Rebirth of the Tech Madman

Chapter 874: Invisible hand

On December 9, the US Congress passed the "High Performance Computing Act of 1991" drafted by Congressman Al Gore, and also allocated $600 million to the National Research and Education Network of the United States.

On December 19, Al Gore directly referred to the National Research and Education Network of the United States as the "information superhighway" through the "Christian Science Monitor"-he hoped that it could become a catalyst for the establishment of a fiber optic network across the United States.

In fact, among the booming Internet movement, Tang Huan’s speech from the business world and Al Gore’s bill from the political world are only part of it, like the design of the tcp/ip protocol and the Internet infrastructure, which are collectively referred to as the "Internet Robert Kahn and Vinton Cerf of the "Father" have also promoted from the academic world.

The promulgation of the "High Performance Computing Act of 1991" triggered a policy-level adjustment of the National Information Infrastructure Construction Plan of the United States.

Specifically, this huge plan to build a nationwide information network will not only involve cameras, scanners, keyboards, telephones, fax machines, computers, switches, CDs, video tapes, cables, satellites, optical fibers, microwave networks, and televisions. Hardware products such as computers, monitors, printers, etc. are visible and tangible, as well as software systems that provide various services such as databases and device interoperability.

In other words, starting from the national level, nii has created a gluttonous feast for the IT industry, just like before the end of the Cold War, military enterprises enjoyed the benefits of state investment.

Having said that, in today's world, only the United States has the financial resources, talents, and enough space to play this high-end game.

And the reason why Tang Huan is so enthusiastic about the Internet, in addition to the motivation to chase wealth that anyone can guess, is more important for the power hidden in the Internet that can affect the entire world-when all People are inseparable from water and air. When they rely heavily on the Internet, it means that the Internet has kidnapped everyone. This is a newly developed hand of invisible authority in human society, and of course it is also an ultimate pursuit of the new superior.

In this atmosphere of enthusiastic discussions about the Internet, the richest man, who has always had a positive attitude, revisited the past and suggested that the National Science Foundation of the United States should be converted to commercial use.

This round of lobbying was even more vigorous, and Gein had an extra excuse, that is, Tang Huan’s Down’s Law published when he was speaking at the comdex summit forum. Among them, the one related to the value of the Internet-the more users, the more the Internet The greater the value.

It is no exaggeration to say that in a short period of time, the development of Down's Law on the Internet has been thoroughly discussed and thoroughly studied, and it has become a recognized industry development guideline comparable to Moore's Law and has been cited by countless people.

However, it will take time to convert to commercial use. Because the US government also wants to control the Internet, it needs a buffer time to develop special things such as encryption algorithms and security chips. Fortunately, the American people have a tradition of distrusting the government and are extremely disgusted with it. It can be foreseen that this reason for delay will soon be overwhelmed by saliva.

Tang Huan understands that such things can't be rushed. The procedures must be followed step by step. Fortunately, with the hot Internet concept, the opportunity for AOL ipo is almost mature, and it can be considered worth the price, and I am worthy of my patience.


One of the functions of the Internet is to connect people to a unified virtual community across traditional restrictions such as geographic location. While the United States was enthusiastically discussing the Internet, Europe across the Atlantic was also taking a very important step on the road to unification.

From December 9th to 10th, the 46th European Community Summit was held in Maastricht, the Netherlands. After two days of debate, the "Political-Administrative Union Treaty" and the "European Economic and Economic Cooperation Treaty" were finally adopted and initialed. The Monetary Union Treaty is collectively called the European Union Treaty, which is also the Maastricht Treaty.

This treaty is an amendment to the 1957 Treaty of Rome, establishing goals and steps for the establishment of a political union and an economic and monetary union for the European Community.

Among them, the "Political-Government Alliance Treaty" was first proposed in April 1990 by French President François Mitterrand and German Chancellor Helmut Kohl. The goal is to implement common diplomacy and defense. Policy; further expand the power of supranational institutions of the European Community; expand the power of the European Parliament, turning it from the original advisory and supervisory agency into a partial authority.

The richest man has no interest in this treaty. What he is really concerned about is the "European Economic and Monetary Union Treaty" that will be officially signed on February 7, 1992 by the foreign ministers and finance ministers of the European Community.

The treaty stipulates that within the European Community, that is, the future EU, the free circulation of capital, a truly unified market, and perfect coordination of economic policies; its ultimate goal is to establish a central bank in Europe , The implementation of a single currency.

Since the pursuit of unification, there must be a lot of common standards-the member states of the European Community need to achieve an inflation rate of less than 5% and a fiscal deficit of no more than 3% of the gross national product before the specified deadline. The public debt does not exceed the requirement of 60% of the gross national product,

"Unsurprisingly." The richest man who murmured, closed the file with a snap, handed it to the assistant beside him, and walked into the supercomputer center.

After finding the busy little cousin Meng Jing, Tang Huan asked with a smile: "How is it, have you sorted out the results of the calculation?"

"It's almost there." Meng Jing complained: "Others have been to Christmas, you know you are exploiting me."

Tang Huan joked and soothed: "After you follow this project from start to finish, you will have real talents worthy of the master's title."

Meng Jing rolled her eyes, "According to your prediction, wouldn't I still be doing coolies for nearly a year?"

"When you see the gain, you won't be so sad." Tang Huan stretched out his hand, "show me the pound statement first."

After the rise of Fangyuan supercomputer, Tang Huan's financial model also came into use. It is like spreadsheet software running on a personal computer, which counts and analyzes data, and can even further predict output results by changing environmental variables and changing different input items.

"British pride and entanglement are reflected in the pound sterling vividly and vividly," Meng Jing said solemnly.

"The little girl is right, wait to receive the reward." After Tang Huan finished complimenting, he put down the information, and said lightly, "This report will be handed over to me every half month, no matter when I am in Anywhere."

"Yes." Meng Jing raised her hand in a salute mischievously.


In terms of speculation, the richest man has always emphasized that the antelope horns can be found without a trace, because the invisible hand is used happily, but it is also easy to attract backlash.

During this year-end and New Year holidays, Tang Huan inadvertently discovered that the invisible hand that seemed to be able to influence the US election had taken some action.

On Christmas Eve, Warner released a film directed by Oliver Stone, the two-time Oscar Award for best director-"Assassination of Kennedy", which is adapted from the novel "Tracking Assassination" by Jim Garrison and Jim Ma Si's novel "The Dilemma: The Conspiracy to Kill Kennedy" describes the whole story of New Orleans prosecutor Jim Garrison's investigation of Kennedy's assassination, and the facts later discovered.

Oliver Stone has continued to make great works in recent years. Movies such as "Field Platoon", "Wall Street", and "Born on July 4th" can be described as fame and fortune, so Warner trusts him with 40 million US dollars; in turn, Oliver In order to make this investment look worthwhile, Stone invited Kevin Costner, the director and star of "Dancing with Wolves", to play the protagonist-New Orleans prosecutor Jim Garrison.

It is conceivable that it is not so easy to put a sensitive subject like "Assassination of Kennedy" on the big screen.

After the first draft of the script came out, "Assassination of Kennedy" was severely criticized by the national security correspondent George Radner of the "hsd Post", and has since been involved in a fierce controversy.

When "Assassination of Kennedy" was released, many major American newspapers wrote editorials, criticizing Oliver Stone for blaspheming history, disrespecting historical facts, and his treatment of the then Vice President and later President Lyndon Johnson. Also involved in the accusation of the conspiracy to assassinate John F. Kennedy.

For example, Bernard Venro of the "New York Times" slammed that if Warner could make "Assassination of Kennedy" go far, it would be a miracle in Hollywood; he also called on Warner to conduct self-examination in the article.

For another example, Vincent Camby of the newspaper criticized the film in a review written on the film itself: "Oliver Stone’s style of film production is very casual, many very short and frequent. , Unintelligible, one shot after another, mixed with background music, noise, dialogue, and more noise, more dialogue, like a sandwich."

There are even media directly posting "Resist the facts fabricated by Oliver Stone" to attack "Assassination of Kennedy."

Of course, there are also media people who appreciate "Assassination of Kennedy", such as Pat Deauville, a senior film critic of "hsd magazine", but when they submitted their comments, they were rejected by the editor-in-chief John Rimbert. He did not want to see positive comments on the film. He and other magazine editors agreed that the film was absurd; for this reason, Pat Deauville immediately resigned.

In contrast, Roger Libert, who is more prestigious, can make a sound. He praised "Assassination of Kennedy" in the "Chicago Sun", "The achievement of this film is not that it solved the secret of Kennedy's assassination, but that it is trying to wake up the fading in people's hearts since 1963. National spirit."

As a director, Oliver Stone is naturally under great personal pressure, and even after receiving a TV interview, he received a death threatening letter.

To sort out the criticism of "Assassination of Kennedy", it mainly focuses on two aspects-whether the description of New Orleans prosecutor Jim Garrison is accurate, and the adaptation of the historical information film, adding artificially mixed fragments.

In response to these criticisms, Oliver Stone wrote a 593-page book-"The Assassination of Kennedy-A Book About This Movie", which includes all the annotations to the script, plus 97 entries from support and criticism. Author’s comments, and 340 research records.

In this overwhelming sound of controversy, Warner's support for "Assassination of Kennedy" can be described as "supportive", which only means that the number of screens will inevitably be affected due to the length of the movie, which lasts for three hours. .

The richest man sitting on the sidelines, while listening to the work report of his subordinates, by the way, he inquired about relevant details-Warner invested $15 million in the marketing of "Assassination of Kennedy"; and this movie is in In the first week of its release, it ranked fifth in the US box office alongside "Beauty and the Beast". Until the first week of January 1992, there was a real breakthrough. The global box office, which was slowly rising, reached 50 million US dollars. At the same time, the positive reviews are on the rise, and they even won 8 Oscar nominations.

In Tang Huan’s view, regardless of the number of conspiracies involved in the Kennedy assassination, as far as the movie itself is concerned, Oliver Stone’s directorial skills are unquestionable, bringing such a multitude of historical events to the big screen. The hard work is not enough, otherwise, it will not attract the audience to sit in the cinema for such a long time.

However, having said that, no matter how talented Oliver Stone is, it is impossible to make a movie without financial support; without a more powerful invisible hand, the movie must be drowned in saliva as soon as it is released.

Just as on December 25, 1991, Soviet President Gerbachev announced his resignation and handed over state power to Russian President Karma Chin. At 9:38 that day, the Soviet flag slowly lowered over the Kremlin and was replaced by the Russian flag. There is a step-by-step process, if there is no tricky, who is willing to believe it.

Anyway, after watching the movie "Assassination of Kennedy", the richest man has a psychological shadow about going back to Texas, the headquarters of the Republican Party, but the "Silicon Hill" that echoes the "Silicon Valley" of California is located. Its capital, Austin, is really not enough if you don't inspect it several times a year.

Thinking back to the arrogance of the Bush family in controlling this year's election, Tang Huan couldn't help but shook his head and smiled-the show just started.

At this time, a call from Asia Xiangjiang made him frown.

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