Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 599 The Power Of The TigerS Roar

Chapter 601

Today’s competition is over, the top nine of each level have been produced, and tomorrow is the level qualifier.

Ranked qualifiers, only ranked the top nine, paired against each other, the winner advances, until the champion of this level is decided, the champion can advance to participate in another level of competition, or give up, the choice is in his own hands in.

Before the innate, the gap between each level was not very large. There are many factors that determine a person’s strength, such as the exercise method, the level of the exercise method, which can also reflect the level of strength. There have also been many examples of cross-level victories in previous competitions.

“Mr. Tang, be careful at night.”

After the tournament was over, An Haoran’s face was not very good, and there were people pointing and pointing along the way.

“Master Ann, if they don’t come to disturb me, they are lucky. If they come, they are unlucky. Also, no matter what happens tonight, don’t approach my tent.”

There are no hotel rooms here, and no five-star hotels, only accompanying tents.

Tang Feng is a cultivator, and the cultivator does not lie in the size of the force value, but the strength of the mana. He has only the foundation building period now, and there are not many spells that can be used at all, and the power is very small. This does not mean that he has no other abilities.

Formation is a compulsory subject for every cultivator. Although Tang Feng is not a master of formation, he still understands the basic formations. Even the basic formations cannot be contended by humans. These are all real formations from the fairy world.

If you want to arrange the formation, you must have the spirit stone for the formation. Of course, Tang Feng doesn’t have it, and can only be replaced by other items. Fortunately, there are a lot of emeralds stored in his space bracelet.

Jade is also a kind of spirit stone, but its energy is limited compared to real spirit stone. If you want to use it to arrange formations, its power will be much smaller. Even so, it is not a problem to kill a few early innate warriors. , As long as they don’t come to warriors above the late innate stage, Tang Feng can be sure that they will come back.

The sky is not yet dark, and there are people everywhere on the mountain and down the mountain. It is impossible to arrange an array without knowing it. You can only wait until it gets dark.

Tang Feng’s tent is very large. In order to cover people’s eyes, Anya also lives in this tent, but two people are practicing at night, and nothing will happen at all. Even if Anya wants something to happen, Tang Feng won’t let her happen. .

Tang Feng’s space bracelet stores a lot of food, and he has to work at night, so it’s better to fill your stomach first. Anya was very strange. Every time she came back, she found a lot of food in the tent. She didn’t know where the food came from. She couldn’t help asking Tang Feng several times, and he just smiled every time.

“No matter what happens tonight, don’t panic, don’t go out, just practice well.”(Read more @

This is not an exaggeration by Tang Feng, because along the way, he has found that several people are unkind to him. It is better to be careful about everything.

Anya didn’t understand what Tang Feng meant, but she nodded obediently, and after clearing up the trash that the two people had eaten, she began to practice.

Kunlun Mountain is close to the boundary gate, and the weak aura that penetrates from the boundary gate makes the surrounding aura ten times as much as that of other places. It is really a good place for cultivation.

If Tang Feng didn’t have so many worldly things and lived and practiced in seclusion here, even without the help of medicinal juice, within 10 to 20 years, he could reach the peak of foundation building, even condensing pills, and become a true cultivator.

A cultivator who does not condense the pill can not be called a cultivator, and only the golden pill stage can truly exert the abilities of a cultivator. Flying swords, fire control, water control, thunder…

After the martial artist reaches the innate, although they also have attributes, there is still a gap between them and the cultivator. They can only attack with attribute attacks to double the damage. This is also the difference between the innate martial artist and the ordinary martial artist.

The sky soon got dark, Tang Feng walked out of the tent slowly, and made a circle around the tent first, and found nothing unusual.

Pieces of walnut-sized jade flew out of Tang Feng’s hands, accurately falling into every position, and finally formed the shape of a tiger.

Tiger Howl Array, this is a combination of killing and trapping formations. Once the formation is triggered, it will make the sound of tiger howls and attack the enemy by means of sound waves.

The reason why Tang Feng chose this formation was for his purpose. This is a deep mountain and old forest. There are beasts everywhere, and the sound of tigers roaring is normal.

This is just a simple tiger roar formation, the real tiger roar formation requires 192 spirit stones, and the other one is the tiger roar stone as an array eye. Its power is also very big, can trap and kill all the immortals below Da Luo Jinxian.

At present, the tiger roar array that Tang Feng arranged only used 48 jade stones, and its power was pitiful, especially in terms of lethality. As long as ordinary people didn’t stray into it, there would be no danger of life.

When the last piece of jade was placed, Tang Feng made a strange gesture, and then a white light flashed, and soon the tent in front of him disappeared. Fortunately, it was at night, and no one noticed it at all.

After setting up everything, Tang Feng also returned to the tent. At this time, Anya was practicing. He did not disturb him, and also sat on the mat and began to practice.

In the evening, before twelve o’clock, everything is fine. When it was almost 12 o’clock, Tang Feng suddenly opened his eyes, and then there was a tiger roar.

“Ah!” A scream, it was so creepy. Anya also quickly opened her eyes, and Tang Feng had already explained it, and this did not cause continuous screams.

Tiger Howl was triggered several times in a row, and also made several screams, which lasted for a long time before calming down outside.

“Ah! It’s dead.”

Early in the morning, with a scream, the surrounding peace was broken, and the warrior hiding in the tent hurried out.

There were several people lying around the Tang Feng tent, motionless, as if they were dead. This was not a trivial matter. Someone immediately reported Kunlun’s affairs.

It’s not that the dead have never appeared in previous martial arts conferences, but very few, and now several died at once, of course it is not a trivial matter.

“Don’t worry, they are not dead yet.”

This is Anjia’s station. Once something happened and Anjia couldn’t get rid of the relationship, An Haoran was the first to run out after hearing the shout. When he saw a few people lying on the ground, he also took a breath. Fortunately, the experience did not make him flustered, so he hurried to check the situation of a few people.

The condition of a few people is not bad, except for some squeezing in their bodies, at least they are not life-threatening, they just fainted.

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