Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 583 Hero Saves Beauty

Chapter 585

Today is a special day. Today is the day when Tang Feng and Leng Yuhan met. The previous encounter was a bit tortuous. The time is still that time, the place is still that place, and the shout is still that voice.

“Smelly bitch, run and see where you go.”

Tang Feng followed the voice and quickly found the alley where Leng Yuhan was. She was already surrounded by several gangsters. At this time, she was so helpless, how much she wished her Prince Charming would fall from the sky.

“This woman is mine, you can go now.”

This was the last sentence Leng Yuhan heard when he was awake. He lost his reason without even seeing the speaker.

“M’s, where’s the wild boy, get out of here if you don’t want to die.”

A little miscellaneous hair taking the lead made a beheading motion directly at Tang Feng.


Tang Feng wanted to pretend to be forceful again, but he couldn’t wait any longer, because someone had already started to deal with Leng Yuhan, and he didn’t want her to be taken advantage of by other men. When a little yellow hair was touching her, a forward kick kicked the opponent out directly, accompanied by a scream.

“Brothers give it to me, dare to do it.”

Looking at the flying companions, a few small gangsters hurriedly surrounded Tang Feng.

“Ah! Ah! Ah…”

With continuous screams, several gangsters all lay on the ground in a few seconds, because they did things that shouldn’t be done to Leng Yuhan, and Tang Feng started a little harder. These gangsters didn’t last for ten days. I’m afraid I can’t get out of bed for half a month.

It was obvious that Leng Yuhan had been drugged by these little gangsters, and now he had to find a place to let her vent. Fortunately, he had prepared in advance and had already opened a room nearby.

This time, Tang Feng has been a good person again, with his hands… Leng Yuhan, who was vented, also regained some consciousness. A little boy is doing it for himself…

Leng Yuhan’s face was very ugly, but at this time she didn’t have a trace of strength, and she was soft…

“you’re awake.”

Tang Feng retracted his hand on Leng Yuhan’s body, and at the same time he was relieved. In the previous life, two people must have had a husband and wife, and it was his first woman. He was really afraid that he could not control it, but fortunately he controlled it.

“who are you?”(Read more @

Leng Yuhan’s voice was a little hoarse, and also a little frightened.

“You rest, I’m leaving. We will meet again if you are lucky. Also, don’t go out alone in the future. It’s too dangerous. Fortunately, you are lucky. If you meet me, you may not be so lucky next time. I have opened this room for a day, so you can rest assured that no one will disturb you.”

Chen Yuhua is still at home, Tang Feng can’t stay too much time, it’s 11 o’clock now, maybe she is still waiting for herself in the living room, or lying asleep on the sofa in the living room.

“Wait, what’s your name?”

Leng Yuhan finally determined that the big boy in front of him had rescued him.

“Tang Feng.”

After Tang Feng finished speaking, he walked outside without looking back.

“How can I find you.”

While talking, Tang Feng had already reached the door, and Leng Yuhan was a little anxious, because she had many questions to ask him.

“We will meet again if we are destined.”

This was the last sentence of Tang Feng, and it quickly disappeared at the door.

Leng Yuhan was a little disappointed at Tang Feng’s sudden departure. Disappointment is disappointment. The most important thing for her now is to check her body and find that there is nothing unusual. This is a sigh of relief, and then she starts thinking about it.

She was thinking about how Tang Feng rescued herself, what kind of person he was, why he looked strange, and thinking of that shameful picture, he was actually giving himself…

When Tang Feng returned home, it was almost 12 o’clock. He gently opened the door and saw Chen Yuhua asleep on the sofa, and the TV was still on and playing.

Tang Feng turned off the TV first, found a blanket, and gently covered Chen Yuhua on his body.

“You’re back.”

Although Tang Feng is very light, Chen Yuhua did not sleep soundly. When he covered her with a blanket, she opened her eyes in a daze.

“Gathered with classmates, and I came back a bit late.”

Tang Feng fabricated a lie.

Chen Yuhua didn’t ask too much, and she felt relieved when Tang Feng came back, and went back to her house.

There was nothing to say all night, Tang Feng got up early to study, and these days he and Ye Tianxue have slowly become harmonious. Sure enough, history overlapped again, Ye Tianxue had feelings for him, and he still hadn’t escaped the shackles of fate.

accept? give up? This is a dilemma. He can’t have too much concern in this life. He will leave after all. Once he cares too much, he will be wiped out in the sky just like his previous life.

During the contact between Tang Feng and Ye Tianxue, there was always a pair of eyes staring at him behind his back. He knew that this was her bodyguard. It turned out that there had been someone behind her to protect him. He didn’t know it, just like his previous life. Since the two men in black appeared once, no one has ever bothered him.

“Master, there has been news from the Anjia, asking you whether you will participate in the martial arts conference next month?”

Today is Saturday. Tang Feng could have a rest, but there was a knock on the door early in the morning. It was Anya when he opened it. Today’s Anya deliberately dressed up, looked inside first, and saw that there was no one behind Tang Feng, so she said quietly.

“Martial arts conference? What martial arts conference?”

Tang Feng looked at Anya with some puzzlement.

Anya was a little embarrassed because she didn’t know, she could only shook her head, and then seemed to think of something, and then added: “Master, I don’t know this too well, but I know that my father has this every few years. At some point he will disappear for a while. I also asked him once, but he didn’t say anything, just that he was on a business trip.”

Tang Feng reached an agreement with Anjia when he left Port X to search for medicinal materials for him. In return, he will refine a certain amount of concoction for Anjia.

Ambow has completely recovered through these restorations, and has successfully entered the half-step innateness, becoming the half-step innateness that has settled in the young since modern times, and is especially expected to enter the innateness in the lifetime.

There is a big difference between congenital and half-step congenital. Once you enter congenital, Anjia can move from a small family to a middle-level family.

“Go back and tell your father that I don’t want to participate in any of your martial arts things. If there is nothing, don’t bother me.”

From the name, Tang Feng can guess that this is definitely a place for martial arts, because it is all performed on TV. For him, it is not a level at all, and there is no interest in it.

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