Hearing the meaning of Liangzi's words, it seemed that it was relatively easy, and Lorraine felt more relieved.

Although he had expected that Shadow Gate's debut action would be a complete victory before, he did not expect to be able to win so thoroughly. The elephant king in the Golden Triangle, although not as powerful as the white scorpion at the time, is also a local warlord, unlike the white scorpion, who trains perverted killers seriously, but pays attention to discipline and mobility. , At least, their level of firearms cannot be underestimated.


The native warlords of this level, in the eyes of the masters of the Shadow Gate with an average combat power of 183, are all scum, nothing more than nothing.

No matter how strong the level of firearms is, what is the use?

Shadow Gate only needs to use a wave of powerful attackers to attract firepower and divert all the attention of the opponent, and then let Garlic and Ryoko, who have extremely strong individual combat capabilities, cooperate, take advantage of the void, and find this hiding in the safest position in one fell swoop. The elephant king, then took a knife and put a knife on his neck, and everything was beyond him.

Oh, to be precise, Liangzi and garlic are still rarely done for low-end things like the neck of the knife holder.

Be thorough if you want.

Let the elephant king "ah woo" swallow the poison capsule similar to that Meichuan Naiku has eaten, then tell him the horror of the poison, and then tell him who the antidote is currently in, which basically takes it down Up. Originally, Liangzi and Suantou thought that the reputation of the "Xiang King" was so powerful that it should have the same courage as General Niguo, White Scorpion?

Who knew he was a timid counselor, he fainted as soon as he heard about the toxicity of this poison.

In fact, before, the elephant king feared most in the Golden Triangle area was General Nicholas, and he had heard about the magical poisons in the hands of General Nicholas, and he was very afraid. When he wisely clarified the origin of this poison capsule from the description of Garlic and Ryoko, he was immediately dumbfounded and immediately began to beg for mercy.

The next thing is obvious.

In order to survive, the elephant king let the garlic and Liangzi be at the mercy, and promised to buckle down the large batch of goods that he was about to send to the Yamaguchi group, and then specially answered the phone, and put on the air with a majestic voice. Kitajima Yokoyama also began to fear.

I have to say that this elephant king is still very good in acting. He is obviously a prisoner of the Shadow Gate and a prisoner of the Lorraine brothers, but he can still tell the feeling of being a maniac like everything is indifferent and covering the sky with one hand. , It's really hard for him. But this is fine. If he says that his own is under control, it will only cause unnecessary panic, and may even lead to bad scenes of fish death and net breaking. It would be better for him to take the opportunity to pretend to be the boss and say that he is "Mr. Luo's friend." .

Everything is like this.

Lorraine's plan was executed perfectly, and the impoliteness of the King Elephant fell into a puppet of the Shadow Gate.

And when Garlic and Ryoko's hijacking plan was declared successful, the Shadow Door brothers who used to attract attention all retreated. Because of their high average combat effectiveness, they retreated without any casualties. And those under the Elephant King, seeing these enemies retreating, they all mistakenly thought that they were afraid of their firepower and were cheering proudly.

Hearing the cheers outside, I don't know what this elephant king feels like from his heart.

"Brother Lin, leave the matters here to us. Don't worry about everything. You must pay attention to safety there. Brothers believe you definitely have this strength!-If you have any instructions, you can give us any orders!" After speaking to Lorraine on the phone, both of them hung up.

At this time, the king of elephant who had been watching Liangzi hang up the phone with the corner of his eye, he also noticed Liangzi’s smile and haha, he wanted to take advantage of the other party’s good mood and beg for mercy: "Two gentlemen …I have done what you said, so let me go alive, okay? Can you give me an antidote?"

Hearing what the King Xiang said, Liangzi laughed immediately, not for anything else, just to look down on such people from the bottom of my heart. He couldn't imagine how such a courageous person could become the boss of this dignified local gang. Maybe it's because he has been in a high position for a long time, he has more and more, and he is more and more afraid of losing, and he is getting more and more timid?

There is nothing wrong with the psychology of Ryoko's speculation. This kind of example is not uncommon in the real world. Before becoming famous, many big people used their extraordinary courage to step on the corpses and blood of countless opponents to reach high positions. But Staying in a high position for a long time, they will be afraid of falling, surrounded and protected by a group of subordinates all the year round, their courage and blood no longer, some, only empty shells, empty prestige .

And Xiang Wang is a standard type of person.

"Hehe, of course the antidote will be given to you, but...it's not that easy. It depends on your disobedience." Liangzi raised his hand and patted the elephant on the shoulder gently, with a smile on his face. In the eyes of this elephant king, it was very evil.

How dare Xiang Wang sing against Liangzi and Garlic now? Immediately nodded fiercely.

Liangzi smiled with satisfaction, exchanged glances at Garlic, and then one of the two dropped a mobile phone.

"In the future, this mobile phone is dedicated to answering the calls we call you. If you have any situation, you must report to us. Press the '1' key to automatically connect. If we call, if you dare not answer , All the antidote to this poison you took, destroy it!"

"Yes, yes!" said yes for several times, and Xiang Wang put away the phone.

…… ……

For the elephant king, things went very smoothly.

From now on for a long time, the Elephant King will always be in the shadow of the gate, destroying or banning an organization, and it is far from the joy and convenience of controlling an organization. First of all, you don't need to go to great lengths to do the aftermath, and you don't need to be too personal. Secondly... It feels good to call people, doesn't it?

What's more, it was a figure like a king who called.

When the King of Elephant's matter was resolved, the shadow gate brothers naturally all retreated, and Lorraine's previous instructions were: "Keep in touch at all times and stand by at any time."

…… ……

Back to the Japanese side.

After Lorraine returned to the residence, he had something to eat, and then talked to the film crew on the phone and gave instructions, and there was basically nothing left. The only thing he needs to worry about next is Xu Tengfei and Mei Chuan Naiku's revenge.

This was also within his expectation, so he didn't find it bothersome.

He is very alert. He closes the window tightly, and then lies on the bed in a good dead corner. Whether someone breaks in from the door or makes a long-range sniper from the window, he has enough. Reaction time.

Holding a laptop in his hand, a cigarette dangling from his mouth, squinting his eyes casually browsing the web, thinking about various situations and plans in his mind, but a string is tight in his heart.

Carefully sail the ship for ten thousand years, this truth that has not changed for ten thousand years, as Lorraine advances, it seems particularly real.

However, after a full afternoon passed, there was no movement in the room. Just as he was a little confused, a phone call came over and after repeated confirmations, he finally confirmed that Xu Tengfei had already boarded the flight back to China.

"Haha, has Xu Tengfei gone back? Counseling the goods is the counseling. If he is beaten, he will go home to find his parents, wanting adults to stand up for himself.-I hope Xu Tengfei will not let me down, and try to be pitiful. Can it also arouse Xu Qian's anger? If the old guy can still calm down, it won't be easy." Lorraine said to himself in his heart.

Lorraine has never been afraid of tyrannical people, he tends to be stronger than the opponent. But...Lorraine is particularly afraid of people who know how to be silent.

With his experience and intuition, he is very clear that this kind of person is currently the most difficult to deal with.

Think about it carefully, whether it is King Pan or Han Zhennan, they are the kind of quiet people, this kind of person...come down and do great things, and once this kind of person takes action, it must be thoughtful. What he plays is means, and what he fights is experience. Although Lorraine has an "uncommon origin", when it comes to experience, he is still far from Xu Qian's opponent. What he has is courage! Therefore, he just wanted to elicit Xu Qiannian early and fight his courage! Hard work!

Therefore, Lorraine had a quiet hope in his heart... I hope Xu Tengfei will scold himself a little bit harsher in front of Xu Qianian. The more ruthless, the better the effect.

As Xu Tengfei left, Lorraine's mind had not completely relaxed.

The reason why he didn’t leave right away was because he wanted to wait for the people of the Meichuan family to show up. After all, Meichuan Neiku was so big a poison capsule to eat. It is impossible for the largest family in the country to be silent. If the other party wants to wait. When Lorraine was about to set off to return to China, Lorraine couldn't do what the other party wanted. He just wanted to stay here. The big deal is to wait for the film to finish, and see who can consume the other!

As long as the next day passes, I am afraid everyone in the Meichuan family will go crazy!


Because of the contagiousness of the poison Lorraine mentioned before, coupled with the sudden fever, cold, and cough symptoms of their family members, they must be able to make their family uncomfortable!

At that time, it was when Lorraine came forward to negotiate with their Meichuan family.

Now the Yamaguchi group is inclined to his side, and the lives of the Umekawa family are also "held" in Lorraine's hands.

Therefore, Lorraine is very confident that he can take advantage of the problem and take advantage of it! ——Lorraine has never been merciless to enemies like the Meichuan family, nor will he show mercy to them! ~


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