Rebirth of the Tech Madman

Chapter 936: Tang's richest man and "The Road to the Future"

The minutes of the meeting revealed a detail. After a brief speech by Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin, Lawrence Summers asked Lawrence Summers to elaborate on the Mexican economic crisis and give suggestions for assistance.

Lawrence Summers believes-aid funds need at least 25billion.

Before Bill Clinton could speak, one of his political advisers took over and asked Lawrence Summers-do you mean 25 million?

Lawrence Summers emphasized again-he meant 25billion.

The conference room fell silent until another political adviser said-Mr. President, if you give this money to Mexico, not only will you not be able to collect it before 1996, you will not even be able to collect it after 1996.

The subtext in this naturally refers to the fact that if Bill Clinton uses a huge amount of money to aid Mexico in an economic crisis, it may become a major reason for opponents to attack when he is running for re-election.

However, Bill Clinton still decided to cooperate with Lawrence Summers to develop a plan to assist Mexico and seek approval from Congress.

It is not difficult to see from this that Bill Clinton is determined to take action.

The main content of the "Mexico Debt Disclosure Act of 1995" first emphasizes that Mexico is an important neighbor and trading partner of the United States, and is of great significance to the export of U.S. products; then it is proposed to allocate a sum of money from the U.S. Foreign Exchange Stability Fund, and also It is to use the money of American taxpayers to help the Mexican government stabilize the Mexican peso.

However, in terms of the specific amount, Bill Clinton did not fully adopt Lawrence Summers' $25 billion, but $20 billion.

As for the gap, Bill Clinton has found a helping hand-the International Monetary Fund provides 17.8 billion U.S. dollars, the Bank for International Settlements provides 10 billion U.S. dollars, Latin American countries jointly provide 1 billion U.S. dollars, and Canada provides 1 billion Canadian dollars.

In total, Bill Clinton took the lead in raising aid funds to 50 billion U.S. dollars.

Of course, if the Mexican government wants to receive assistance, it must make various reforms in accordance with the wishes of the United States, and it must deposit Mexican oil revenues in the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

In short, although Mexico is a bit miserable, it finally has big legs to hug.

In Tang Huan's view, even if Congress has opposition, it is not a problem to pass the "1995 Mexico Debt Disclosure Act". The political, economic and other risks caused by Mexico's mess are becoming more and more obvious, and the United States is also afraid.

"There are so many powerful receivers, you can really rest assured." Looking at the $50 billion figure, Tang Huan couldn't help but smile.

At this time, the door was knocked, and the little cousin Meng Jing walked in, "Brother, the masterpiece of your old man, "The Road to the Future", has all been arranged. This is prepaid by the publisher. $3.2 million check."

Tang Huan said without looking, "You can donate it to the National Education Association."

Meng Jing nodded in agreement, and then added: "The first batch of 1 million copies of "The Road to the Future" was printed, and the publisher has also formulated a $1 million luxury marketing plan. At that time, you must cooperate with the promotion."

"I guessed it would be like this a long time ago." Tang Huan put down the file and nodded slightly: "Reply to them, I will try my best to cooperate."

Meng Jing's bright eyes scanned the documents, and couldn't help but curiously asked: "Brother, how did you get such important information?"

"I have my own way." Tang Huan laughed dumbly. "If you want to see it, hurry up and find out what you are doing."

Meng Jing sniffed the smell of ink on the document, turned her eyes from the printer to the computer, and suddenly realized: "I guessed the way--it's the mail door."

Tang Huan was dragging the mouse's hand, shivering, and then he cursed badly: "Little girl, don't be crazy; if you don't read it, hurry up and throw these two documents into the shredder."

Meng Jing spit out her tongue, showed a well-behaved appearance, stood in front of the paper shredder, scanned the two documents quickly, and then exclaimed, "50 billion U.S. dollars, Mexico’s treatment is better than Russia’s. How many times."


As a superior, Tang Huan has basically completed his task, and he will not go to the remaining "hard work" and "tired work". As for earning hundreds of millions of dollars, it is still more than a billion dollars. Worry about it yourself-the structure has matured a long time ago, if you do it yourself, find a piece of tofu and crash it to death.

For the time being, the richest man put aside those "common affairs" and began to rush for the elegant matter of publishing a book.

Tang Wenhao's degree of diligence, as described by his continuous pen, is absolutely appropriate-basically every year, he has a computer professional book published, many of which have even become university textbooks.

In contrast, Tang Wenhao's popular works are much less-so far, there are mainly three.

The first was "The Rise of Great Powers" by Tang Huan when he was 25 years old in 1980. It explained the significance of technology to national power to show how important his own computer is.

The second part is "A Journey of Zen Wu Juvenile" in 1985 when Tang Huan was 30 years old. He was the year he was standing, and he carried forward the romantic feelings of the sky and the sea.

The third is 1995, that is, this year, Tang Huan's "Road to the Future" when he was 40 years old.

This book belongs to the richest man of the time. Looking back on his more than ten years of experience in the IT field and looking forward to the prospects of the Internet, the publication of a work with more practical significance is not an exaggeration.

The publishing industry is quite optimistic about "The Road Ahead", otherwise it would not have made a $1 million marketing plan.

The appeal of Tang Huan's products is really extraordinary.

As predicted by Newsweek-the most luxurious and smart promotion ever, coupled with Tang's signature, I believe that Road to the Future will grab the top spot on all bestseller lists.

As soon as "Road to the Future" was launched, it was directly on the New York Times bestseller list like the previous "Rise of Great Powers" and "Chan Wu Juvenile Fantasy Journey", and stayed at the top position for a longer time. , Reached 11 consecutive weeks, and sales exceeded 3.5 million copies.

With such a grand occasion, publishers continue to increase printing volume and launch hardcover editions, and quickly turn their attention to markets outside the United States.

The reason why the confidence is so full is that while the sales are extremely ideal, the reputation is also very good.

For example, the "New York Times" commented that-we can be sure that the interestingly read "Road to the Future" has not been censored by companies such as Fangyuan, Zheru, and EA for business interests. This book has a very good review of the personal computer revolution in the past ten years, allowing us to fully understand how the product has affected the entire era, and it has brought an immersive picture of fierce competition.

Another example is the sermon of "Time" magazine-every aspiring billionaire is transforming society in his own way in the most ideal and beautiful direction. While "Road to the Future" embraces the Internet in an all-round way, it also releases dreams and discusses its impact on all aspects of human society.

The Los Angeles Times also pointed out that even though "Road to the Future" was denied by Tang, it is not an autobiography, but some of its content still reflects how he led personal computers and even microcomputers since the early 1980s. The direction of the industry's development has created a business empire spanning the three major areas of hardware, software, and entertainment. Looking back on the past gains and losses, and looking forward to grasping the opportunities in the future, the gains in these two aspects alone are worthy of a book for all those who are looking forward to success. If you are lucky enough, a hardcover copy of "The Road to the Future" with Tang's autograph will be a pretty good collection.

The first stop for the influence of "Road to the Future" to spread from North America was naturally the United Kingdom across the Atlantic. There was only a half-step behind to get the book-after all, there were no language barriers.

"The Sunday Times" was not affected by the conflict between the boss Murdoch and Tang Huan, and enthusiastically praised-you who have been busy for a day, you only need to read a few pages of "The Road to the Future" before going to bed to understand the current situation. All authoritative information on the hottest IT industry.


Tang Huan did point out specifically-"The Road to the Future" is not an autobiography, let alone a chicken soup for the soul, but those who are thirsty ~ hope for success have analyzed the book in a utilitarian way, and even summed up a lot of them. The so-called incisive sentences were circulated so much that it made "Road to the Future" a little feverish.

It is undeniable that the "Road to the Future" has been printed again and again, and the reason why it has been able to sell so violently has a lot to do with the powerful and skillful promotional activities.

In line with the publicity plan of the issuer, the richest man has traveled to San Francisco, Los Angeles, Houston, Orlando, Atlanta, New York, Watson Shield, Boston, Chicago and other major cities in the United States. London and Paris in Europe are also on the next trip. Arranging.

Even, like ABC’s "Nightline", NBC’s "Today Show", CBS’s "David Letterman Evening Show", Music Television Network, American Radio’s "Fresh_Air", American Public Radio "PBS News One Hour" in recent years has been dismissed by Tang Huan as a long-winded and overly artificial talk show. The richest man also walked through it patiently.

Tang Huan’s competitors consider this kind of hard-working and follow-up attitude as a fancy promotion before the listing of Zheru Software.

However, no matter how they despised, they bought a copy of "The Road to the Future" and read it carefully, hoping to gain a deep understanding of Tang Huan's thoughts and find opportunities that benefit them.

Not surprisingly, Gates is one of them-the "Road to the Future" has been turned into a crumpled copy. It is estimated that if there is a photo of Tang Huan on the cover, it will be graffiti.

The best-selling of "Road to the Future", invisibly, makes all concepts about the Internet, with a degree that can be directly felt, further heating up.

I don't know that Gates, who has read "The Road to the Future" several times, has more and more fear in his heart.

Before, Microsoft was too obsessed with operating system disputes. Even if it noticed the rise of the Internet, it still failed to grasp the essence of it.

Now, the results of Windows development have given Gates full of confidence to compete, but he suddenly realized that he had missed one of the most important links.

In Windows, there must be a browser product that can completely keep up with the trend, and the faster the service time, the better.

Thinking of this, Gates was extremely anxious, and immediately called Jim Alchian to ask about the development progress of the browser.

"A version with basic functions can be completed this year and added to the Windows patch upgrade package." Jim Alchian replied.

"In this way, even if the development goes well, we will be pushed farther and farther in space and time." Gates murmured disappointedly.

"There is no way." Jim Alchian shrugged, "Now, the troika of World Wide Web technology has been upgraded to the official version 2.0. The powerful functions are naturally accompanied by complex development. Degree of improvement."

"For elements such as text, pictures, animation, audio, video, etc., to be accurately positioned and displayed on the screen in the correct format, a powerful renderer is required; and the dynamic page effect brought by the script language also requires a performance Excellent PascalScript interpreter."

"This is only the browser side of the front-end; if you want to form your own product ecosystem, the back-end web server side is even more important."

"In terms of the performance of hosting the website server, the consumer-grade Windows_95, due to architectural reasons, cannot hold high expectations, and can only let Windows_NT take on the heavy responsibility."

"In this case, the workload of developing Windows_NT_4.0 is even more onerous."

While talking, Steve Ballmer is back from Silicon Valley. He said with a sullen expression: "I can be sure that Netscape is not interested in the acquisition-Jim Clark is playing with us."

"Why?" Gates frowned tighter. "They are not satisfied with the acquisition conditions?"

Steve Ballmer replied sullenly: "Jim Clark said he didn't trust us and worried that Netscape would become the next Novell-after the trade secrets were trapped, it was finally lost."

Gates suddenly became so poor that he opened his mouth wide, and he happened to glance over the content on the "Road to the Future" page-politicians must have morality, writers must have a bottom line, scientists must have humanity, and entrepreneurs must have credibility.

The heart seemed to be stabbed fiercely by an awl. Gates could no longer control his emotions. He slapped the table hard and roared: "Microsoft needs a usable browser now! What do you think?"

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