Rebirth of the Tech Madman

Chapter 493: 286 computers will be launched immediately

Not to mention that Louis Gerstner was shocked. Even Tang Huan is now very heady. He said that in order to avoid Intel's patent dispute, the semiconductor factory that he invested alone has appeared as a "white-eyed wolf" to help ibm-optimize the hardware. , This is too ironic.

However, when Tang Huan changed his mind, he was relieved.

No matter which industry has unlimited business opportunities, there will be a wind of technological copycats due to the disturbance of the flow of profits. The group of Gordon Campbells just happened to be the time.

You know, there are many capable people in Silicon Valley. Even if Gordon Campbell doesn’t do it, it’s unavoidable that other people will take this step under the same flash of inspiration in their minds.

It can be said that this copycat style is accidental at the micro level, but it is inevitable at the macro level. It is nothing more than who gets it.

It is generally recognized that there are only two companies that do the best in the personal computer industry-Fangyuan Computer and ibm.

Gein’s so-called low technical threshold in the personal computer industry is relative to mature minicomputers and mainframes. In fact, not everyone can do this kind of "simple" product well-produced by a small workshop Things definitely cannot compete with large factories in terms of commercial maturity.

For example, the compatibility and consistency between the previous-generation products and the current flagship products, as well as the next-generation products, as well as bus-based scalability, and so on.

It is no easy task to get a design plan that truly takes the overall picture and smooth transition.

Just like Apple's, Lisa Computer. And, it is to separate each other and fight each other.

Another example is Kang Mao Da, which is killing all sides in the field of cheap personal computers, between different models of products of each generation and the same generation. It is often incompatible at the system level.

Liu Ogbrecht summed up the previous experience of various personal computers and absorbed the successes included, before launching ibm-.

Although it is not the best, its moderation hits the right balance point, plus the golden sign of the blue giant, which quickly gained market recognition.

It's just that Fangyuan's personal computer design and manufacturing ideas are more condescending and take the overall situation, and ibm- has to take the second place.

It is precisely because of this market disadvantage. Don Estelich, the head of ibm-, took up the double-edged sword of publicizing ibm-technical specifications.

In the beginning, the participants in the industry did follow Don Estelich's thinking. Use these technologies to launch function expansion cards on the ibm-platform.

But when Compaq Computer opened the door to ibm-compatible machines, everyone suddenly realized that we don't need to be so pure, and we can earn more with this free technology licensing method.

right now. Gordon Campbell and the group try to replace ibm- with the same function of their own chips with a more streamlined chip design, which will undoubtedly completely defeat ibm- in terms of cost.

Of course, Tang Huan likes to hear that the blue giant lifts a rock and hits himself in the foot, but once this copycat wind blows, it will greatly increase the market share of ibm-standard, which is what he doesn't want to see.

There is no doubt that under comprehensive consideration, this tiger must be kept in a cage as much as possible. Although it will eventually come out of the cage, it will last as long as it can.

In this way. I can more or less fight for a period of buffering time, so that the intel80286 and multimedia models of Fangyuan personal computers can occupy a favorable position in the market as much as possible. Squeeze the living space of cheap ibm-compatible machines in advance.

All in all, if you can't do your opponents, then think about shuffling the cards, changing the rules of the game, and devaluing this integrated version of the chip based on intel8088.

However, this is only a stopgap measure, once the Pandora's Box of unauthorized compatible machines is opened. It can't be controlled, ibm- with intel80286. It will definitely be the goal of the next copycat.

Tang Huan has only thought of a general outline of the overall layout, and the details still need to be perfected.

"Don Estelic, I guess you are still in the dark. I don't know that ibm- will encounter the biggest trouble from within the camp. No matter how much ibm-compatible machines are sold, the money will not be put into ibm pockets. Here. You have misunderstood yourself and others, so exhausted that I have to wipe your ass."

Looking at the time, Tang Huan muttered, while picking up the phone to call Louis Gerstner, asking him to put the group of Gordon Campbell and the chip integration idea within Seeq's scope as much as possible. ; At the same time inform John Chambers that he will immediately launch the intel80286 model of Fangyuan Computer, and don’t wait until the opening this spring.


People like Gordon Campbell who have great opportunities of the times are by no means a minority, and the King of Xiangjiang is also one of them.

The movie "Flower Heart Big Young" he directed has recently won a box office of 9 million yuan in the DreamWorks theaters. Although it did not exceed the iconic figure of 10 million, it must be considered how much shooting cost and production time he spent. The ability to attract money is too much for investors.

In sharp contrast to this, although Xu Ke also scored well in "The Legend of Shushan Qi Xia", the box office is approaching 20 million, and even created a brand-new movie genre, but we must also see him in special effects. How much money was spent on it is not something that ordinary bosses can support.

However, Wang Jing's outstanding performance also made Shao's company restless.

In addition to Zhong Chuhong, Fu Sheng, Xie Xian, Chen Baixiang, and Liu Xuehua are all from Shaw Brothers in the cast of Gein's "Flower Heart Big Young".

Compared with the films produced in the past two years, they often end up with a box office of two or three million in Hong Kong’s Hong Kong box office. problem.

Compared with the bleak operation of the film business, the martial arts drama "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" produced by Wang Tianlin was an unprecedented success after its premiere on TVB, breaking the ratings record set by the TV series "Family Changes" in 1977.

Suddenly, the achievements of the father and son Wang Tianlin and Wang Jing in TV dramas and movies complemented each other, and it became a good story in the circle.

But Wang Jing didn't have time to enjoy such compliments. At this time, he was busy in his own Jing Dynasty office, and Gein Tang Huan handed him a big production, so big that he didn't dare to take it lightly. (To be continued)

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