Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 561 Come Back Home

Chapter 563

“Mom, I’m back.”

In the early morning of the next day, a black Passat stopped at the door of Tang Feng’s house. With a loud shout, the neighbors in the surrounding neighborhood were immediately alarmed, and they came out to take a look. When Qian Shufang heard that it was his son’s voice, he ran out of the house in a hurry.

“You, are you?”

Qian Shufang always felt close to such a stranger in front of him.

“Mom, my Xiaofeng! Why don’t you know each other?”

Tang Feng knew this was the result, and quickly stepped forward to give his mother a hug. The changes after the foundation are indeed great, and only by carefully distinguishing can we see the original appearance.

“Xiao Feng, is it really you?”

Qian Shufang was a little excited. Since Tang Feng left, there has been no news. For more than a month, he has not had any contact with his family. Now that I saw my son came back safely, I was of course excited, tears in the corners of his eyes, streaming down the old cheeks.

“Mom, let’s talk in the house.”

The neighbors have all come out. Tang Feng didn’t want to be too ostentatious, holding the box in one hand and mother’s hand in the other, and walked inside. When Tang Aiguo, who was working, heard that his son had returned, he quickly put aside his work, and hurriedly greeted him, just when he met the two mother and son walking inside.

“Old man, what are you doing in a daze, and don’t rush to help his son get things.”

Tang Aiguo was also taken aback when he saw the strange Tang Feng. Fortunately, at the reminder of Qian Shufang, he quickly took the box in Tang Feng’s hand. At that time, he frowned and became heavy. The box was too heavy. He saw his son at the time. Carrying it, didn’t notice anything, only now I felt the weight of the box.

“Is that Tang Feng just now? I haven’t seen it for more than a month, so how come it has changed so much?”

The neighbor’s Aunt Liu was the first to come out, just in time to see the scene where the mother and son recognized each other.

“You said that is Tang Feng? No, right?”(Read more @

Aunt Zhang, the neighbor on the left, came out a step late, and did not hear the conversation between Tang Feng and Qian Shufang.

“Old lady, look at the car at the door of Old Tang’s house. Tang Feng drove it back, right?”

The man is still sensitive to cars. Yang Daming heard the chirping outside and walked out of the yard. At first glance, he saw the Passat lying in front of Tang Feng’s house. Then he asked his wife Liu Qin curiously.

“I don’t know, the car stopped there when I went out…”

After Tang Feng walked into the house with his mother, he didn’t even know that the neighbors outside were talking about his problem. And now Qian Shufang looked at him with doubts on his face, waiting for his answer.

“Mom, are you weird, why did I become like this? Actually, it’s not surprising. This kind of thing is a little illusory, just like it is shown on TV. Don’t I have a very good master? The current situation is just because of the practice, which can be said to be completely reborn, that is, if you practice martial arts to a certain level, such a reaction will occur.”

Tang Feng is fortunate now. Fortunately, he had fabricated an invisible master at the beginning. Otherwise, he really couldn’t explain it now.

“Xiao Feng, you won’t be a martial arts master like you did on TV now, right?”

Qian Shufang’s eyes widened, with an expression of disbelief. Especially when you see those heroes on TV, you can take the lead in the army, and I am excited to think about it.

“Mom, it’s not what you think. This is a magical technique that I practiced. It’s only an introductory stage, and I can’t fly like that on TV. But if you say it is a master of martial arts, it can be regarded as such, because My strength and speed are much faster than ordinary people…”

Tang Feng didn’t explain too much, just let the parents have some general understanding.

“Xiaofeng, your master is really an expert, when we will bring him home, we should be very grateful to others.”

Qian Shufang was a little yearning for her son. Even if you can’t learn it, you can learn a little bit.

Tang Feng understood what Qian Shufang meant, frowned, looked at Qian Shufang very seriously, and then looked at Tang Aiguo, “Dad, Mom, this kind of thing is not a joke, it has something to do with it. The destiny of our family, my master is very powerful, but he is not omnipotent. In this world, there are many powerful people. For so many years, he may not have no enemies. He accepted me as a disciple, just a temporary I hope that his mantle will not be broken. So we must be very careful not to say anything about me. The enemies of my masters are all strange people and strange things, with infinite power, once If you find some clues, you will find us. Not only will you be in danger, but I will also be in danger. Even if I escape to the ends of the world, I am afraid I will not be able to escape their pursuit…”

A woman’s mouth is not closed. Even if she loves gossip, even if Tang Feng is afraid of her mother talking nonsense and causing them trouble, he must keep a low profile when he has not explored the earth’s sphere of influence.

Tang Feng wanted to keep a low profile, but when he handed the white jade bottle to Anya, he was no longer in a low profile. Now many people are eyeing the white jade bottle. If Anya was tight-lipped, I’m afraid Tang Feng would have been in trouble.

Tang Feng’s words really scared Qian Shufang, he closed his mouth quickly, and at the same time began to tell his husband, don’t talk nonsense, and even made up a reason for Tang Feng, that is, plastic surgery. Tang Feng had no choice. In the end, he had to accept this fact, otherwise he couldn’t accept it at all.

“Mom, this time I went out but made a lot of money back.”

As Tang Feng spoke, he opened the trolley case, revealing a stack of red banknotes, neatly placed in the case.

Tang Aiguo’s eyes widened when he saw the money in the box, “Xiao Feng, where did you get so much money?”

“Yes! Xiaofeng, where did you get so much money?”

Qian Shufang is better than Tang Aiguo. All martial arts masters have come out. Now it is not too strange that her son brings back so much money. It’s just that the money is a bit too much. She has never seen so much money.

At that time, after Tang Feng and Bai Yaqing returned to Haicheng, they did not return home directly. Instead, they stayed in Haicheng for two days. In these two days, Tang Feng did a lot of things. He first took out 5 million from the bank. 5 million is not a small number. It frightened the people in the bank at that time. It was 5 million, not 50,000. The bank has regulations, and more than 50,000 must be booked in advance. Fortunately, the bank card was Bai Yaqing. With her help, I waited for one day, and then waited for Qian Yayun to come and take it out the next day.

With money, the second thing Tang Feng does is to buy a car, the Passat he drove, low-key and low-key. If he buys a sports car worth several million, I am afraid this big news will spread throughout Haicheng. .

The third thing Tang Feng did was to buy an apartment. His parents had a hard life in the countryside. He hoped that they could live a better life. Without the consent of their parents, he became the master. These things were done with Bai Yaqing’s help.

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