Rebirth of the Tech Madman

Chapter 426: The calculated one won't run after all

Jimmy Savile’s true identity was revealed, and the BBC’s image was first seriously damaged.

I don’t know if I check it, I’m surprised when I check it out. At the current stage of the BBC, not only is the ethos like Jimmy Saville to be condoned, but there is also a faintly popular trend. Institutional corruption is nothing more than this.

Secondly, many celebrities who have the ethical side are also known to the world, such as the famous rock singer-Gary Glitt was arrested.

Suddenly, the people who had a criminal record made a lot of noise, and even spread to the political arena.

The most exaggerated thing is that the place where this gang did evil is often in the BBC’s locker room and other internal locations.

This shows how this public media organization can't shirk its blame.

As a competitor, the British independent television station will naturally not let go of the opportunity to attack its opponents. It found a live show of Jimmy Saville in 1975.

In the scene nearing the end, while the "Uncle Guo" was speaking, the girl who participated in the show suddenly jumped up unnaturally, and constantly made very awkward avoiding postures.

From today, seven years later, everyone must have guessed what happened, and Jimmy Saville's boldness and unscrupulousness also made people dumbfounded.

In addition, the British independent TV station also disclosed the unspoken rules of Jimmy Saville's ace show "Let Jimmy Do It" in the production process.

That is to say, this show often selects "lucky ones" according to the wishes of big companies and organizations, and when some artists need to seek exposure, the producers will pick out letters that specifically propose to meet with these artists.

such as. When British Airways wanted to make a soft advertisement. Those who are eager for air tickets have become the first choice.

Again. When boxing champion Muhammad Ali visited the UK in 1976, thousands of people wrote letters hoping to meet Muhammad Ali. As a result, Jimmy Savile chose three boxing school boys.

In other words, the moments when the dreams come true that the viewers in front of the TV relish are often the effect of being fooled, and the BBC also serves commercial interests to some extent.

Of course, for a celebrity with great influence like Jimmy Saville, his circle is not limited to the BBC with working relationships. As well as the various entertainment stars in their peer relationships, some political and business celebrities can't escape, and they have tried every means to get rid of this connection.

It can be said that how people admired Jimmy Saville at the beginning, and now how they spurn Jimmy Saville has become a disgrace to the entire United Kingdom. All of a sudden, the joy of the victory in the Falklands War was overwhelmed. Clean and clean.

The series of British social earthquakes caused by Jimmy Saville really has nothing to do with Tang Huan. He was only responsible for the start. The following plays were all sung by the British themselves.

In the final analysis, now the more tossing, the bigger the excitement. It should be attributed to the British economic situation, which fell to the bottom this year like the United States, and the unemployment situation continues to deteriorate. According to official statistics, the number of unemployed in the UK has reached 3.6 million.

Originally, the complete victory of the Battle of Falkland Islands could help the British government to survive this sad time, but who caused Jimmy Saville to cause such a big trouble, there is a dereliction of duty here. There are too many, and some politicians seem to have a lot of friendship with this big villain.

As a result, the stakeholders who were not easy to make a sound immediately shouted.

Beginning in the 1950s, the British Conservative Party Government continued to absorb the Labour Party’s propositions on the welfare state, and it took a leftist line.

But now Margaret Thatcher, who is also a Conservative Party, has begun to turn right-cutting welfare, privatizing state-owned enterprises, cracking down on labor unions... It is difficult to say how many people's interests have been harmed by this series of measures, but There is nothing wrong with inviting hatred.

After the victory in the Battle of Falklands, the reputation of the British conservative government continued to rise, but once the scandal of Jimmy Saville was exposed, Margaret Thatcher's war dividend advantage began to quickly lose.

It is completely predictable, but for a while, the messy Britain shouldn't stop.

Seeing that the British side can no longer put the hat on the head of ea, Tang Huan humorously chose the first stop for the global promotion of Cassidy game consoles in the United Kingdom, with the slogan "Use sincere games to expel bad games."

After cursing "Look at whose ideology is bad", Tang Huan asked Fangyuan Computer to cooperate with compatible manufacturers to launch an encirclement and suppression of the British personal computer market. He wanted to kill him like the -9800 series of similar products in Japan. Cambridge-based manufacturers such as Icon Computer in the United Kingdom.

Especially the personal computers of the British Broadcasting Corporation, the education market targeted by Tang Huan is the fat meat that Tang Huan has coveted for a long time. Naturally, we have to take advantage of this opportunity that the BBC is in trouble, and launch various public relations to squeeze it away.

After setting up everything, Tang Huan leisurely set off to Spain to watch the World Cup finals, and by the way, he called in the senior management of Chelsea club to accompany him.

Now the Chelsea team is no longer so unlucky and almost can't even play in the secondary league. It has gained a firm foothold and the league results have improved significantly.

So Tang Huan announced in a high-profile manner that he would spare no effort to build a strong lineup to help Chelsea rush to the top league within two years at most, with the goal of becoming a giant.

Such a statement finally made those who care about Chelsea breathe a sigh of relief. After Gein Tang Huan bought the entire club, he kept a low profile and asked about the team's performance, which made people doubt what he was spending the money for.

In fact, mainly because he learned that the construction of Stamford Bridge Stadium was completed and some properties of the Chelsea Club were successfully developed. Tang Huan felt that the card in his hand was the time to cooperate with Hong Kong’s Qin He and ea, which was recently picked up. PR again.

After arriving in Spain, Tang Huan met Christina first. At this time, the female ship king, has gotten her wish to fully include the Milan club, spending a total of more than 30 million US dollars.

have to say. After all the calculations can't run.

In 1980. The Milan team won the third place. But after the season it broke out that the Milan boss was suspected of participating in football fraud and the players were suspected of betting against Lazio and Lazio. The result was forced to be downgraded to the second division by the Football Association.

Originally under Tang Huan's guidance, Christina planned to buy the bottom and completely buy the Milan club, but failed to do so. Most shareholders still have confidence in the team and are unwilling to sell their shares.

The fact is the same, although after downgrading. Most of the players have climbed to another high branch and went so far, but the Milan team still won the championship in the 1980-1981 season in the second division and returned to the ranks of the first division.

Christina was disappointed by this. Since she can't buy it, it's better to find another target as soon as possible.

However, Tang Huan persuaded the female ship king to stay patient, the Milan team may not get rid of bad luck so easily, compared with the original, it can be said to be badly injured. This good show is definitely not over yet, so don't do anything. Just sit on the sidelines with cold eyes.

Sure enough, Tang Huan's crow mouth came true again.

Due to lack of strength. In the 1981-1982 season, the season that just passed in the middle of this year, the Milan team ranked only 14th and once again fell into the quagmire of the second division.

In the original time and space, this period was a nightmare that Milan could not bear to look back on.

It was already in a low period of adjustment, but the team fell into the second division twice in a row, which was really shocking.

The shareholders are naturally more sensible than the fans. Whether it is for the purpose of stopping losses or with the good hope that Milan can embark on the road of revitalization in the hands of the new owner, they have sold the shares to Christina anyway. This club has been labelled the Onassis family.

Regardless of whether he really understands football or not, Christina, who becomes the owner, must make a gesture to show her presence on the big stage of the World Cup and observe which players can become the pursuit goals of the Milan team that desperately needs to supplement their strength.

After meeting for a while, Cristina complained: "My dear, the Diego Maradona you asked me to sign is too rebellious. On July 2nd, Argentina teamed up with Brazil team. In the game, he was sent off with a red card for kicking someone with his leg."

Tang Huan asked Christina to open a brokerage company to sign those big stars who had an impression of time and space and were carefully selected. Sophie Marceau, Monica Bellucci, and Steffi Graf belonged to the first place. A batch of results.

Among these three, Sophie Marceau was a bit rebellious, but compared to the temper of Maradona, who was later signed, it can only be said to be insignificant.

"People with ability are often people with character." Tang Huan smiled disapprovingly. "Argentina and Brazil are competing against each other. The little man Maradona is so active on the court, thinking It's hard not to be a foul. In addition, the Argentine team is lying on the merits of the previous championship, and Maradona, who is eager to perform, suddenly sees an unknown fire in his heart, which is understandable."

"Well, even if this matter is not worth pursuing, but he has contacted the Barcelona club privately and intends to join this team next season. What should I do?" Christina showed an annoyed look on his face, "I'm not buying Milan? He originally planned to recruit Maradona directly from the Argentine Boca youth team, but he still disliked the level of the second division.

When the old ship king started his business, Argentina was considered a blessed place in his business, which made the Onassis family quite capable of operating there.

Therefore, according to Tang Huan's instructions, when Cristina selected Maradona from among the many football talents in Argentina, the other party did not hesitate and went under.

At that time, Maradona played for the Argentine youth team. After Cristina signed the other side, she transferred to the higher-level Argentine Boca youth team in June 1981, in order to further exercise her ability. To prepare for entering Milan in the future.

However, every industry has its own way. The level of Cristina's half-brokers certainly cannot be compared with the professional level of Barcelona, ​​who wants to pick peaches. Maradona's reluctance to go to Milan is a proof.

"Well, I'll help you with this matter, you go find someone." Tang Huan comforted Christina.

"This guy should still be in Barcelona." The Queen of the Ship murmured as she asked people to find her.

In this gap, Prince Fahd of Kuwait visited.

The two originally planned to meet in London, England, but the office of the Kuwait Investment Commission changed from Kuwait Investment Commission to Kuwait Investment Authority was also there, and they happened to talk about things together.

However, Tang Huan dismissed the recent Britain as being too noisy, so he suggested to come to Spain, and everyone watched the World Cup finals while discussing the details of cooperation.

Prince Fahd hesitated a little, and finally agreed. The reason why he seemed a little reluctant is because he caused a turmoil in this World Cup.

Kuwait and England, France, and Czechoslovakia are assigned to Group D. In terms of team strength, it must be at the bottom. After all, no matter how much money is spent, the growth of the national team always takes time.

The fact is also true. In the first game of the first round on June 17, Kuwait and Czechoslovakia drew 1:1.

As a result, in the confrontation with the French team on June 21, Kuwait was directly shot 4:1.

Perhaps because of the draw in the first game, the Kuwait team was thinking too much, but the second game could not be lost.

When the whole game was about to end, French midfielder Alain Girese scored a goal, but the Kuwaiti players believed that they stopped running because the referee from the Soviet Union blew the end whistle. This led to this goal conceded.

But in fact the sound came from the whistle of the audience in the stands, and the game was not over.

At that time, the score was already set at 4:1. Kuwaiti players were still so calm. It wasn't that they couldn't afford to lose. Even Prince Fahd, the chairman of the Kuwait Football Association, rushed into the court to play with the referee. Negotiation.

As a result, the referee changed his decision and ruled that the goal was invalid. In the end, the French team won the game 3-1.

However, FIFA later decided after an investigation that France’s goal before the end of the game was valid, and the result of the game was changed to France’s 4-1 victory; the Soviet referee was accused of an error in law enforcement and will not be allowed to enforce football matches in the future; Prince Fahad Was fined 10,000 US dollars.

And FIFA subsequently made a rule that no one can enter the court and argue with the referee in order to change the referee's decision.

Prince Fahd certainly wouldn't care about the fine, but he really couldn't live up to his face. Especially seeing that after they were frustrated by using football to serve politics, Tang Huan and Christina's plan to use football to serve business was carried out in an orderly manner. (To be continued...) If you think Rebirth Technology Madman is very beautiful! Then please put the website of this site! Recommend to your friends to watch together!

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