Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 597 Tang FengS Arrogance

Chapter 599 Tang Feng’s Arrogance

An Haoran is a lightning attribute. Tang Feng gave him a lot of benefits while intimidating him. How could he not know, and immediately observed it seriously.

The thunder and lightning in Tang Feng’s hands disappeared after about a minute. Fortunately, this was in Anjia’s place. He was surrounded by Zhongan’s disciples, so other people didn’t know what happened here, but thought Celebrating.

“Today’s matter about Mr. Tang does not allow any of you to speak out, otherwise the family law will deal with it.

After the thunder and lightning in Tang Feng’s hand disappeared, An Haoran took a deep breath, and then got serious. At the same time, all the thoughts just now were blocked. Will a person who is less than 20 years old have no martial art? impossible. This is something that Tang Feng didn’t expect, because of his hand, An Haoran truly stood on his side.

Half-step innate is the focus of the martial arts competition. As for the three innates on the stage, it is only a matter of ranking. It is also related to the ranking of the martial arts. Whoever has the first strength is likely to rule the martial arts for 20 years.

These three are Tongzhe from Kunlun, 30 years old this year, he entered the congenital at the age of 29, the first half of the last congenital first, is the best candidate for this championship. The other two are Dugu Aotian from Dugu’s family and Nangong Yuqing from Nangong’s family.

Nangong Yuqing is the only female among the three congenitals, and the youngest one, aged 29 years old, broke her congenital just one month before the martial arts conference. Outstanding performance in the last tournament, half-step congenital ranking seventh. It can be said that latecomers are on the top.

Dugu Aotian, also 30 years old, entered the threshold of innate last year, only half a month later than Tongzhe, and was the runner-up in the last half-step innate. He and Tongzhe fought a thousand moves, and finally lost half of them. His strength is equal to that of Tongzhe, and he is also the most popular candidate for the championship.

Now the three of them are watching another group of people on stage. The champion of this group can challenge them. Of course, there is still a big gap between the half-step Xiantian and Xiantian. This is not the difference between the early stage of Anjin and the middle stage of Anjin, but a big level, just like a child holding a big knife and an adult holding a pistol.

“Grandpa, do you think that Lingyu from Emei is going to lose?”

This is a half-step congenital battle. Countless disciples underneath are watching and discussing. The same is true of Anjia’s children. Among them, the strongest is An Yi. Just 29 years old this year, he reached the late stage of Anjin. There are already geniuses in these small families. It is him who is asking the question now.

“The martial artist is not looking at the advantage in front of you. Although the Lingyu girl has been weak among the four people, she has always kept her strength, and the outcome is hard to say!”

An Haoran was only half-step innate, and the people on the stage were at the same level as him, and whoever was higher could only be judged by his experience.(Read more @

“Although the girl on the stage has always preserved her strength, she is indeed weaker than the other three people. The other three seem to be desperate, but in fact they did not use their best. Even if the girl preserved her strength, the final result is still She is out. Any trickery is useless in the face of real strength.”

Since Tang Feng has cooperated with Anjia, it should be appropriate to give them some advice. The higher the strength of the other party, the greater the effect on him.

“Mr. Tang, if you are allowed to go up, how many moves can you use to defeat the three on stage?”

Although An Haoran is half-step Xiantian, he has never played against Xiantian, let alone how big the gap between the two sides is, so she asked curiously.

“one move.”

Tang Feng stretched out a finger.

One move still surprised An Haoran. None of the four people on the stage was weaker than him, which meant that he couldn’t even take a single move in front of him. No wonder he is so arrogant, this is the capital of arrogance.

The situation on the stage was changing. As Tang Feng said, the girl named Lingyu was the first to be out, and now there are only three people left on the stage. The strength of the three is among the first ones, who can have the last laugh, then can only rely on luck.

At half a step, they are inherently arrogant, and no one will unite with anyone. They are fighting separately, and the goal is to open the other side of the ring.

“Big brother, thank you for helping me on stage just now. This is my Uncle Yun and our team leader this time. I just saw you being slapped by Zhao Qiang. Now come and see if you have anything to do.”

Just as Tang Feng and the An family’s children explained the situation on the stage, Yimeng came over, and behind her was a Taoist aunt. She was dressed in a white Taoist robe and looked very young, about 30 years old, with Dan Feng eyes and big eyes. , Looks very harsh.

Tang Feng looked at the Taoist aunt in front of him, nodded, said hello, and then looked at Yimeng, “I’m fine.”

“An Haoran is your family so rude?”

Tang Feng said hello, but in Yun Ji’s eyes, this is not the case. She is a high-ranking Master Yun Ji, not to mention a small Anjia disciple, even if he sees himself, An Haoran has to be polite to three points. Tang Feng not only didn’t salute, but didn’t even say a word of greeting, which was clearly an insult to her, so he questioned An Haoran at that time.

Yun Ji’s voice was very loud, and people from the small family were all around, and they all heard it, and they looked to this side one after another.

“An family is going to be unlucky this time. I thought there was a terrible boy. In fact, he was just a fart, and he didn’t get to the end by luck. Now I offend Master Yunji from Emei, who doesn’t know the temper of Master Yunji. …”

“Look at the people who just made the settlement laugh so happy, now it’s alright, a junior is not polite at all, it’s no wonder that Master Yun Ji is so angry.”

“I’ve seen that kid not pleasing to the eye a long time ago. What to pretend? I learned a strange step on my own and didn’t look at others. It’s all right now. I offended Master Yun Ji. Let’s see how they settle down. ”

People around you talked about each other. Some words are very ugly.

“Uncle Yun, Brother Tang Feng is very nice.”

Originally, it was a happy thing to see Tang Feng from a dream. He finally begged Master Yun to come over. He didn’t expect him to get angry with his Master, so he quickly stood up to help explain.

Tang Feng touched Yimeng’s head, “It’s okay, you can go back.” Then he looked at Yun Ji, “You are not welcome here, please leave!” He doesn’t want to cause trouble, and he is also not afraid of trouble. Now he Already very polite.

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