Chapter 220

"Dear students, I don’t care what time you rested last night! It doesn’t matter if you went to the bathroom before you came to the assembly! Now, since you are already in the line, you all have to cheer up!! Whether boys or girls, In the next zipper camping project, no falling behind is allowed. You can be slower, but you must not be more than 100 meters away from the big team, otherwise, when you reach the destination, it will be more difficult than the 10,000-meter long-distance race. Looking at you! Did you understand?!!!"

In front of the third class of the Department of Economics and Trade, instructor Zhu Da sternly roared.

There are four classes in the Department of Economics and Trade. At this time, the distance between the four groups of teams is very close, and the instructors in each class are full of expressions and expressions.

At this moment, this scene is like an emergency assembly in the army.

"The first class of the Department of Economics and Trade prepares, prepares, and runs!"

"Preparation for the second class of the Department of Economics and Trade!..."

"Class 3 of the Department of Economics and Trade!..."


Gathering at five o'clock in the morning, after the instructors' short remarks, the camouflage teams of the freshmen, under the command of the instructors of their respective classes, jogged and left the campus.

After leaving the campus, I discovered that only four teams participated in the training camp this time.

It is estimated that only students from the Department of Economics and Trade arranged this project, right? Or, in order to facilitate management, students from other departments are all taken to another camping site by the instructor?

"Hey, Lorraine, say, where are we going?"

"I don't know, but I just listened to the words of our instructor Zhu, saying that we should not be more than 100 meters away from the team. From this point of view, the place we go should be very far. I think, this time we are camping. Project, this long journey is also part of the training content."

"Mother, I know, I guess I'm going to be exhausted today. Thanks to my buddies, I brought several bottles of Pulse today. When I get tired, I will quickly replenish my energy!" Hearing the conversation between Lorraine and Hao Dapeng, he stood aside. Gao Ren patted the swollen travel bag for the travel companion behind him.

At this time, Wu Di saw Gao Ren’s bulging package and suddenly said helplessly: "I said Gao Ren, you are the second one? Knowing where we are going, it may be far away, you still carry such a heavy weight. You’re so tired!"

Gao Ren disdainfully said, "What's the matter? This is a good exercise opportunity! Didn't Brother Lin say that? Man! You have to be cruel to yourself!"

"Haha, yes yes yes! That's the truth!" Hao Dapeng also smiled at this time. He, a bearded Northeast man, is not afraid of hardship. On the contrary, he likes the slowness under the gray sky in the early morning. The feeling of running slowly. Summer is very hot, but in the early morning, there are always those cool monsoons, running in the wind, this feeling is very pleasant!

At this time, the four people are basically running in the same row. Today is a training camping. Everyone is carrying a camping package. Therefore, it is inevitable that there will be some dislocations in the team during the running, and the instructor Zhu did not. Order a reprimand. After all, there is still a long way to run ahead! At that time, these first-year freshmen with weak physiques, even if they persist to the end, they will all be tired.

"Look, those girls' packages seem to be heavier than Gao Ren's!" At this moment, Hao Dapeng pointed to some of the girls running slowly in front of him, and said with a smile.

"Hehe, I'm afraid it's these girls. I heard that they are going to camping. They have brought a lot of miscellaneous things. The girls are squeamish, how can they try to sleep in the wild most of the night? They must have prepared those skin creams, toilet waters, and facial masks. , Sunscreen or something..."

Hao Dapeng’s guess is true. These girls only think that their skin must not be sunburned, and that they must not be bitten by poisonous mosquitoes when they sleep at night, so they brought all kinds of things. Skin care products.

Of course, there are exceptions.

At this time, in front of Class 3 of the Department of Economics and Trade where Lorraine was located, and in the team of Class 1 of the Department of Economics and Trade, Han Xuan was running quite rhythmically under her feet. After nearly a week of military training, Han Xuan gradually had a set of her own. Her military training experience, for example, when running, the rhythm of breathing is very important, every three steps, take a breath, the breath and the pace echo each other, which makes her run more relaxed and comfortable.

She carried a khaki-colored package on her slender waist. There was not much content in it, only replacement clothes, some daily necessities, a few bottles of purified water and a few packets of biscuits. Speaking of "squeaky", I'm afraid that in the entire Jinghua University, there are not many girls who can have her status as a delicate girl. However, she is unwilling to be the kind of squeamish and useless woman, skin care products, skin care products and the like, she does not need it at all, she knows very well, this training camp, training is the ability to survive in the wild, let me ask, if A person, really lost in the wild alone, can have these skin care products and skin care products? Therefore, she, who is determined and independent, will naturally not miss such an opportunity to exercise her perseverance and ability.

With the running of all the students who participated in the zipper camping project, facing the east direction, everyone saw a round of orange-red sun, quietly rising from the other side of the horizon, and the brilliance of golden and orange-red colors poured here. On the lively earth, the fresh air and the faint warm sunshine make people feel relaxed and happy.

Some students who had a rebellious mentality for this training camp, after seeing this fresh and beautiful natural scene, couldn't help but take a deep breath of fresh air and showed a hint of smile. They have not gotten up so early for a long time, and they don't know how long they haven't seen the sunrise. They have experienced the fatigue and pressure of high school. Although they are very young, they have long lost their vitality.

When they saw the orange-red sun gradually rising from infinity, they felt that their smiles were full of sunshine. Some of the classmates who stayed up late last night were sleepy, and at this moment, they were also instantly refreshed, and the sluggish state was completely gone.

I don't know if it is an illusion. All the students can feel a vigorous taste at this moment, which permeates every student who is running on the road.

It feels very good.

Lorraine noticed this subtle atmosphere, and said in his heart: Hehe, these instructors really took great pains, this time the training camp is not just as simple as it seems. The real military training is not only to awaken physical fitness, but also to awaken that insensitive mentality.

Looking at the back of the instructor Zhu, who was running slowly ahead, Lorraine actually squinted his eyes and looked upright for the first time. From the bottom of his heart, at this moment, he was regarded as a stern to this harsh instructor. The respect of silk.

As the students gradually became tired, the leader and instructor of each class finally waved their hands and told them to stop and walk quickly instead.

Hearing these instructions from the instructors, all the students finally breathed a sigh of relief, slowed down and started walking slowly, but no one dared to stop and rest. After all, the majesty of the instructors was that no one dared To offend, shoot the head bird, no one wants to be the first character. This training journey is still far away, so I have a little strength, so I just keep some, and I am punished, I am afraid it will be enough to drink a pot by myself.

The instructors led the way and walked towards the direction of the sunrise. As the sun rose, the temperature in the air gradually rose. The moment a student’s first drop of sweat oozes from the roast fell on the ground. , Everyone faintly showed signs of exhaustion.

This is also the result of a week of military training. If this training camp is carried out as soon as the school starts, I am afraid that more people will be "dead".

Before they knew it, everyone, led by the instructors, came to the edge of the suburban road near the outskirts of Beijing. The site of Jinghua University is located in Xudong District, Yanjing City. This district has the most schools and is also the most fringe area of ​​Yanjing City.

The students felt much better when walking on the road full of lush trees on the side of the road. After all, the lush foliage can shelter the hot summer.

"Huh? Where are we going?...Looking at the direction and distance, can we not go camping in Yanshan in the suburbs of Beijing?" In the team of Class 2 of the Department of Economics and Trade, a local student from Yanjing who is studying at Jinghua University , Said suddenly.

"Huh? Go to the outskirts of Beijing... Yanshan?... I heard that the scenery there is beautiful!" said a student next to him.

"What's so beautiful! The scenery is quite beautiful, but it was on the top of the mountain. We will only go to the top of the mountain for a day or two this time. We will not go to the top of the mountain. It is only at the foot of Yanshan Mountain.... However, it leads to Yanshan Mountain. For the road, we need to go through a small forest. The environment there is quite bad. It is estimated that our instructor is going to take us there!"

"Hey, just go and chant, what are you afraid of, can you still encounter beasts?"

"Hehe, that's not the case, but there are many kinds of disgusting reptiles. I heard my old brother say that he used to go on a picnic there with his friends and was bitten by mosquitoes. He woke up the next day. , The pimple on the finger is bruised, not to mention how painful it is!"

"Huh? Really?..."

"Not only that, there are also wild hornets, stung by that thing, I am afraid it will hurt like a steel needle!"

The conversation between these two male classmates was clearly heard by Kang Mengmeng, who was walking in front of them, frowning slightly, and then there was a piercing smile on the round faces: Bumblebee? Hey... That smelly guy named Lorraine, you're done!

After walking for about half an hour, this line of teams finally reached one end of the outer woods of Yanshan Mountain in the suburbs of Beijing.

"Dear students, stop and listen to me!" At this time, instructor Zhu waved his hand, stopped the pace of the various classes in the Department of Economics and Trade, and pointed to the depths of the lush woods, "This time we are the destination of training camping. , Is the front... The forest center near Yanshan Mountain, now we are going to enter this forest, all students must follow up! Otherwise, it will be very dangerous! I am not kidding, repeat it, you must follow up, Otherwise, if any classmate is left behind, he may get lost or encounter other problems, and the consequences would be unimaginable!"

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