Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 566 Unexpected Gift

Chapter 568

History has changed, but Wu Yougan’s destiny has not changed. The day before Tang Feng went to the capital, the Haicheng police issued a wanted order to the whole country. With the help of Nei Ying, Wu Youqian escaped from Haicheng early. As for his fate, Tang Feng is no longer concerned about him. He will leave tomorrow. He still has a lot to do.

In the morning, Tang Feng drove the car and left early. The first stop was Chen Yuhua’s hotel. The restaurant was closed in the morning, and even the waiter did not come to work. Tang Feng parked the car directly in front of the hotel.

“Who are you? How did you get in, what do you want to do?”

Chen Yuhua got up early, was cleaning, and suddenly found a big boy standing in front of her.

“Sister Yuhua, we meet again.”

There was a faint smile on Tang Feng’s face.

Familiar voice and strange face. More than a month later, Chen Yuhua still remembers that strange strange boy.

“you are?”

Tang Feng has changed so much that Chen Yuhua never thought that the big boy in front of him was the Tang Feng that he always thought of.

If Tang Feng comes frequently, Chen Yuhua will definitely not have too much impression in his eyes, but he has disappeared, and since he said some strange things, he has not heard from him. The more he is like this, the more mysterious he is, which attracted Chen Yuhua. She’s curious, Tang Feng’s voice and smile often appear in her brain.

“Tang Feng. Didn’t you know? But it doesn’t matter, just remember. I’m here to say goodbye to you this time. I will go to school in the capital tomorrow. I’m afraid I won’t be able to see you for a long time.”

Tang Feng carried a silver password box in his hand, and placed the box on the edge of the bed.

The difference between before and after is too great, Chen Yuhua reacted after a long time, and his face became cold, “I don’t care how you came in, hurry up and leave for me, otherwise I will call the police.”

“You are still the same as before. There is no change. I just came to see you and brought you a gift.”

Tang Feng grabbed Chen Yuhua’s arm as he spoke. His speed was so fast that he didn’t give her a chance to react.

“Let go of me, let me go, what are you going to do?”

Chen Yuhua kept struggling, but found that the opponent’s hands were like iron tongs. No matter how she resisted, there was no response.(Read more @

A purple jade bracelet suddenly appeared in Tang Feng’s hand and slowly moved to Chen Yuhua’s wrist.

Chen Yuhua was stunned by the sudden accident. He forgot to resist. He didn’t react until a crystal-clear purple jade bracelet was put on his arm. “What the hell do you want to do, I won’t accept you.” Gift.”

“I have already given the gift, and I will not take it back. How to deal with it is your own business. If you don’t like it, you can throw it away, but I can remind you that this is natural glass. This kind of violet jade bracelet, if put to auction, is worth about hundreds of millions.”

Tang Feng released Chen Yuhua’s wrist as he spoke. Chen Yuhua originally planned to take the bracelet off and return it to Tang Feng, but was stunned by his words. It was worth more than 100 million yuan. Even though she was very strong in her heart, she couldn’t stand the shock.

“Sister Yuhua, take care, I’m leaving.”

Tang Feng came in over the wall. There is no need to go out over the wall. He walked outside while Chen Yuhua was in a daze. When he reached the gate, he turned around and looked at Chen Yuhua who was in a daze. There is 1 million yuan in the silver box by the bed. This is the pocket money I left for you.”

Coming in a hurry and walking in a hurry, there were only ten minutes before and after. The shock of Chen Yuhua was no less than the outbreak of the world war. She didn’t react until the handsome figure disappeared.

“Tang Feng, what kind of boy are you?”

Chen Yuhua ran out quickly, hoping to return the things to Tang Feng, only to find a dust on the back of the car. Only then did he quickly ran back into the room and saw the silver box beside the bed.

She opened the box without a password, and it was full of old people’s heads. The whole box was checked and it was indeed real money. The money is real, so the jade bracelet in your hand? Chen Yuhua couldn’t imagine it anymore.

“Tang Feng, tell him his name is Tang Feng, Yuyao’s classmate…”

Chen Yuhua suddenly remembered what Tang Feng had said to him. No matter what the relationship between the two people is, they cannot accept such a valuable thing from him, not to mention that it is only the second time that I have seen him until today.

She really couldn’t understand Tang Feng anymore. The previous men gave herself things with purpose, but what about him? I don’t even know what he wants to do, have a purpose for myself? Then there is no need to give such a valuable thing, let alone his eyes are always clear, looking at his eyes as if they haven’t seen him for a long time.

The phone rang, and he could only be found through Chen Yuyao. After the phone was connected, Chen Yuhua asked carefully: “Yuyao, do you have a classmate named Tang Feng?”

“Tang Feng?”

Chen Yuyao on the other end of the phone hadn’t made a sound for a long time, and hadn’t heard the name for a long time. Even in her sleep, she would often ring the scene that day.

“Yuyao, are you listening?”

Chen Yuhua was a little anxious, she was afraid the other party would say that she didn’t know him.

“Sister, I’m listening, maybe the signal was bad just now, I didn’t hear clearly.”

Chen Yuyao lied, she was flustered.

“Yuyao, do you have a classmate named Tang Feng?”

Chen Yuhua repeated it again.

“Sister, I have a classmate named Tang Feng, what do you ask this to do? Isn’t he offending you?”

Chen Yuyao asked with some worry. She knew her cousin’s temper.

“No, it’s just that he ate with me two days ago and left very valuable things with me. I must find him as soon as possible and return the things to him.”

Chen Yuhua also lied. She didn’t know how to explain to her cousin, so she could only make up a reason.

“Sister, I don’t know his contact information, you don’t need to worry, I can help you ask questions, and I’ll talk back later.”

After Chen Yuyao finished speaking, she hung up the phone and immediately opened the classmate group. Fortunately, some classmates were online. Then she asked the phone number of Tang Feng’s house, and immediately dialed Chen Yuhua after taking it down.

The group of classmates simply exploded. Goddess Chen actually looked for Tang Feng’s contact information, and they all guessed what happened to the two people. Some well-informed classmates even moved out the news about the two people from the same school. It caused an uproar. As for Chen Yuyao, there is no time to read the chat records in the group, and she is currently on the phone with Chen Yuhua.

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