Rebirth of the Tech Madman

Chapter 818: Please call him Don Earth

According to the comments of some unable-to-wait media, the three-generation Cassidy game consoles that were officially released on Las Vegas autumn comdex until mid-November this year were deliberately procrastinated and even meant to engage in hunger marketing.

In fact, the cautious ea is mainly using this buffer time to carefully observe whether there are fatal flaws in its new products, from factory production to user use.

After all, based on past experience, every major product upgrade, there will be more or less problems. In the circle of game console manufacturers alone, a few years ago, Nintendo suffered a fc chip defect during the Christmas sales season and was hit by all recalls.

learn from past experience. If ea, the leader in the industry, is still the leader, the loss will only be even greater. During Tang Huan's trip to Asia, he focused on the supply chain of the three generations of Xiaobawang game consoles.

The value of the three-generation Cassidy game consoles that users will earn as long as they buy it includes many aspects. One of them is the CD-ROM drive that can read encrypted game discs and can recognize CDs and VCDs-in the third-generation Cassidy game consoles Christmas promotion The big gift pack includes the latest movie discs with the easiest copyrights such as the "Phantom of the Tomb" series, "Mulan", "Universal Pursuit", "Die Hard", etc., to facilitate users to experience the first time The digital video charm of vcd.

But it is precisely this most outstanding feature that has formed a relatively flawed quality of the three generations of Xiaobawang game consoles.

As we all know, optical disk drives are similar to floppy disk drives. In the overall structure, a large part of them are mechanical equipment. Among them, there are three motors in total, which are used to rotate the optical disk, control the laser needle to read data, and are responsible for driving the optical disk. Loading and exiting.

According to feedback from some users, the optical disc drive of the third-generation Xiaobawang game console is sometimes very noisy, even reaching a level of frightening.

In this regard, ea, together with the optical storage departments of Zheru and Fangyuan, can only reply. In the future, it will upgrade the firmware, optimize the data reading mechanism, and even increase the physical cache of the optical drive in subsequent improved models to alleviate the noise problem.

There is another more realistic problem surrounding the optical disc drives of the three-generation Cassidy game consoles, that is, it seems that the wear and tear of the drives and optical discs is more obvious.

ea quickly stated that if users really encounter such problems that they are worried about, they can be satisfactorily resolved through after-sales.

All in all, ea is almost responsive. After confirming that the performance of the three generations of Xiaobawang consoles is very stable, it has moved from the evaluation stage of cooperative media and game clubs for more than half a year to the full marketing stage after the release. For the sake of market share, it can be said I tried my best-after all, only when the base of the hardware platform is up, can we talk about the game software.

It has to be said that this buffer on the official release time also allows the three generations of Xiaobawang consoles to receive more abundant supporting game works.

In addition to the classic games that have been transplanted, there are many newly developed works specifically for the three generations of Xiaobawang consoles, especially ea's racing game "needforspeed"-"Need for Speed" and novalogic's military simulation game "deltaforce"-" "Delta Special Forces" is the most eye-catching performance because it takes full advantage of the powerful hardware features of the new platform.

While Tang Huan and Christina, the queen of ships, collected a large number of luxury brands in Europe and sent them to rb to attract money, they naturally did not let go of the exclusive rights of video games such as Porsche, BMW, Chevrolet, Ferrari, Lamborghini and so on. Players can drive these sports cars in the "Need for Speed" on the three-generation Cassidy game consoles and indulge in gallop.

The effect of this kind of brand-new brand awareness enhancement is so good that relevant manufacturers have not expected it, and have to reassess them. So much so that Lamborghini and other companies that have lost money for a long time are secretly cheering-instead of selling Chrysler, they invested in the owner of AC Milan-the female ship king Christina, which is really very wise-this is because Lamborghini was directly affected by Lamborghini. As the default car of "Need for Speed", all players who have picked up a gamepad remember the name of "Lamborghini".

Commonly known as deltaforce-the first special operations detachment of the United States Army Special Forces, the United States Army’s anti-terrorist special forces, is part of the United States Joint Special Operations Command of the United States Army Special Operations Command.

However, like many Hollywood blockbusters with spy themes, the U.S. government has never officially recognized the existence of the Delta Force to the outside world, only calling them operatives or enforcement forces.

On April 24, 1980, in order to understand the 53 hostages held by the Iranian government in the rescue of the Iranian hostage crisis, the U.S. government took a military operation code-named "Eagle Claw". The Delta Force was involved, but in the end it ended in failure.

Novalogic, a well-known company in the field of military games, developed this first-person shooter based on these examples.

In the "Delta Force" game, a player's personal weapons are a dagger and an optional pistol. The main attack weapon can also allow the player to determine the type of gun by himself. There are also grenades, explosive bags, laser pointers, etc. available.

The system will dispatch missions to players, most of which are in areas outside the city.

Gameplay includes destroying hostile forces, saving hostages, intercepting enemy convoys, arresting or assassinating specific objects such as enemy leaders, and ensuring the safety of a friendly leader.

This realistic style has even attracted the attention of the U.S. military, preparing to equip the U.S. military for entertaining and entertaining.

So far, "Need for Speed" and "Delta Force" are the works that best show the characteristics of the three-generation Cassidy game consoles, so that some players have bought the three-generation Cassidy game consoles to experience the game.

When Tang Huan arrived in New York, seeing such a hot sales scene, he couldn't help but shook his head and laughed: "I don't know, who is perfecting whom?"


Although the statistical report of the Christmas sales season has not been released, there is no doubt that the target can be achieved.

Tang Huan, who was very patient with the summary figures, even teased Akio Morita, "Sony has completed its layout in the three major areas of record, film, and television. Should you also include game consoles?"

"Don't laugh, Sony is already tired of dealing with it." Akio Morita smiled bitterly and shook his head.

During this period of time, rb has kept the hatred in the United States. In particular, "rb can say no", which is at the cusp of the storm, has not only been repeatedly printed in rb, but it has also been picked up by some international publishers, ready to get the western world to publish the English version, so as to make a fortune.

The Sony board of directors was deeply disturbed by Akio Morita's involvement in the book "rb can say no", and worried that it would affect Sony's business interests, so it requested that its overseas releases should not contain certain comments of the founder.

At the same time, Akio Morita, who has lived in the United States for a period of time, repeatedly said with confidence that "Sony's acquisition of Columbia Pictures is not an invasion of rb culture, and it will not send rb managers into Columbia Pictures."

Sony really attaches great importance to the localized professional management of Columbia Pictures. It has decided to acquire the famous film producer-Peter Gouber and Jon Peters, a video game show production company co-founded by the famous film producer for 200 million U.S. dollars. Gubel-Peters Entertainment, and hired them to take the helm of Sony's film department.

"Hollywood’s water is very deep" is once again reflected. Because Gubel-Peters Entertainment also has contracts with Warner and other companies, it has caused Steve Ross, who is bargaining with Time Group, to furious and demand compensation. The billion-dollar lawsuit brought Sony to court.

This is not over yet, he even went to Tang Huan to start lobbying, really worrying Morita Akio, lest he buy Columbia Pictures, repeat the same mistakes in the previous acquisition of Columbia Music, all the moths are out, so go further Speed ​​up the acquisition process.

"For Warner, I also ask Tang to help me do more communication work." Akio Morita asked sincerely.

"There is no need to worry too much, the purpose is nothing more than to further grab the bargaining card." Tang Huan carefully taught the "experience" he has explored from Hollywood over the years.

In fact, when Steve Rose saw Tang Huan, the trouble with Sony was just a gesture. After all, the transaction process was only the last signing ceremony. Even if he really wanted to obstruct it, it was too late.

Therefore, Steve Rose has another purpose-the merger plan of Time Group and WarnerMedia. At this time, it is in a critical negotiation stage. Steve Rose naturally hopes to become the leader of the new group, but Time Group also has competitor. In this way, everyone began to show their value to the future Time Warner in various ways.

Originally, Steve Ross and Tang Huan’s relationship was in the same vein because of Atari and ea’s in the field of video games. However, with the collapse of the North American video game market in 1983, Atari changed from a cash cow to a cash cow. The bottomless black hole dragged Warner into a precarious situation. He had to go to great lengths to find a more professional opponent in this field to help shake off the burden.

Tang Huan, who was in business, did not save the face of the other party, and helped Warner sell Atari for hundreds of millions of dollars; in return, Steve Rose gave up control of Warner Records, which had not yet been glittering. come out.

This operation did not produce much response. At that time, Warner was quickly disposing of its businesses in the fields of video games, collectibles, film equipment, and cosmetics.

Through this relationship, Tang Huan can also be regarded as "turning conflict into jade" with Warner, and has a certain cooperative relationship. It's just that Steve Rose and Tang Huan are still annoyed by each other. They rarely communicate with each other. At most, they send representatives to communicate with each other, which is inevitable in business.

And this time, Steve Rose pinched his nose to find Tang Huan, naturally to take advantage of the richest man to help him fight for power in the upcoming Time Warner Group.

Tang Huan met Steve Rose's request again, but the other party didn't care about it, and continued to negotiate with Time Group. As for the trouble with Sony, it was purely easy.

Faced with Tang Huan’s “giving money” on Hollywood’s survival rules, Akio Morita was grateful and reiterated: “When Sony gains a foothold in Hollywood, it will definitely fulfill its promise to help each other.”

The richest man laughed playfully, "Then I wish Sonoma every success, and there is only one last step left."

In this way, just before Christmas in 1988, it bought Columbia Music’s Sony for US$2 billion not long ago. With a higher efficiency, it took Columbia Pictures at a cost of US$4 billion and US$1.4 billion in debt. .

At the press conference, Akio Morita also announced that Sony America has two subsidiaries, Sony Music Entertainment and Sony Pictures Entertainment. The former governs Columbia Records and Epic Records; the latter governs Columbia Pictures and Samsung Pictures. Waiting for the company-a new entertainment _ empire has taken shape.

Although Akio Morita has repeatedly emphasized that Sony will respect the management culture of American companies, the American media still wailed and even listed the photos of Coca-Cola CEO Roberto Gosida and Tang Huan who were present at the signing ceremony. irony.


Roberto Gosida finally freed himself from the quagmire of what seemed to be a rather ambitious entertainment development plan; Tang Huan no longer has to worry about the remarks about his attempt to monopolize Hollywood.

More importantly, They leave the field very decently, but they let the RB offense.


God seems not to let these sour Americans spend a comfortable Christmas, and soon another shocking news was revealed. An unknown person named Minoru Kumagori bought it from the richest man for $1.2 billion. To the Pebble Beach Golf Course.

At the White House Christmas dinner, Reagan, who was the last to host the event, also joked to express his surprise, "It seems that after I retired, it would not be so easy to go to the Pebble Beach Golf Course."

Tang Huan smiled noncommitantly. The unsuitable mentality of the United States that fell into the altar will soon be recovered by the following Internet application global leader. If it is too many explanations, it is a waste of saliva.

This time, in addition to the last grand dinner in Reagan's tenure, it was also the finalization of the speech invitation passed by Nancy. The remuneration for this series of activities is as high as 2.6 million US dollars, which is a reward for the convenience that Reagan once provided for Tang Huan.

Reagan, who was about to return to the California ranch for retirement, readily agreed. Anyway, the richest man has earned so much recently, and he won't take it for nothing.


Even the dignified American president is eager for Tang Huan's profitable market, let alone others.

And it has been decided to make "The Endangered Earth" as the man of the era in 1988, "Times", and it is also named "Tang Earth", the richest man who has always been active in environmental protection.

In this way, "Tang Jinzhou", who was ridiculed by opponents for promoting the California high-speed rail construction project, stepped into the universe with one foot.

ps: I don’t know how to spit out, I forced to replace "rb with the letters "rb", and even separated a hyphen. "Entertainment_empire" was also turned into "*"...

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