Rebirth of the Ultimate Rich Second Generation

Vol 4 Chapter 228: Camping is over!

Chapter 228 Camping is over!

Sky Eye Organization? ? !

Hearing these words in the mouth of the old man, Lorraine's heart shook again!

This old man, knows the Sky Eye organization? ? ? Could he have something to do with this Tianyan organization? ?

Thinking like this in his mind, Lorraine pretended to be at a loss and shook his head slightly. In fact, the Sky Eye organization is not completely invisible among the people, but in life, people most often hear some legends about the Sky Eye organization, and the most widely spread is to misrepresent the Sky Eye organization why "Dragon Group" , Said that there are many people with supernatural powers, who are the invisible patron saint of China.

Regarding the supernatural function, it is nonsense, but there are indeed many characters in the eye tissue that break through the limits of human physical fitness. The skills inherited from the Huaxia Kingdom are extensive and profound, and the potential of human beings to be explored is also huge. Using the correct methods to break through can still break through the established limits of ordinary people.

"It's the "Huaxia Dragon Group" that the folks often call." The old man did not look up at Lorraine at this time, otherwise he would definitely find the thoughts flashing in his eyes. The old man continued slowly, "This Huaxia Dragon Team, the actual name, is the Sky Eye Organization, not to mention the nature of this organization. I mentioned it to tell you that there are many hidden masters in China. Many characters, you have not seen before, does not mean that they do not exist. Today, in the eye organization, there are quite a few young people like you and even potential young people like you. Young people are easy to take credit for pride, see You can see that you are a person who is very confident in yourself when you dealt with me just now. This kind of self-confidence is a double-edged sword with pros and cons. Boy... in the future, let us settle down. Mind, it will help you do anything in the future."

"Thank you, old gentleman for calling." Lorraine nodded, and he heard it out. This old man wanted to tell himself the truth about the heavens and the humans by telling the sky-eye organization. He was right, xinxing is indeed very important, no matter what it is.

However, Lorraine had other concerns, frowning, thinking of the old man's huge coercion and powerful strength just now, he couldn't help but guess: Is it possible that this old man is related to the Sky Eye organization? ?

Thinking of this, Lorraine asked directly: "Old gentleman, does the eye organization you mentioned have anything to do with you?"

The old man raised his head when he heard the words, his eyes narrowed slightly, and then he smiled at Lorraine again: "Hehe, if I said, it doesn't matter, do you believe it?"

Lorraine shook his head again.

"You see, believe and unbelief are only between one thought. When you ask me a question, you already think that I have something to do with the eye organization of this day. So if my answer is no, you don’t believe it, if it’s affirmative, you just Will believe it." The old man shook his head and said slowly, "Since you already have your own answer in your heart, why do you need to ask me?"

This kind of logic that sounds like a robber made Lorraine look stunned.

It seems...makes sense? ?

Seeing the old man ponder for a while, Lorraine finally dispelled the idea of ​​continuing to ask him the questions just now. If the old man is a hermit with no fixed place, then the questions just now are indeed rude. An old man of this kind of strength must have a lot of stories, which can't be guessed by himself in twos and threes.

"Young man, are you looking at your classmates here? After half an hour, you can move around." At this time, the old man finally cleaned Kang Mengmeng's wound completely, and then stood up, holding the basket. Ready to leave here.

"Old sir, where are you going?" Human beings are a very strange creature. Lorraine, who was still hostile to this old man just now, gradually awed him and stood up and asked.

The old man smiled and said: "I have traveled all over the world and live in no place. The medicinal materials here have been picked. Of course I have to leave. If you and I are destined, I will see you later." He said, turning around, as if thinking about it. What, I turned around and said, "When you leave for a while, don't pass through the ground. This small group of woods, the shade and the sun are upside down, so that people can't distinguish their directions. Let me show you a clear road." Pointing to Lorraine's left and rear, "Go straight from here, you can leave the northern area at the foot of Yanshan Mountain, young man, don't pass this way."

Before the words fell, the figure slowly disappeared into the lush woods.

"This old man is definitely an outsider!!"

Goodbye? Haha, Lorraine really hopes to meet this old man again.

The civilization of China for five thousand years, there are too many weird things and people to list. In the past, Lorraine might think that the world’s superiors are extremely absurd, but since he learned about the "Sky Eye Organization" "After the strength division and the mysterious technique on the ancient jade slip, Lorraine understood that there is a heaven outside the sky, there are people outside the world, and the world is so big that there are no wonders.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, Lorraine kept reminiscing about the brief conversation with the old man in commoner clothes. Unknowingly, more than half an hour passed, so he carried Kang Mengmeng on his back, and then left the place according to the road pointed by the old man. forest.

The base camp area for military training camping.

The classmates and the instructors stood together, and everyone looked dignified and anxious.

"Instructor, Classmate Lorraine and Classmate Kang Mengmeng are gone. This matter is not trivial. It is no longer within our reach. I suggest to go back to school as soon as possible to avoid more accidents. That way, you can notify the school and find a countermeasure!" At this time, Song Zhihan was "righteous" authentically to Instructor Zhu.

"No! We'd better go and search again! We can try to sneak into the cave!" Han Xuan's face was pale and her heart was numb.

Hao Dapeng was on the side, about to chime in, but glanced unwillingly into the depths of the woods. The next second, he couldn't help but feel overjoyed. His excited smile filled his entire face, and he shouted excitedly: "Ah!!! Look! Everyone, look! It’s Lorraine who is back!! Behind him... he is still carrying Kang Mengmeng on his back!!"

Following Hao Dapeng's call, everyone was shocked, and then turned to look in the direction Hao Dapeng was pointing.

Sure enough, at this moment Lorraine was carrying Kang Mengmeng on his back, walking towards the base camp step by step.

"Fuck you!! You guys!! I know you are so lucky!!" Hao Dapeng and the three brothers in Room 408 ran to Lorraine excitedly, with the excited expression on his face self-evident.

"Lorraine!" At this time, Han Xuan also rushed over quickly. Seeing that Lorraine was okay, she finally breathed a sigh of relief in her heart. A dark surge blocked her throat, but in the end she suppressed the inexplicable excitement. , Squeezed a smile at Lorraine, and asked, "Lorraine...Where did you meet Kang Mengmeng?"

Following the surging crowd, Lorraine walked to Han Xuan’s tent, then slowly put down Kang Mengmeng, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and smiled grimly: "Hehe, I am not Did you fall into that hole? Mengmeng happened to be found in it by me. After climbing out of it with her on my back, I gave her an emergency treatment and bandage for the scratched wound on her body. I'm still sleeping, but it shouldn't be a big problem."

While Lorraine spoke, he did not narrate the encounter with the old man, but deliberately concealed the past.

If Lorraine's guess is correct, Kang Mengmeng should have passed out after being bitten by a poisonous snake. Judging from the extent of her injuries, she should have not recovered yet, so she probably didn't know the existence of the old man in commoner clothes.

He knew that the old man was a hermit, and he should not want people to disturb his clean life, so it is best that as few people know his existence, the better. With Lorraine's judgment, the old man definitely still has a very simple identity. , Otherwise there is no need to hide the name.

"Student Lorraine, thank you for your hard work!!" At this time, instructor Zhu pushed away from the crowd and walked to Lorraine's side, and then patted his shoulder with a big hand. Although there was not much speech, the expression in his eyes, It was full of appreciation and even gratitude for Lorraine.

Appreciation is for Lorraine's act of finding and bringing Kang Mengmeng back through all the difficulties and fears. And gratitude is because Lorraine solved a big knot in his heart. If Kang Mengmeng and Lorraine both disappeared in this woods, then he was seriously negligent, and he could not explain it after returning to school.

"Instructor Zhu, this is what I should do." Lorraine smiled, not arrogant.

At this time everyone cheered for Lorraine's return, and he was undoubtedly regarded as a hero by everyone at this time. The atmosphere of the entire military training team had been dead for a whole day due to the disappearance of Kang Mengmeng and Lorraine, and now they all breathed a sigh of relief.

But one of them is not happy.

That was Song Zhihan. Don’t look at the appearance of a harmless gentleman with humans and animals on the surface, but his heart is extremely cruel. He even hoped that Lorraine would simply die in the hole. Unfortunately, he Not only did Lorraine not die, but also brought back Kang Mengmeng, who had been missing all night, and became a hero in everyone's eyes.

He looked at the crowd surrounded by Lorraine, and Han Xuan's eyes at Lorraine were even more different, which undoubtedly made him itchy with hatred.

"Lorraine... don't need to be proud of you! I, Song Zhihan, grew up and have never eaten deflated in anyone's hands. I have never failed to get something I want to get! The same goes for women! Let me catch my chance, otherwise, I can’t lift your head if I step on it!!! I swear!!"

Lorraine and Kang Mengmeng returned safely.

After Kang Mengmeng woke up, all the talents were really relieved, and then the instructor Zhu Da waved his hand and gave an order: "All the students have! Speed ​​gather! The two-day training camp is over, we return to campus! !"

The classmates were in an uproar and gathered in the team.

There were a lot of military training programs planned today, but after the business of Kang Mengmeng and Lorraine, I didn’t dare to stay any longer, so let’s go back to the campus first!

Therefore, the military training team of the four classes of the Department of Economics and Trade ended the camping and left the Yanshan Forest in the suburbs of Beijing.

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