Rebirth of the Tech Madman

Chapter 472: Router and internet

In order to meet the requirements of the US Department of Commerce for high-end products purchased by the government, Tang Huan built fab2 and fab3 in Boston, Massa, California, and Mountain View, Silicon Valley, California, in accordance with the standards of the French fab1 semiconductor factory. ≤top≤point≤small≤say,

The wafers used in these two semiconductor factories have a diameter specification of 100 millimeters and a process process of 15 microns. The manufacturing level is the most advanced in the world. It is worth mentioning that the Philips lithography machine has contributed a very important technical force.

The fab2 semiconductor factory in Boston has been officially put into production for several months. Tang Huan came to inspect this time, mainly to ensure the production capacity of his own special chips, not to hinder Fangyuan's plan to double the annual sales of personal computers.

The consumer product attributes of personal computers determine that it is fundamentally different from the market operation of high-end products such as supercomputers, servers, and workstations.

The latter belongs to "three years without opening, three years after opening", the former depends on rapid capital and product circulation in order to effectively guarantee profits.

In particular, ibm is preparing enough to produce 1 million ibm- components for the personal computer base in Boca Raton, Florida. Of course, Fangyuan Computer Company can't drop the chain.

Under such fierce competition, Tang Huan increasingly needs bases and partners under his name all over the world to work together in unison to ensure product cost advantages.

ibm has long established an organization called the Satellite Business Service Department to provide high-quality long-distance data transmission circuits. Tang Huan has just launched a communications satellite in cooperation with Wal-Mart. Obviously, he still needs to make strides to catch up in terms of background.


After inspecting fab2 in Boston, Tang Huan saw that there was still time, so he stopped by Harvard University to see Zhuang Menghua and her junior sister Cai Meier.

The academic excellence of the two girls shows how hard the ethnic minority group of Chinese people is working hard.

Tang Huan put down the coffee. He smiled and joked with Zhuang Menghua, who was planning to study for mba, "Work hard. When you graduate, I will arrange for you to be the president."

"Don't coax me with things a few years from now. If you are sincere, please support me to practice hands now." Zhuang Menghua pursed his lips and aroused Tang Huan.

As I grow up. Zhuang Menghua's naughtiness has been reduced a lot, and she doesn't quarrel with Tang Huan much anymore.

"Okay, I'll give you $500,000 to accumulate practical experience." Tang Huan nodded, "In the U.S. financial world, leveraged buyouts are everywhere, and junk bonds are flying all over the sky. Be careful not to lose money in the blink of an eye."

"Are you using your distrust of me to cover up your stinginess?" Zhuang Menghua was a little dissatisfied. "You are a dignified tens of billions of dollars. You sent me 500,000 dollars."

"You girl, your heart is really wild." Tang Huan shook his head with a smile, "I want to do something big now? Okay, then show me your ability."

Having said that, Tang Huan looked around for a moment, then pointed to a copy of ";;"-"Guinness World Records" on the bar, and said: "I am very interested in this way of operating world records. I will come up with a practical implementation plan."

"Then are you planning to start over, or do you just want to get the authorization to operate the market. Or simply complete the acquisition?" Zhuang Menghua asked with a clear mind, without even frustrating it.

"You have a plan. Whether the conditions are right or not, you need to convince me." Tang Huan shrugged indifferently.

"Okay, a word is settled," Zhuang Menghua stretched out Bai Shengsheng's little hand bravely, and slapped Tang Huan with a palm.

After Tang Huan bid farewell and left, Zhuang Menghua patted Cai Meier's arm. He teased: "Don't stare at your idol. People have already gone out of sight."

Cai Meier smiled embarrassedly, "My senior brother is growing up so fast. Thinking about seeing him a few years ago, I can't believe it."

"Then let's work hard too. You come to provide me with legal support." Zhuang Menghua started to recruit and recruit troops eagerly.


When Tang Huan returned to New York, the press conference had already been set up, and Internet technology elites such as David Boggs and Radia Perlman were also ready to explain, waiting for the moment they appeared on stage.

This freshly baked product is of great significance to the Internet. It is a router.

In the era when cloud services, big data, mobile terminals and other technologies and products were popular in time and space, the concept of the Internet can be said to be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

But the Internet that people know about in this period is conceptually precise, in fact it is; web—the World Wide Web is not the same as inter—the Internet.

It is only one of the many services that the Internet can provide, and it must rely on the Internet to operate.

However, the services that the Internet can provide are only limited to newsgroups and bbs with text content.

In 1983, this year, the development of the Internet ushered in a turning point.

From the present point of view, it belongs to the main body, and from the future point of view, it belongs to the predecessor;;;;——The US Advanced Research Projects Agency network, arpa, has made major changes.

Arpa, which was officially put into operation at the end of 1969, decided to split into two and become two separate operating parts: the military network for military and defense departments and the arpa version for civilian use.

And from January 1, 1983, the old;;-Network Control Protocol is forbidden,-Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol is righted to become arpa's general protocol.

When arpa was transferred to defense department in 1975;-after the US Department of Defense Communications Division, it was no longer experimental and unique. In the United States alone, a large number of new networks began to appear in the 1970s .

For example, puter;;——Computer Science Research Network is cs,;——Canada Network is cd,;its;——Intime Network is,;;;——National Natural Science Foundation of the United States Network is nsf, etc.

Under this general background, arpa's inability to communicate with individual computer networks caused researchers to think.

In order to connect arpa and sat-satellite network, and based on Hawaii's packet wireless service; kahn-Robert Kahn and cerf-Winton Cerf jointly developed.

It can be said that and routers are the two legs of the Internet development, and Tang Huan once again stepped on the drumbeat of technological development. (To be continued...)


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