Rebirth of the Tech Madman

Chapter 830: The battle for Internet leadership


A clear "WWW standard is free" will undoubtedly relieve those who are interested.

Gein, Philosopher’s energy in the industry is no longer ordinary. Otherwise, it would not become a coveted fat in the "Down Tang" storm; and the demonstration platform built in the San Francisco Municipal Auditorium would even more The prospects of WWW applications are vividly demonstrated-such an excellent architecture, the attractiveness is unquestionable, but I am afraid of the threshold of authorization.

Originally, it was understandable for developers to charge patent fees, but in the past few decades, large companies headed by IBM have built copper walls and iron walls with this, which has really made everyone suffer.

If the rope of patent protection is tightened too tightly, it will become the biggest obstacle to progress. From a certain perspective, today’s Hollywood didn’t go to the western United States in order to avoid Edison’s patent network in the eastern United States. Of filmmakers, they have developed.

Tang Huan launched the WWW, which is indeed very remarkable, but if there is no chance to participate, what does it have to do with himself?

Now that the WWW standard is free of charge, the most direct feeling of everyone is that Tang Huan has such a tolerance, but he is worthy of standing ovation for the five minutes just now.

Seeing that everyone in the audience was satisfied, Tang Huan smiled slightly. There is no shortage of smart people in this world, and they are equally confident in the prospects of the Internet. But it is estimated that very few people can predict how fierce competition in Internet technology will be in the next ten years. Therefore, first use the free WWW standard, circle out your own World Wide Web site on the Internet, and kill other similar standards, which is the first step to bear the brunt.

Pressed the remote control and projected the computer’s video output on the big screen. Tang Huan turned to the topic: “Presumably the most impressive place for everyone with HTML is the ubiquitous hyperlinks, which can directly lead us to the next page. A page."

"Such a simple but creative method of information organization and presentation, is it easy to implement in the process of editing HTML pages?"

"I tell everyone, it’s unexpectedly simple-just use the pair of tags <A> and </A> to surround the text you want to be a hyperlink, and Just assign an absolute path or a relative path in the attribute'HREF' of <A>." Tang Huan said as he opened a simplest text editor, entered some code with a clear structure, and then Save it as a webpage file and open it with the browser Polestar. Sure enough, a blue hyperlink text appeared. With a click of the mouse, you navigated to the official homepage of this Spring Developer Conference of Philosophers.

"So_Easy!" Tang Huan shrugged, and finally concluded.

Among the 7,000 attendees, not many professionals had access to WWW technology in advance, and most of them were the first to see such a magical scene, and they couldn't help applauding immediately.

"&Amp;lt;A> and </A> this kind of corresponding, pairwise matching tags is the biggest feature of HTML language." Tang Huan turned the topic to the entire HTML language.

"Just as the name HyperText_Markup_Language-Hypertext Markup Language means, HTML is a markup language, derived from a meta-language standard that can define markup languages ​​published by ISO in 1986, namely Standard_Generalized_Markup_Language-Standard Generalized Markup Language."

"SGML is omnipotent, but it is therefore too complicated and difficult to popularize. At least, the current personal computer can hardly undertake the heavy task of parsing it."

"So, on the basis of SGML, we developed a subset of about 80 tags, which is the HTML you see now."

"In the pages we have seen, providing HTML with structural markup is just one of the basic technologies. If you need to cope with more complex application scenarios, you have to let the other two technologies-scripting language and style language, to cooperate. We provide The corresponding solutions are PASCAL_Script and Cascading_Style_Sheets-cascading style sheets, namely CSS."

"Those who have used the latest version of WordEasy, the Philosopher’s spreadsheet software, will definitely be impressed by the powerful macro language-PASCAL_Script. Now, this scripting language has a new use-let the original static HTML The page becomes dynamic."

"For example, if I log in to the community with my account, I will get a welcome reminder of'Hello, Tang, what time is it now" on the page." Tang Huan typed the code again, and then re-assigned the variables. Said: "Now I switch to Bill Gates to log in to the community, and the content of the page changes accordingly."

Gates, sitting in the front row of the stage, smiled and applauded with everyone, his eyes flashing with inexplicable light.

"CSS is responsible for centralized management of elements related to page beautification such as colors, fonts, etc., and can be accurately positioned. The more complex the page, the more obvious the benefits of CSS and HTML management mode."

"For example, when Christmas is coming, the page needs to be more festive. If you modify the images, text paragraphs, etc. one by one, it will often be a lot of work. Maybe Christmas is over and the festive page has not been modified."

"In fact, as long as you are responsible for centrally managing the CSS of these elements, you can make a plan for the normal time and Christmas respectively. When the time comes, let HTML modify the CSS references, and you can easily cross the line without having to work overtime."

"Furthermore, we can even use PASCAL_Script to monitor the time, and automatically change the reference to CSS at Christmas, without professional maintenance throughout the process."

"In order to design a pleasing web page to attract page views, CSS can be handed over to professional artists, and the code logic of HTML and PASCAL_Script can be handed over to technicians who only see the difference between ‘0’ and ‘1’.”

It has to be said that Tang Huan's comprehensive introduction to HTML, PASCAL_Script and CSS, the troika needed to build WWW pages, made people who had felt unpredictable about it suddenly feel close, so that they suddenly opened up.

"It is completely foreseeable that with the continuous development of hardware specifications and software technology, HTML will continue to enrich itself, and at the same time, the browser responsible for its interpretation and rendering will also provide further support."

After the sincere and enthusiastic applause, Tang Huan switched the content of the big screen to a schematic diagram, “As mentioned earlier, the WWW webpage constructed by HTML, PASCAL_Script and CSS was handed over to the browser Polestar on the client side. Quickly parse, render, execute, and present,"

"These data are transmitted over the network by the server in response to the user's request using HyperText_Transfer_-Hypertext Transfer Protocol or HTTP. This is very clear in the Universal_Resource_Locator-Uniform Resource Locator-URL in the Polestar address bar of the browser. Embodiment."

"This string address is used to obtain the webpage. The general composition form is'protocol type://server address: port number/path/file name', in which the protocol type and port number can be omitted, and the browser Polestar will default to HTTP , Because it also supports FTP, so when using non-HTTP, you need to add additional annotations, and in daily use, users only need to send out the server address, and the server will push to the homepage, and then all web surfing activities will be handed over to The light click of the mouse and the automatic jump of the hyperlink."

Regarding Tang Huan’s elaboration, media reporters and other non-professional technical groups have shown strong interest. The ease of use of WWW can pull anyone into the Internet, which is really worthy of a big book.

The IT executives of banks, insurance companies, and various large companies turned their attention to the back-end part of the schematic diagram on the big screen early, hoping to find information that impresses them.

Soon, Tang Huan gave the answer in this regard.

"HTTP is a standard protocol for the client to send a request and the server to respond. The underlying support is the Internet standard protocol TCP/IP, but in fact, other network protocols can also be supported. Therefore, HTTP is not limited to any hardware platform and is applicable In all network environments, and by means of encryption protocols, it meets strict security requirements."

Next, Tang Huan disclosed more details of the HTTP server for professional and technical personnel.

"Zheru Internet Service ZIS can connect to any SQL database including EBase, as long as the corresponding driver is developed. Of course, ZIS also supports PASCAL_Script to run at a higher security level than the browser, and the functions will naturally be eliminated. Not included."

"I can foresee that the architecture of a solution like ERP will be on the WWW, from two layers-client and server, to three layers-client and server, as well as the middle layer, and even multiple layers, namely More intermediate layers. This will bring great flexibility, ease of maintenance, and allow the hardware to focus on performing the same type of tasks, thereby significantly improving performance."


The people who were attracted by this Spring Developer Conference of Philosophers were initially only on the personal computer terminal in the San Francisco Municipal Auditorium. They were full of praise for the friendly and easy-to-use interface of WWW, but with the technical team headed by Tang Huan , After the topics of each meeting were unfolded, they realized that-my God, this is a very complicated and huge project.

The media chanted with enthusiasm: Tang painted a new picture for Internet applications. The economic pull effect produced by such a great pioneering work will help the United States to regain its tightness in the next ten years. The catching-up RB said without exaggeration that in the first year of the 1990s, Tang Huan pointed out the direction for the development of the Internet in his own way. Unlike the initial addition of personal computers, this time he became a native. Pioneer.

When the fog of Internet development is lifted, people of insight are naturally moved by the wind. The entrepreneurial craze in Silicon Valley will almost stun people.

How much interest there is, it means that there will be more complicated disputes. Freedom and free are the genes of the Internet and the main driving force for its development.

Not long after the end of the 1990 Zheru Spring Developers Conference, an entrepreneurial team announced that they would develop a WWW browser to challenge Zheru’s Polaris browser.

More broad-minded people analyze, just as personal computers cannot do without the operating system, the Internet will also cannot do without the browser. This is a new platform battle, and everyone is almost on the same starting line-not passing the WWW standard. Everyone's philosophers are nothing more than being well prepared.

Tang Huan’s attitude towards this is very big and simple-if he is still overthrown under the circumstances with so much initiative, then he has nothing to say, who makes it too stupid. It's rescued.

However, some layouts should be caught early.

Third-rate enterprises make products, second-rate enterprises make brands, and first-class enterprises make standards.

Competitors can of course develop browsers and compete with philosophers but they must follow Tang Huan's standards, otherwise they will be buckled by an incompatible hat and crush you!

In order to firmly grasp this leadership, Tang Huan set out to form two standardization organizations.

The first is World_Wide_Web_Consortium-the World Wide Web Consortium, referred to as W3C for short. The main task is to formulate and maintain standards on the WWW platform and urge application developers and content providers to follow.

W3C standards are mandatory standards rather than recommended standards. In other words, Tang Huan allows the WWW standard for free, but must follow his rules. If competitors deliberately entrain private goods in it, I'm sorry, get out!

It's like in the original time and space, Microsoft saw the prospects of JAVA, so it added Visual_J++ to its programming tool suite Visual_. The performance was so good that it even threatened the orthodox JAVA, but a lawyer letter from Sun Microsystems can force it. Microsoft gave up this effort and instead competed by launching C#.

Now, Tang Huan is going to guarantee the uniformity of the standards for the same track and the same book in the free and awe-inspiring way. This is already his specialty, and it's easy to arrange it. (To be continued.)

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