuan’s reminder, A Boyang finally came to his senses. He didn’t know what had happened. He looked at the place where Tang Feng disappeared, and could only shook his head helplessly.

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