Lorraine's remarks made them cracked.

Is there such a joke? First, give them a beating, then pull to the roof to blow the hair, and finally, let them call the boss to inform them, if they are in a good mood, come to the roof, everyone have a barbecue and drink Have a little wine, and then discuss **** each other.

What about Nima singing a big show? !

This guy didn't dare to call the boss, otherwise he would not be spared.

But looking at the scary smile of Lorraine right now, they knew that they could not escape Lorraine's clutches.

One of them was facing Lorraine head-on, so the arduous work of making a phone call naturally fell on him.

After "Dididi" pressed the phone number a few times, the phone was connected.

It was a call to Meichuan Dakucha.

"Hey, boss..." As soon as the call was connected, this guy greeted him first without waiting for the other person to speak.

But in his tone, there was obviously a trembling feeling. Meichuan Dakucha talked about how shrewd he was, and immediately understood what was going on.

"...Let Lorraine answer the phone." Meichuan Dokuzha was taken aback for a while, then he groaned coldly.

At this time, Lorraine had already brought the phone back to his ears, and happened to hear the words of Meichuan Da Kucha. Although Lorraine always had a smile on his face, behind this smile, There was a slight pause. ——This guy suddenly guessed that he was next to him, and he had already digested the unexpected situation in a short time. This ability is very unusual. First of all, it is absolutely impossible for Umekawa to be a trash on the phone.

"Hehe, excuse me, is your Excellency Da Kucha or Xiong Zhao?"

"The current head of the Meichuan family, Meichuan Dakucha." Meichuan Dakucha said coldly. While speaking, his heart was moving fast, he was thinking, what is the main purpose of Lorraine's call? Thinking about it carefully, it seems that he has fallen into this Lorraine trap again? Looking at Lorraine's calm and composed voice, it seemed that all this was planned by him. Is it possible that he has been waiting for me to send out manpower to deal with him?

Sure enough, Lorraine, the most defying talent in China in recent years, seems to be more capable than the rumors.

No wonder, Mei Chuan Naiku, who already has a good mental and method experience, will be abused by this Lorraine. There is no doubt that people of Lorraine's level have far surpassed their peers in the same circle, and it is necessary for a chief authority like Meichuan Dakucha to compete against each other.

In fact...Meichuan Grand Kucha hasn't dealt with Pan Jiajun of the Pan clan, otherwise, he would have a comprehensive improvement on the entire circle of Chinese giants.

You know, Pan Jiajun is a guy who may not be weaker than Lorraine in terms of overall strength!

Lorraine smiled almost subconsciously when he heard that Meichuan Dakucha reported his family, and said casually: "Well, the first exchange, I will be lucky to have a good time, Meichuan Dakucha, cool?"


What do you mean?

Meichuan Dakucha was taken aback when asked. He felt that there was something in the Lorraine dialect, but...Meichuan Da Kucha, who didn’t know much about Chinese culture, could only suffer a loss. He knew that the other party was using language flaws to indulge himself. I can pretend not to care.

"Happily meeting? Haha, Mr. Luo, I am afraid that you are too confident. My son was insulted by you. Do you want to be close to me? Don't think that you can subdue these people today, but the Meichuan family cannot What happened to you. I will tell you, Waguo, you will never be able to step out. The people under me will go to your troubles one by one, batch by batch. You kneel before me I can already foresee the situation, it's just a matter of time."

"Are you scaring me?" Lorraine narrowed his eyes.

He was a little puzzled... Now it seems that the Umekawa Daikucha is very calm. Didn't Umekawa Neike tell him that there is a certain kind of medicine in him?

It is very possible that Umekawa Dakucha will send someone to follow up and obliterate himself without saying a word. This shows that the Meichuan family can indeed use their weapons for the benefit of the family. At least, they dare to hold themselves. Family members come to gamble.

Fortunately, Lorraine had anticipated this situation before, and laid the groundwork in advance, otherwise, he would really feel a little caught off guard for the reaction of Meichuan Grand Kucha.

"It seems...After Umekawa Naiku went back, something was hidden from you." Seeing the other party's aggressiveness, Lorraine avoided his edge and beat him from the side, making him weaker first, even if he was negotiating. At that time, the momentum can't be weak, and if the other party cares too much about what he says, then...the initiative will soon be firmly grasped by him.

This is the art of negotiation.

It's easy to say, but it's...very difficult to do.

"What do you mean?" Sure enough, Umekawa Daikucha is an uncomfortable guy. In fact... he was more or less skeptical about Umekawa Neku's covert attitude before, but now Lorraine is saying this. It was the thing he cared about most in his heart.

"Hehe, tomorrow, you will understand. Perhaps...you will ask something out of your precious son torture tonight." Lorraine sold Guanzi pretending to be mysterious.

After a short pause, Lorraine continued: "I believe that the Meichuan family is a smart family, and Mr. Meichuan, you should be a person who knows current affairs. I will give you an opinion first. After I return to China, I will not give you the antidote for the time being, and I need you to do one thing for me-when I return to China, I will invite you to our China as a guest in the name of our Luo family. I will do it for you. Arrange a press conference. At the meeting, you don’t need to say anything insignificant, just remember one thing—from now on, your Meichuan family will cut off all contact with the Xu family.”

Hearing these words, Meichuan Dokucha on the other side of the phone suddenly stopped, and his eyelids twitched fiercely.

"I'm going to do it with just a word of you? What are you?!" Meichuan Dakucha was a little sullen.

"If you are a critically ill patient, then I am Hua Tuo. Hehe, don’t you understand what I’m talking about now? It’s okay, after noon tomorrow, you will understand everything. If you are smart, I advise you to stop first, otherwise ...Don't regret it then." After saying this, Lorraine hung up the phone severely.

"You four, are you all awake now? My enemy is your boss, so I won't move you. But...I advise you to stay away from the Meichuan family from now on, otherwise...Beware of being caught Implicated. Colds and fevers are also sick, and they can be treated." Before the words fell, Lorraine turned around and left the rooftop.

Leave these four inexplicable people, you look at me, I look at you, I don't know what Lorraine said just now. Cold and fever are also sick, can I get treatment? What do you mean?

…… ……

At the same time, the other side.

Meichuan Dakuza angrily hung up the phone, but he took a few deep breaths and then calmed down. Begin to confidently analyze the mystery in every sentence of Lorraine.

Soon, he caught the point, that is, Umegawa is cool.

What else does this kid seem to be hiding?

Having figured this out, he once again ordered the people to bring Umekawa Neku to and be interrogated strictly.

But no matter how he asked, he still couldn't ask anything. Umekawa Naiku knew very well that he absolutely couldn't reveal those information, even if it was exposed later, he would pretend to be innocent.

After more than half an hour, the four people sent out also returned.

Seeing these four people appearing in front of him, Meichuan Da Kucha frowned-is this Lorraine still a soft-hearted guy? Didn't even kill these four wastes?

However, just when he was about to call people to punish the four ineffective wastes, the four people knelt on the ground together, and then relayed all the things that happened today to Umegawa University Kucha.

The Meichuan Grand Kucha quickly found the key point.

"Colds and fevers are also sick, it can be cured? What does it mean?" Meichuan Dakucha frowned, deep in thought.

One night passed.

In the morning of the next day, Meichuan Da Kucha was originally planning to continue sending people to act on Lorraine, but when he remembered what Lorraine had said before, he was a little bit rattled, and had to temporarily suppress some obliteration plans. It was noon very soon, and it was impossible for Lorraine to do anything during this period. After all, Meichuan Dokucha had already sent a man to monitor Lorraine and knew everything about Lorraine’s actions. It was always quiet there. It is impossible to prepare a counterattack plan. His investigation was clear, Lorraine came alone, so if he did not leave, he would not be able to contact the people who acted for him at all, unless it was from the Chinese side to rescue soldiers, and the Japanese immigrants, Meichuan University Kucha has also been paying attention and found no abnormalities.

In this way, time passed unconsciously, and it was noon.

After lunch, the country was still peaceful.

At this time, Meichuan Grand Kucha finally couldn't sit still, got up angrily, patted the table and said, "Huh, I think this Lorraine is a clever trick! Now it seems that he is simply bluffing to delay time! "As he said, he waved his hand and called his subordinates, ready to give orders for a new step.

But at this moment, the father beside him, Mei Chuan Xiongzhao suddenly "groaned and groaned" in pain, and said vaguely: "Weird...My head seems a little dizzy..."

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