Rebirth of the Ultimate Rich Second Generation

Vol 4 Chapter 202: The college entrance examination is over

Chapter 202

Zhengzhou was exceptionally sunny that day, but it was Liu Hao's funeral.

The murderer was killed on the spot, and this Liu Hao was also named a martyr by his parents' hands in Zhengzhou.

After Lorraine took the last entry of the college entrance examination, he came out of the examination room and happened to see the funeral convoy, vast and spectacular.

"Haha, this Liu Hao, living is a trash, and when he is dead, he looks decent. No wonder I heard a sentence in the last life, hate iron is not steel, it is better to say that hate father is not just. He has a strong background, even The funeral is also such a beautiful scenery." Lorraine stretched out, looked up at the bright sunshine in the sky, smacked and shook his head, "It's a pity, this day is not beautiful, it should be cloudy, but it is such a clear sky. Wanli. Rao is the cry of your Liu family, and God will not be moved by this."

Although Lorraine is behind the Rock Group and a young master with a good background, but... since he was reborn, he has never deceived others like Liu Hao, and never because of an admiration that ignores him. The subject uses fraudulent schemes to bully others, which belongs to the behavior of gangsters.

With his hands in his pockets, Lorraine walked slowly down the street, the gentle sunlight shining on him, making him uncomfortable.

"This time, if there are no accidents, I should be able to enter Jinghua University easily." After all the courses were taken, Lorraine had already accurately estimated the scores in his mind, let alone the test. After entering Jinghua University, even if it is recommended to go abroad, there is no problem in issuing scholarships.

However, Lorraine was not prepared to accept these. These opportunities to go abroad and grant scholarships should be reserved for those hardworking students who need it.

There are a few small businesses in his own hands, a few bars, and a few micro-chain Internet cafes. Although Lin Jiadong and his brothers are currently trading, Lorraine himself accounts for 50%, which is also a lot of income. Now Lorraine, even if he does not rely on the support of his parents at home, he can live in the city quite leisurely, and the quality and standard of life will not be low.

"Let's leave these small industries in Zhengzhou to Liangzi and the others slowly. Whatever can be done, I am going to Beijing... There is still a long way to go in the future. I think If one day can surpass the existence of the four giants in the capital, the pace cannot be slack in the slightest, otherwise, the distance will only be drawn farther and farther... Brothers, you guys just mix well... Brother, I can't be here. I take care of you. If you want to work together again in the future, just work hard and open the chain branch to the capital!"

Lorraine walked slowly under his feet, very calm on the surface, but his heart was constantly surging.

The five brothers, Liu Wanchuan, Lin Jiadong, Liangzi, Li Nan, and Li Chenggong, were brought by him by Lorraine. Can they have no feelings? He walked far away from the capital, and the five brothers who couldn't let go. Liu Wanchuan has experienced a lot of things with him, and now he can stand on his own in society, at least he won't suffer any sorrow. As for the other brothers, they are still too young, and they are still in school, and there is still a long way to go in the future... I hope that Brother Daqiang and Wolfdog are now established in Zhengzhou City, and they can help me a lot.

After taking a deep breath, Lorraine turned around and walked to the west. He has finished all the college entrance examination courses, and needs to go back to the class to fill in his wishes.

This time it is a serious application of volunteers. It is not the same as the guess and estimate last time. Which school you fill in will be tested in which school.

Speaking of the capital, Qin Wanshu and Song Meiyuan suddenly flashed in Lorraine's mind. Haha, I don't know how these two great beauties lived in the capital? Brother, I will be there soon... I heard that this little Song girl is now very restricted by the people in her family, and she has no freedom. Hey, think about her bold and lively personality that advocates freedom, and she is restricted from moving, I am afraid Is it about to be succumbed to death?


Thinking wildly in his mind, Lorraine came to school and returned to the class.

It was considered early to hand in the papers by myself, but I came back on foot, so when I returned to the class, most of the students were already sitting in their own seats, waiting for the teacher to send out the application form. The faces of the students have different emotional characteristics, some are complacent, some are crying, some are vacant, and some are even indifferent.

This is the college entrance examination. Some people are happy and some are worried. This is actually similar to the future of the workplace. A lot of people apply for positions in large companies, and in the end only a few can succeed.

"Lan Lan, which school are you applying for?" Lorraine returned to his seat and sat down. It just so happened that the form was also sent to the end. Lan Lan was holding the voluntary form in her hand thinking hard.

"Ah...Lorraine, are you back?" Lan Lan saw Lorraine's smile, her face suddenly opened with joy. Originally, she wanted to call "brother", but she didn't know why, so she finally called Lorraine, maybe... …The so-called sibling agreement is the one that will faintly touch the desire in her heart. To be honest, she still hasn't given up. These days, she has also thought a lot. Lorraine is less than 20 years old now. He hasn't entered university yet. It will take at least four years before she leaves her student status, right? As for should be too early!

As long as Lorraine is not married, what about a relationship with someone else?

If Lorraine and the girl who doesn't know who they are can go all the way and enter the palace of marriage, then her Lan Lan will silently bless her behind her back. ... But no one can tell the future. If one day, Lorraine is no longer with that girl, then her Lan Lan will still stand in place, waiting for him to turn back.

Some girls, just like this, the world changes, her heart does not change, the sun and the moon disappear, and her love is eternal.

In Lorraine's view, perhaps Lan Lan's admiration for him Lorraine is limited to the ignorant love in this young age.

But Lan Lan knew very well in her heart how sinister the world was, and the appearance of Lorraine who came forward again and again left an indelible mark on her heart. If you want her to forget Lorraine, first of all, there must be a man who can be better than Lorraine, and better than Lorraine to her... But, this kind of man, how?

The seventeen or eighteen years old, once gone, can they return?

Some things happen when they happen, and no one can get rid of them; some people appear when they appear, and no one can replace them.

In her Lan Lan's heart, Lorraine was the one who could not be replaced.

In the bottom of her heart, there is always a place that belongs to Lorraine alone.


At this moment, if Lorraine could know Lan Lan's thoughts, he would be heartbroken and heartache... Such a good and simple girl, but with such a determined heart.

"Lan Lan, what do you think?" Lorraine waved his hand in front of her in surprise when he saw Lan Lan wandering.

Lan Lan came back to her senses, her cute little face blushed slightly, and she spit out her tongue softly: " By the way, that, Lorraine, which school are you going to apply for? Are you sure you want to apply for it? Is it Jinghua University?"

Fortunately, Lorraine didn't notice her inner thoughts that tried to conceal her. Upon hearing these words, Lorraine smiled and nodded: "Yes, apply for Jinghua University."

"Ah... Jinghua University, it seems that you did well in the exam this time, and you are very confident of yourself." Lan Lan blinked her watery eyes.

Lorraine did not answer, but instead asked, "Lan Lan, what about you? Are you still going to apply for Yanjing Normal University?"

"Well, of course, so we can still be in the same city in the future." In fact, the last conversation between two people was very useful. At least, when they talked between them, they didn't feel obvious grievances. Moreover, Lan Lan is a girl who is easily satisfied. She knows that Lorraine now has her own woman, but she still hasn't deliberately alienated her from her. In her opinion, it is already very good.

"Hehe, this is best. I will be covered in the capital in the future, and no one will dare to bully our Lan Lan." Lorraine took out the look of a big brother and patted his chest exaggeratedly.

Lan Lan felt ashamed when she heard that, no matter what identity and mentality Lorrain said, she was already very happy.

...Soon, everyone in the class filled out the volunteer forms and handed them in.

The head teacher probably looked through it, and then made a concluding statement to all the students present: "It seems that this time, most of the students in our class, the estimated results are still satisfactory. There are 16 students in the class. His first choice is a type of undergraduate colleges and universities.... Among them, there are five of them who applied for the prestigious type of colleges and universities in China!"

Upon hearing the class teacher's words, the students in the class were all in an uproar.

There are five people in a class who are applying for prestigious undergraduate colleges. It seems that they are very confident in their own results. But from another perspective, the chances of slipping and the intensity of competition are even greater.

"These five first-volunteer students who applied for the prestigious Class I colleges and universities in China, first of all... are student Hao Duodan who applied for the [Incubation University]. Please encourage me!"

The head teacher gave an order and took the lead in applauding, and there was warm applause from the class.

This student Hao Duodan stood up proudly and bowed triumphantly at the students.

Hao Duodan sat down, and the head teacher continued to roll his name: "Then, it's Fan Haoshi who applied for [North China Wet Rice University]!"

Wow! ——Another applause.

"Then, Lan Lan who applied for [Yenjing Normal University]!"

Wow! ! ! ! ——This time, the applause was more enthusiastic than before, mainly because Lorraine clapped and clapped vigorously. The two slapped together and slapped them desperately. Lan Lan looked in his eyes, sweet in his heart, and squeezed The mouth secretly giggled.

The applause stopped, and the head teacher paused for a while. At this time, he did not forget to clear his throat and sell it. "The following two... I have to praise in advance. No matter what the final result is, at least, there is this. This kind of courage and goal are worthy of our encouragement and learning!"

While talking, the head teacher glanced at the classmates, and finally said: "These two, have applied for the Jinghua University, which is ranked first in China!"

Wow! !

The class was in an uproar again.

The population base of Jiangnan Province is large, so the score is very high. For example, if the local fresh graduates in Yanjing City need 540 points to get into Jinghua University, the candidates from Jiangnan Province may need 640 points to enter the school smoothly. It is very unfair to many candidates, but there is no way. Who makes this the tortoise shell of our great Huaxia State educational institution?

It is very difficult to enter Jinghua University. Generally, one or two students would be fine. However, in this class, two people have filled in this application. I don't know if these two people are reckless or overconfident! If the gear slipped, it's too late to regret!

At this time, everyone started to guess, who are these two people?

At this moment, the head teacher finally named the names of these two people: "The two students who will be named next, please come to the podium to share with them your test experience and attitude towards application!...Lorraine, there is also ...Han Xuan! Everyone applauds and welcome!"

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