Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 594 See The Scenery From The Ring

Chapter 596

In order to help Tongxuan get out of trouble, the brothers Tongtian and Tongdi have already exposed their flaws. The other three people have patted the backs of two of them. If two of them deliberately dodge, even if they can’t move at all, they will only be slightly injured. , But the two didn’t dodge at all, and they slapped each other twice.

The two palms also accelerated the speed of the collision between the two people. The “bang-bang” accelerated two people ran into the other two people who were retreating. The speed was too fast, and the other party could not dodge at all. In the end, they could only watch the other person crash into their own. Body.

The unexpected appearance made four people fly out of the ring at the same time. The original ring of 10 people has now become 6 people, namely Tang Feng, Yimeng, Tongxuan, Zhao Qiang and Li Yunfei and Li Yunpeng two brothers.

Li Yunfei and Li Yunpeng can be said to be the luckiest. Right now, there are also two people who have the most advantage. The most advantage does not mean it is a good thing. Just like the three Kunlun seniors, they are everyone’s first choice.

“Brother Tongxuan, I was offended just now. Now there are 6 of us left on the court. Why don’t we assign it to you and Zhao Qiang will leave it to you. Those two will be handed over to our two brothers. What do you think? ?”

If Tang Feng and Yi Meng can’t make a move on the current field, it will be two-on-two. The strength of Li Yunfei and Li Yunpeng is slightly weaker than that of Zhao Qiang and Tongxuan, and the victory lies in the cooperation of the two. If they really fight, it will be half a catty against a pair of two, regardless of the difference. Li Yunfei grasped this point.

If in terms of strength, Tong Xuan’s strength is the highest among the three, this is also the reason his two seniors left him behind. He looked at Zhao Qiang and now he had a choice.

“Brother Tongxuan, I know that I am not your opponent, but it is not difficult to hold you down. If Li Yunfei and Li Yunpeng really force those two people out of the ring, you said that they both chose to deal with you. Or do you deal with me?”

Zhao Qiang is not a simple character. Now there are six people left. Who doesn’t want to be promoted, there are still two people in the Li family. If you follow the two-person method, then he will definitely be out. The only way now is to bring Kunlun’s Tongxuan over. , He must be the strongest here.

After Li Yunfei and Li Yunpeng listened to Zhao Qiang’s words, their expressions changed at that time, “Senior Tongxuan, as long as you hold Zhao Qiang, we will help you when the two of us solve the problem. We, Li Yunfei, can face the sky. I swear that if you violate this oath, there will be five thunderstorms.”

“This little brother, the other party wanted to let us out, how about we unite?”

Zhao Qiang has seen Tong Xuan’s heartbeat, and now his only hope is to win Tang Feng.

“Sorry, no interest.”(Read more @

Tang Feng is like a person who has nothing to do, smiling at the four people staring at him.

Zhao Qiang didn’t expect the other party to refuse. He really couldn’t understand. He originally thought Tang Feng was just a rookie, but now that he thinks about it, he seems to underestimate him. Especially at the beginning of so many people’s attacks, he actually avoided it, and also took one person with him.

“Boy, it’s arrogant, the game is over.”

Li Yunfei and Li Yunpeng winked, and while Tang Feng was talking, they walked towards him and blocked all his escape routes at the same time.

“Master, come on.”

Anya sitting underneath was the most nervous. Looking at the Li family who was forced to pass, she was very worried about Tang Feng’s safety.

In addition to Anya, the people in the family are also very nervous. Tang Feng is their last hope. Only An Haoran is as stable as Mount Tai. He knows Tang Feng’s strength best. Not to mention two people, even the five people present are not his opponents.

Li Yunfei shot while talking, stretched out his left hand, and patted Tang Feng’s right chest directly. With this palm, he almost used twelve% of his power, and the sneak attack would definitely hurt him seriously.

When Li Yunfei shot, Li Yunpeng also shot. He stretched out his right hand and patted Tang Feng’s left chest directly. The two brothers worked seamlessly together and completely blocked Tang Feng’s chance to dodge from left to right. He had to retreat.

Behind Tang Feng is Yi Meng, and behind Yi Meng is the edge of the ring. Even if he jumps off the ring, he is blocked by Yi Meng. The only way is to take the two palms.

Seeing that Tang Feng was about to be seriously injured under these two palms, the audience even closed their eyes and guessed the result a long time ago.

Li Yunfei’s face was already showing a wicked smile, and he was able to personally traumatize Tang Feng, bringing joy in his heart. Suddenly, the smile stopped, “Where is the person?”

The man disappeared. Just when Li Yunfei’s palm was within 1% of Tang Feng, he disappeared, and Yimeng behind him disappeared with him.


While Li Yunfei and Li Yunpeng were still looking for Tang Feng’s figure, the two felt a huge force behind them, and then they flew out. Finally, the two fell out of the ring at the same time, and both were eliminated at the same time.

The sudden change is so fast, people don’t know what happened before it is over. There are only 4 people on the stage now, namely Tang Feng, Yi Meng, and the fighting Tong Xuan and Zhao Qiang.

The sudden accident caused the two people to stop their movements and look in Tang Feng’s direction one after another. He and Yimeng are still standing on the edge of the ring, and what happened just now seems to have never happened. Only two people, Li Yunfei and Li Yunpeng, who showed bitter eyes in the audience were left.

“Go on, don’t worry about us, whoever wins will be promoted.”

Tang Feng watched the two people stop, and they started to add fuel and jealousy.

“Brother Tongxuan, if the two of us continue to fight like this, I don’t know when we will fight. Instead of wasting our energy like that, it is better to unite the two of us and force that girl out of the ring.”

Although Zhao Qiang didn’t see how Tang Feng took Li Yunfei and Li Yunpeng off the ring, he knew that the big boy in front of him was really pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. He couldn’t see through him. mysterious.

It’s not the first time Yimeng has participated in a martial arts conference. The last time she was in the late stage of Anjin, she did not expect to improve so quickly in two years. Even if she progresses quickly, she still has some understanding of her strength. The 4 people on the field are the weakest. If he and Tong Xuan unite, even if Tang Feng wants to protect her, she may not be able to keep it.

Tong Xuan also discovered Tang Feng’s abnormality in his slowness, and he admired his calculations. If he showed strong power at the beginning, it would definitely cause a joint attack from everyone. Now he has not only resolved the crisis, but also easily advanced. Similar to Zhao Qiang’s thoughts, he turned his eyes to Yimeng.

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