Chapter 394

some things.

What happened is what happened, which cannot be forgotten, but it cannot be changed.

At this time, what people should do is try to bury that thing deep in their hearts, and quietly suppress it, wait for a certain moment in the dead of night, and then carefully turn it out to heal themselves.

Brother Daqiang is a man who is about to enter the age of confidence.

This incident has caused him a great blow, but he knows that there is still a way to go in life.

Wang Ran is destined to be the eternal wound in his heart.

But what can it do?

As a human being, as long as he is still alive, he can't get rid of Lazard. Injury is always an injury. Time does not stop. With the years, this scar will eventually become a mottled and weak memory.

Brother Daqiang decided that for the second half of Wang Gang's life, he would not let go. Even if he was always lying in a coma in the hospital bed, Brother Daqiang would always provide him with the best treatment.

If Wang Gang wakes up, Brother Daqiang will not tell him about Wang Ran, which of course requires a new lie to fill this loophole. As for what the lie is, Brother Daqiang hasn’t figured it out yet. Hopefully, Wang Gang won’t wake up...

This is not selfish.

Perhaps Wang Gang, who is now in a coma, is the luckiest one?

There is no pain, not even consciousness.

Otherwise, after he wakes up, if he knows the truth, how can he accept everything? Or, he thought it was the strong brother who killed his sister. I am afraid it would be another tragedy...No one would want to see a tragedy happen again.

According to the original plan, Lorraine had decided to go back to Yanjing City early.

Because in the capital, there are still many things waiting for him to do. For example, he once promised Old Man Song that he would visit once a week. This is similar to a form of communication. After all, the Song family is currently the largest backer of the Luo Family in Beijing. This relationship must be maintained.

But it doesn't work now... No one would have expected that after returning to Zhengzhou, so many things would happen one after another. First, there was the hidden danger of civil unrest, then Lan Lan had an accident, and in the end, Da Qiang was hit.

These kinds of things make people feel extremely depressed.

But time is really a grandson. When you hate him, he is passing by stubbornly. When you need him, he is still passing by.

Therefore, under the rush of time, the hazy emotions that had previously enveloped the brothers disappeared quietly and unknowingly.

At least, it dilutes a lot.

During this period, with the help of Mr. Zhou, Lorraine personally spoke and misappropriated part of the Luoshi Group's resources in Zhengzhou City and opened a stylish bar. This bar is the eighth property delivered to the five brothers including Liu Wanchuan through the hands of Lorraine.

At the same time, Lan Lan's situation has improved significantly, and she has already woke up long ago, but because she was shot, from a certain aspect, she was venting her vitality, so she needs to be treated properly. Therefore, they are still living in the hospital so far. As for the Lanlan family, they were also told that they had suffered a gun robbery in broad daylight. The family members heard that it was Jiang Yan who sent Lan Lan to the hospital the first time, and they all expressed their gratitude.

Later, it was natural that the one who took care of Lan Lan in the hospital was naturally Lan Lan's parents, but Jiang Yan now has no business in Zhengzhou, so she has nothing to do, and basically comes to accompany Lan Lan every day. As for Lorraine...Of course he came often.

However, Lan Lan's parents didn't know the relationship between Lorraine and Jiang Yan, but in their hearts, they naturally moved Lorraine to the identity of Lan Lan's "boyfriend" with wishful thinking. You know, the old residents of Lanlan's family had to take care of Bailuo to get a lot of compensation and live in big houses as they wished. Lan Lan's parents have always liked Lorraine, this young man. Now it seems that Lorraine and Lan Lan have become boy and girl friends, so they are naturally happier.

What's more interesting is that the two elders seemed to not infringe on their daughter's privacy and did not ask directly. But... the attitude towards Lorraine completely exposed their true thoughts.

Just like today.

As usual, Lorraine brought some supplements to the hospital to see Lan Lan. Lan Lan's parents were in the hospital. What's more, Jiang Yan was also there today.

"Ginseng... the best Guiling paste... bird's nest..." As Lorraine took out the pack of supplements from her handbag, Lan Lan's parents muttered in dazzling silence.

The price of these supplements, in the eyes of their honest couple, is undoubtedly expensive.

"Xiao Lin, every time you come to visit Lan Lan, you have to bring so many valuable supplements. I really don't know how to thank you as a husband and I!" Lan Lan's mother's love for Lorraine is almost ready. The degree of her son-in-law was so relieved in her heart at this time, but her mouth was polite.

Before Lorraine could speak, Jiang Yan smiled and said, "Uncles and aunts, don't be polite to Xiaolin. Speaking of which, Xiaolin and Lanlan have been at the same table since middle school, and now they are both at the same table. Going to university in Beijing is almost a childhood sweetheart."

The two elders did not know the relationship between Jiang Yan and Lorraine.

In their opinion, Jiang Yan is a little older, more like Lorraine's sister, and Jiang Yan's usual performance is indeed easy to misunderstand them.

Lorraine took the conversation and smiled at this time: "Yes, uncles and aunts, you are welcome. It doesn't cost much to bring these supplements in normal times. Now Lanlan is in a critical period of physical recovery. These supplements are It’s indispensable. Otherwise, the root of the disease will easily fall down in the future, which is not good."

"Yes, yes." Lan Lan's father said with a smile at this time, "Xiao Lin's kindness, Lan Lan, his mother, don't be too polite, it's all a family, a family, haha."

"Smelly old man, I'm talking to Xiao Lin, so how can you interrupt?" Lan Lan's mother said half-jokingly without showing any face to Lan Lan's father. This also shows that these two men did not regard Lorraine as an outsider.

"Yes, yes, I talk a lot.-Haha, Xiaolin, look, Lan Lan's **** temper is very stinky. Thanks to our family Lan Lan is imitating my gentle temper, if we imitate her mother's temper, It will be difficult to marry in the future..."

"Lao Lan, what are you talking nonsense!" Lan Lan's mother went up and screwed it on Lan Lan's father's arm.

"Ouch... Give me some face in front of Xiaolin's face."

The couple sang and made peace at this time, and the scene was full of joy.

Even the pale and weak blue orchid narrowed his large eyes into a crescent shape, with a smile on his face.

In order not to delay Lan Lan, continue to rest.

Lan Lan's parents dragged Lorraine to the outside of this first-class nursing ward, casually dragging home.

"Xiao Lin, I heard that you are now studying at Jinghua University in Beijing. The young man is awesome. He can study in such a good institution of higher learning and his future must be limitless! Uncle is optimistic about you!" Lan Lan's father is at this time. Raised his hand and patted Lorraine on the shoulder.

On the side, Lan Lan’s mother started to sneer, "Come on, Lao Lan! Don’t forget, Xiaolin is the young master of the famous Luoshi Group in Jiangnan Province. The future is limitless. Are you optimistic?"

"I... stinky old lady, your mouth is really poisonous. If you don't pick my thorn for a while, it will be uncomfortable?"

"I am telling the truth……"

Lorraine kept smiling at this time, and did not speak for a long time. Seeing Lan Lan's father and mother quarreling so cheerfully, I felt that this was plain happiness.

"By the way, Xiaolin, did you meet Lan Lan when you usually go to school in Beijing?" Lan Lan's mother asked.

Lorraine nodded: "I meet occasionally. If it's a holiday, I sometimes go to Laoshanjiao to see Lanlan at Yanjing Normal University."

"Haha, well, when I go out, it’s good to have an old classmate who can take care of each other." Lan Lan’s mother nodded vigorously and smiled openly, "Our Lan Lan is honest and friendly, and has never been defensive. She was kind-hearted. When she was admitted to Yanjing Normal University, I was happy and worried about your aunt. The happy one was my daughter's loyalty. Our old Lan family had a college student, and what I was worried about was... Lan Lan's temperament It’s too easy to suffer, for fear of being deceived outside..."

"Auntie, don't worry, there will be nothing wrong with Lan Lan if I am in the capital. If something happens to Lan Lan, even if I am the only one to ask!" Lorrain patted his chest and vowed. Tao. ——After Lan Lan blocked his gun for Lorraine, his feelings for Lan Lan definitely rose to a whole level. Even if he was to be held responsible for Lan Lan’s life, he would not hesitate at all. Promised. ——Of course, there are many forms of responsibility.

"Haha! I said it was right, Xiaolin, what a man! With your words, my uncle is relieved!" Hearing Lorraine's words, Lan Lan's father laughed happily, again. The palm slapped Lorraine's shoulder.

"Old Lan, you interrupted again!"

At the same time, only Lan Lan lying on the bed and Jiang Yan in the ward.

Made a bowl of superb Guiling paste for Lan Lan, Jiang Yan spooned it to Lan Lan’s mouth, and Lan Lan was eating bite by bite like a well-behaved little sister.

Jiang Yan looked at the innocent and kind Lan Lan in front of her with a thought in her heart. After thinking about it for a long time, she finally decided to speak out.

"Drink water?"

Lan Lan nodded.

Jiang Yan brought the water to Lan Lan's mouth, and fed her.

After a pause, Jiang Yan finally stepped into the subject, straight to the point.

"Lan Lan... tell Sister Yan honestly, do you... love Lorraine?"

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