Rebirth of the Ultimate Rich Second Generation

Vol 10 Chapter 1013: Countermeasure

The most painful thing in the world is brotherhood.

Pan Jiajun and Pantene obviously have some unstable factors in their affairs with Lorraine.

These are tacit things between two people.

It's just that Pan Jiajun hates this feeling of uncertainty even more.

Therefore, he must give himself a quasi-trust. In fact, he was born very early to test Pantene's loyalty. Unfortunately, there has been no good opportunity.

But this time, it was a good opportunity.

He wanted to test whether Pantene was truly loyal to their Pan family.

If Pantene disappoints him...

The conscience of heaven and earth, Pan Jiajun doesn't know what angry things he will do. After all, the feeling that someone he trusts betrays him is very desperate.

Pan Jiajun is an evil villain in his heart. It doesn't mean that he is a walking dead who doesn't need loyalty.

What's more, the other end of the Libra that I am going to test this time is his own worst enemy, Lorraine. If his sister would prefer the Libra to Lorraine, Pan Jiajun would feel very hurt.

and so……


Pray that Pantene will not do anything to disappoint Pan Jiajun.

And Pantene is praying...

Pray for Lorraine, don't get anything wrong.

After returning to her room, she couldn't sleep for a long time, curled up in the bed, struggling in her heart...

She was thinking, this time...whether she should tell Lorraine.

If you tell, then she is really a traitor to the Pan family.

But if you don't tell... Lorraine should really die in the hands of the guy who looks amazing, what should I do?

After thinking about it, Pantene has always had a bottom-line idea, that is... This time, my brother Pan Jiajun did not do the right thing to kill, in the final analysis... it was the bottom line.

The old brother's method that Pantene knew before was at least a kind of business strategy, even if it was a conspiracy, it was a skill.

As for killing...

"..." Pantene really didn't know what to do.

In the dark night, the moonlight outside was projected in through the curtains, and the dim color couldn't hide the brilliance of the blood drop jade pendant on Pantene's chest.

I don't know if it's an illusion. When the moonlight came in just now, this blood drop jade pendant turned out to be reflecting a beautiful luster.

Although it was a flash, it caught Pantene's attention.

She gently raised her hands, held the blood drop jade pendant, and murmured: "Jun Ruogui...Are you not a psychic jade pendant, tell me...this time, what should I do? "


In the dark.

Lorraine did not leave the company.

Instead, he was sitting in his office, making secret deployments.

He is fulfilling his promise. He promised the group leader, um, promised Han Chen to investigate the Sky Eye organization. This is natural.

It was a pity that the investigation was much harder than he thought.

It's not that the source of the information is so difficult, but... it's really hard to avoid being discovered by the people of the Sky Eye organization.

He didn't understand now, since Long Er was an important task in the Sky Eye organization, why didn't she let her investigate, and the Alpha, isn't he an Alpha of the Sky Eye organization, why didn't he do it?

Lorraine did not ask Han Chen about this, but he knew that there should be some reasons.

It should be some... special reason.

In fact, Lorraine really guessed that the difference was not bad.

Regardless of whether it is Longer or Alpha, in the Skyeye Organization, they indeed have a lot of powers. Due to their positions, they can even be able to mobilize some members of the Skyeye organization to perform some of their temporary tasks.

And they can use the powerful information network organized by the Sky Eye to investigate various things.

But please note that they can only investigate some external matters. They cannot investigate the detailed information inside SkyEye. They can investigate the information of some people whose positions are lower than them, but they cannot investigate the information of members who are more senior than them.

This is a basic control of the Sky Eyes organization on their members.

This is understandable.

After all, the top of the SkyEyes organization is likely to be conspiring an ulterior secret plan, so even their internal members cannot know.

Let Lorraine, an outsider, investigate, although it may not be clear, it is at least better than his Long Er and Alpha to investigate.

It is conceivable that even the arrogant and powerful masters of Zhao Feng dare not go back and investigate their celestial eye organization. This is why he has always speculated that the celestial eye organization contains the complete classics of the "killing" technique, but he does not He dared to investigate because he knew that once his investigating organization was discovered by some of the leaders in the organization, he might not be able to eat it.

Oh, no, according to the iron-blooded wrists of the Sky-Eyes organization today, I am afraid that anyone who attempts to investigate the internal information of their Sky-Eyes organization will be smashed one by one.

There is no doubt that although few people have seen it on the surface, there is no doubt that there must be a super master who is stronger than Zhao Feng in the internal high-level of the Sky Eye organization.

Otherwise, how could a master like Zhao Feng be just the chief executive officer of a branch.


Lorraine stretched lazily.

Although he is not going to deliberately investigate now, he also knows that around him, he certainly does not know where there is a master who is better than him hiding, monitoring and watching him.

In fact, it is not a monitor or watch.

Because Han Chen had told Lorraine before that he would send two masters to respond to him while carrying out related investigations on the SkyEyes organization. Lorraine was very clever and guessed right away. There is definitely one of these two people. It was his old friend, um, or rather, the "former confidante", Long Er.

Lorraine's guess was really good.


He takes himself too seriously.

Ryuuji and Alpha actually have their own tasks to do, and the so-called response is just to ensure that they will appear as soon as possible at certain difficult moments. Therefore, Ryuuji is treated as a vacation, and it seems to continue. Investigating the news of his own duty, while monitoring and monitoring the safety of Lorraine.

It's just that this method of ensuring Lorraine's safety is somewhat arbitrary.

When Han Chen was in contact with Lorraine before, among the chip watches that were given to him by the members of the Salvation Team base camp, there was the specific location of Lorraine. This Lorraine knew about it, and he did not overdo it. It’s not just an expression of trust. At the same time, he also knows very well that now he is within Zhao Feng’s hunting range, and his whereabouts are known by the “colleagues” of the Salvation Group. It's not a big deal, it's even good for yourself.

After all, there are no monitors, listeners, monitors, and viewers. The privacy of Lorraine is not considered a stepping on the line.

And Long Er, relying on this positioning, clearly knows where Lorraine is. Once there is any danger, this positioning will definitely issue a warning in an instant.

The positioning chip not only has the function of positioning, but also the function of sensing the breath of any hostile master. Its principle comes from the source force sensor.

People's thinking is infinitely powerful.

Obviously, the Salvation Group is to make full use of the existing technology in their various actions.

"Senior Long'er, you have been very leisurely these two days. You are'protecting' Lorraine, but I am performing our two common tasks, which is not fair." In Long'er's communicator, Alpha Complaining.

Ryuuji was sitting very leisurely at a Long Beach open-air tea restaurant not far from Lorraine Company, drinking juice and eating dessert.

Long Er said: "We must have someone acting as Lorraine's nanny. Don't forget that the general's job on the surface is to protect Lorraine, but in fact... it is another important task."

"You mean...Through Lorraine, we will lead out Zhao Feng, then kill him, and win the classics of "The Syndicate". Ha ha, this is quite difficult, don’t forget, the last time we two were intact In the state, I met Zhao Feng, who was already injured, and didn't dare to give it a go."

"That is to maximize the damage reduction, and the new verification statistics on Zhao Feng's exact strength have not yet come out. It would be too reckless to act hastily that time."

"Then this time, are you sure about it, don't forget, this time, I'm not here."

"50% or more, hehe, you are not here, this is indeed very troublesome, but don’t forget, Lorraine suffered a lot of injuries last time, this time in his heyday when he had a breakthrough, Cooperation with me is not necessarily worse than the cooperation between you and me, isn't it." Long Er fiddled with the cup in his hand and said, "That's true, Feng, the general said that we two should cope together, and You are nowhere to be seen."

"You know... my identity is really troublesome. I don’t know how to do it. In short, I hope you can succeed. Moreover, the general promised to have two support for Samsara, but he didn’t say who it was. It may be. Now Tianyu is nearby. It."

"You guessed it right, I have Tianyu's action position here to show that it is indeed nearby. Therefore, once we encounter Zhao Feng's raid, we will be three against him, with a high winning rate." Long Er said confidently. .

"I don't understand, the general is so powerful, why doesn't he act." Alpha, that is, the helpless "wind" said.

"If we can solve the problem, don't bother him,,, if we really can't hold it, do you think he won't show up? Did you forget the last time." Long Er said.

Hearing this, Alpha stopped complaining: "Well, let's not say it, I wish you success."

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