Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 553 Crazy Stone (Thirty)

Chapter 555 Crazy Stone (thirty)

One autumn rain and one cold, Bai Yaqing and Tang Feng were in a state of cold war, which lasted until the next day, and the two remained silent. Even if it was Tang Feng speaking, Bai Yaqing didn’t hear it, so she ignored it.

Today is the day for bid opening. Although the two did not speak, they went to the public market together. Most of the raw materials sold on the public market are decomposed on the spot in Pingzhou and processed on the spot. It is said that as soon as a chainsaw for dismantling is turned on, it is immediately overcrowded. Those who order the pieces directly, and those who order bracelets, bracelet cores, and leftovers are overwhelming. From raw materials to processing, from wholesale to retail, Pingzhou has formed an industrial chain of the entire jade industry.

In order to maximize the benefits, Tang Feng also decided to lay the stone on the spot and sell it. He looked at An Ya behind him, somewhat nervous, and didn’t say a word along the way, even Bai Yaqing didn’t even look at Tang Feng.

The tense bid opening soon began, and with the intervention of the host, the information of the winning bidder was quickly displayed on the big screen.

Anya has submitted a total of 20 bids, which is much less compared to Tang Feng, and soon found his own bid information. All 20 bids and 19 were won.

Tang Feng’s memory and observation skills are much better than An Ya. He and Bai Yaqing filled out 63 bids, but when the results of the bid opening came out, Tang Feng was dumbfounded and only won 41 orders, about one-third of them. The bids were robbed by others. Fortunately, most of the bids that were robbed were ordinary jade, with only one or two pieces of energy fluctuating relatively large.

“Anya, how is the result of the bid?”

After Tang Feng saw his own results, he was really worried about Anya’s winning the bid. In that case, he would really lose. Among the 20 bids he gave to Anya, 12 had relatively strong energy fluctuations, which should have reached the level of ice types. This was because he had only added two yuan to prevent accidents, but in the end there was an accident.

“All 19 orders were won and one was lost.”

Anya is both happy and worried. What is happy is that her supply of goods this year should be solved, and what is worried is that she might really lose. Now her worry is useless, she most wants to know the result of calcite.

“19 orders?”

Tang Feng was stunned, “Why did she lose so many of his own, but only one of hers? Is it true that my brother really has a character problem?” But he quickly understood, because Anya had a list of orders. The price is much higher than the price given by me. No wonder there are so many winning bidders.

Tang Feng is a novice and has never made a bid, so he doesn’t know the inside story at all. At that time, Anya was desperate, and really believed Tang Feng once and followed the normal bidding mark. These stones of her looked very ordinary, and the price was not very high, and the competitiveness was not very high. The price she gave was very high, and it was normal to win the bid.(Read more @

Nothing is happiest today than Tong million, tens of millions have invested in it. It is a big gamble. He is a veteran of the veterans. He is in the 20th mark and he can’t close his mouth with a smile, especially when he sees a big bet. After Tang Feng on the edge of the screen, he trot over directly, “Brother Tang, how many bids have you won? I will find two guys later to help you transport the rough stones.”

Tang Feng was worried about how to solve these rough stones. Fatty Tong came, and he was a little happy, “Boss Tong, trouble you.”

“Someone has calcite over there.”

I don’t know who yelled, the number of people in front of the big screen was reduced by half in an instant, and they gathered in places with a lot of people.

“Master, look, Mr. An is there.”

Today is the day for bid opening, and An Boyang and Qi Shuyuan also came to the public market early. Anya spent a total of more than 3 million on the account. Two people passed through the headquarters and learned that she had bought some rough stones. Regarding these rough stones, the two people didn’t care at all. This time, the company must allocate 200 million yuan. Compared with 200 million yuan, it is only a small amount of money. Since the money has not been spent, there is a remedy, which is to purchase some clear materials and go back.

Qian Guangcang does have some strength in Port X, but this is inland. Even if he is supernatural, he can’t take the entire market. This is their opportunity, especially before coming, An Boyang has contacted several bosses, as long as Anya nods, the other party can offer a very reasonable price, even long-term cooperation.

There were a lot of people when the bid was opened, and the two did not notice Anya’s existence. Now that there are fewer people, Qi Shuyuan saw her standing not far from the big screen at a glance.

“Go, let’s go over.”

An Boyang took the lead, squeezed from the crowd, and walked directly towards Anya.

“Fuck, you are in trouble.”

With Tang Feng’s voice, Anya’s face changed. She really saw An Boyang and Qi Shuyuan walking towards her.

“Boss Tong, you are here too!”

Tong Baiwan stood beside Tang Feng and Anya. An Boyang saw him at first sight. It was with his help that the two talents successfully found Anya. They are also familiar with each other, and they have left contact information with each other, hoping to have opportunities for cooperation in the future.

Tong Baiwan just smiled and nodded, and then looked at Tang Feng, “Brother Tang, you are busy first, I will go ahead if I have something to do. If you need any help, just speak up.”

Tang Feng just nodded to Tong million, and then smiled at An Boyang, “Old man, we meet again.”

An Boyang is very reluctant to see Tang Feng because he is too mysterious and always gives people a sense of oppression, but he is not here to ask for trouble. He is here to find Anya, so he ignores Tang Feng at all and walks straight there. In front of Anya, “Miss, we have already contacted several local jewelers and we are waiting for you to pass.”

“Amber, I bought some rough stones, let’s wait to untie these rough stones and talk about it!”

It was already a shame for Anya to not directly reject An Boyang, but A Boyang didn’t think so. He thought she was too naive, and he came to invite her again and again, but what about her? Even if she doesn’t want to see her apprentice, she can’t take the family’s interests as a joke, right? Until now, he has been considering the issue of position. If An’s is really handed over to Anya in the future, does she really have that ability?

“Miss, don’t be fooling around, okay? Do you know our burden this time? Even if these two friends around you have some abilities, they helped you choose some stones, but they are all low-grade rough stones, which can’t be solved at all. The crisis of our Anshi Jewelry.”

This is Aboyang’s last fight. If Anya is headstrong, he is really prepared to leave it alone.

“Amber, don’t worry, Miss Bai has promised us to supply us at least 10 ice seeds. With these raw materials, we don’t have to worry about the monopoly of Qian’s jewelry store.”

Anya saw that An Boyang’s face was not so good, so she could only explain it, hoping he could understand.

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