Song Meiyuan proposed to go to the beach to participate in a bonfire party, so of course she led the way and drove it herself.

Since the hotel they stayed at was near Victoria Harbour, it only took about ten minutes before Song Meiyuan took Lorraine to a beach. The salty sea breeze was blowing on the face, and the climate was pleasant, watching the livelyness. Lorraine is in a better mood for the swimming and surfing people.

The ocean is very magnificent. For a man, it's okay to look more at the endless sky and the vast sea, and his mind will be more magnificent.

However, when the car stopped not far from the big coast, Song Meiyuan looked at the lively coast, but afterwards she patted her head and said: "Oh, I forgot that it's the night and the bonfire dance. The meeting will begin. The sky is still bright now. It seems that we ran for nothing."

Hearing Song Meiyuan’s words, Lorraine rolled his eyes immediately: “Uh, I wanted to come to the bonfire party. Since it’s not time yet, let’s go and eat something. I’m so hungry that I’m grumbled, Song Da Beauty, you are really going to cause trouble. I think we should honestly eat first and come back at night, how nice. Now, let me drive."

With that, Lorraine gestured to get out of the car, but Song Meiyuan said, "Hey, Xiaolin, what do you want? Do you think your driving license in the Mainland can be used in Hongkong?"

Lorraine blinked in surprise: "Then why can you?"

Song Meiyuan smiled: "I have a driver's license from Hongkong, how about it, envy it?"

"Uh, what do you do with a driver's license here?"

"Hehe, want you to control?"

In fact, Song Meiyuan had stayed in the UK for a period of time, and the cars there were all on the right. At that time, she had nothing to do, took a driver’s license and easily won.

…… ……

It's more than five o'clock in the afternoon now.

The two of them found a high-end restaurant with a combination of Chinese and Western cuisines, had a full meal, and then sat and talked. Before they knew it, the sky darkened outside.

Seeing the orange-red full moon in the sky, Song Meiyuan couldn't help feeling even more emotional.

I have to say that Hongkong is really a charming city.

At least, Lorraine and Song Meiyuan both thought so at this time.

"Let's go."

Seeing that the time was almost up, Song Meiyuan smiled beautifully, stood up, walked to the front first, and Lorraine followed.

It takes one turn and one street to reach the No. 3 Coastal Area.

At this time, the place for the bonfire dance party is already open for business.

"Hee hee! Catch up~~~ Lorraine, let's go!" After stopping the car, Song Meiyuan cheered excitedly, and took Lorraine's hand and ran towards the dazzling bonfire ahead.

Lorraine was also infected by Song Meiyuan's festive feeling and grinned... Ha ha, although Song Xiaoniu was about the same age as Qin Wanshu, she still exuded a kind of vigor for many times.

After purchasing the admission ticket, Song Meiyuan directly threw off the high heels under her feet on the beach, dragged Lorraine, and got into the crowded crowd.

"Lorraine, come, keep up with the army, dance!"

Lorraine couldn’t help being speechless. He watched the large circle of people holding hands around the bonfire, jumping around, alive a ritual of the African indigenous people’s sacrifice to heaven, and I don’t know who thought it was. It’s here in Hongkong. Engaged in such a hilarious project.

But to be honest, it is very atmospheric. Even people with a haze in their hearts will laugh happily while joining the circle of joyous activities.

"I won't..." Lorraine said.

"Little fool! Very simple, come! Follow me." Song Meiyuan said involuntarily, pulling Lorraine's hand and starting to jump around the bonfire with the crowd, kicking and cheering, so lively.

Lorraine quickly blended into the atmosphere.

After all, it is in Hongkong, an international metropolis, so the bonfire show is much more than that. There are splashing water, barbecue, free beer, and even local singers from Hongkong are invited to sing.

Seeing the hongkong singer who seemed to be familiar, Lorraine finally knew why the admission ticket needed hundreds of yuan.

However, just as Lorraine and Song Meiyuan were playing happily, he suddenly felt a tightness in his heart, and his eyes flickered, as if a very familiar figure flashed by not far away. But when he came back to look for the familiar figure, he couldn't find the slightest trace.

"Huh? Xiaolin, what's the matter? What are you looking at?" Seeing Lorraine's expression suddenly stopped, her figure fixed there, looking somewhere behind her, Song Meiyuan couldn't help but ask in confusion.

"Huh?...Oh, oh, nothing? Hehe, maybe I'm dazzled." Lorraine returned to his senses and smiled.

"Huh, dazzled?...Let me see, did you see a certain beauty?"

Lorraine smiled and said: "Beauty? Haha, there is a peerless beauty standing in front of me. I don't look at such a beautiful girl. If I go to see others, isn't it a violent thing?"

"Huh~~you have taste~~" Song Meiyuan suddenly jumped in her heart when she heard the words, her face was reddish, and said happily.

She hadn't heard Lorraine slurping her mouth so much for a long time, and was suddenly praised by Lorraine's mouth. She was still sincerely happy.

"Haha..." Lorraine smiled, but while Song Meiyuan didn't pay attention, Lorraine glanced a short distance away, trying to find the familiar figure again, but unfortunately, there was still no trace, except for crowded people. Smiling face, nothing else.

…… ……

At the same time, in a car not far from the No. 3 Coastal Area, there were two people, one man and one woman.

In the dark night, both of them are also wearing black clothes, the kind that you can't see without going into the darkness. And if it is a person with more or less experience, it is estimated that they will be slightly refreshed if they notice the breath of the two.

The two of them naturally exuded a murderous aura, a cold murderous aura.

In the main driver's seat, there were men with short heads but very strong figures. They wore a cap, black sunglasses, and a shocking scar on their faces. Even in the gorgeous summer, he still lived his life strictly, all in black attire, showing full of evil spirits.

If Lorraine saw this man, he would definitely come to a heartfelt conclusion at the first time: This guy is a master.

At least, a person who has not received a dead soul under his hand can't exude such evil spirits. Of course, this is only the result of his efforts to suppress. If he completely releases the murderous aura on his body, coupled with his shocking appearance, it is estimated that a child will be scared to death.

This is not alarmist. Although the impossibility is invisible and intangible, it does exist. Take Zhang Liao and Zhang Wenyuan of the Three Kingdoms Period for example, he is the number one warrior of the Wei Kingdom, and he is the most horrifying general. , How many enemy soldiers were scared off, people gave the nickname, "Stop the children cry at night." It means that when Zhang Liao came, even the child was so scared that he dared not cry.

...In the passenger seat next to the man in black costume with a peaked cap, there was a beautiful woman sitting.

Of course, this glamorous woman was also wrapped in darkness, with black attire, long black hair, and black sunglasses, making her white skin and rosy lips particularly eye-catching.

What's more noteworthy is that the aura that naturally exudes from this woman is not even inferior to the man next to her.

This kind of woman is the most terrifying.

For example, maybe this man can be called a dagger with a blade. And this woman is a black rose with a sharp blade.

The lethality is the same, but the disguise and illusion of the latter are often more lethal.

"Coastal Area No. 3, rule out.... Next, let's go to Coastal Area No. 2 to find it."

As soon as he got in the car, the glamorous woman with long black hair and sunglasses said coldly. Judging from her tone, it seems that her level is slightly lower than the man next to her.

"Long Er, just... did you meet an acquaintance?" the man asked in a cold tone.

The woman called "Ryuer" paused for a while, tried her best to suppress the changes and flashes in her eyes, and said coldly, "No, I was wrong."

"Well, that's fine.-You are now an internal member, different from before. You used to have friends, but now you..."

"I see, Chi Diao, thank you for your reminder." Before the "Chi Diao" finished speaking, Long Er interrupted a little impatiently.

Chi Diao paused: "Well, you should know that the organization has strict control over this aspect. When you choose to enter the interior, you have already given up the intersection of ordinary people.-The road is your own choice. , Even though it is a road to hell, you have to follow the rules and walk through it step by step."

"..." Long'er frowned slightly. Obviously, she didn't like this red carving's preaching.

"Long Er, don’t blame me for being long-winded. As your immediate boss, I need to remind you more. You should know that of all the internal third-tier teams, our Red Eagle Team is the most humane. If you change to another team, maybe I won’t be so wordy to you. I will only personally send you to the guillotine when you make a mistake."

Hearing these words, Long Er's heart felt grateful and nodded: "Yeah."

"No matter how important the person is, you must disconnect, otherwise, you will regret it, really." After saying that, Chi Diao touched the scar on his face, seeming to recall some unbearable past. However, there is still no expression on his face.

A nonchalant word, directly into Long Er's heart, without waiting for more reaction, Chi Diao had already stepped on the accelerator, and the two drove away from the No. 3 Coastal Area.

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