?Smell, can you smell murderous?

If he is only relying on his intuition, it is relatively easy to understand, after all, many people's sixth sense is very accurate and sharp. ""

But... Christian said it was because of the damp air in the sky that could be smelled.

There are noses and eyes, which is very mysterious.

But Lorraine didn't have the time to ask Christian about the specific origin of this special ability.

"The danger is approaching... You mean..." Lorraine frowned, thinking of a possibility in his mind, "Maybe... is from the Xu family?"

At this moment, Lorraine's ears suddenly stood up, and his sensitive hearing made him notice a slight noise. And a second after Lorraine heard it, Christian's expression also sank, and he winked at Lorraine. Obviously, both of them heard it.

Lorraine nodded to Christian with an understanding, and then made a silent gesture to everyone around him.

Everyone nodded solemnly. Although they could not hear the sound, they understood the solemn expressions of Lorraine and Christian.

…… ……

Under the night.

A few cars parked far away in a dark location not far from the Rock's mansion. Since this is a relatively remote suburb, there are mainly single-family villas, so they can basically let go of their hands and move.

Four or five people came down in the car, each with a machine gun in their hands.

Don't ask them how they got these guns. Even though this is the mainland of China, even though this is the capital, if the Xu family wants to do something, they still have absolute strength to get it. It is impossible to purchase these guns in large quantities, but it is not too difficult to collect seven, eight, or ten guns.

...These four or five people approached the Luo Family mansion cautiously. Through their concealed means of advancement and their agile skills, it can be seen that they should be experts hired by the Xu family. Seeing that they often do this Kind of thing.

After confirming that there was no movement, four or five people finally sneaked into the interior of the Luo's mansion.

When they came to Nuo Da's living room, there was not a single figure, a piece of black hole, only the blue charm moonlight shining from outside to guide them.

Four or five people leaned against the wall, one of them gestured, and everyone understood. They moved quickly into the various rooms upstairs and downstairs. They didn't let them go. They all held their machine guns and fired at the thick bedding. ! !

"DaDaDaDa!!!——" A burst of crackling gunfire sounded.

A room next to each other was swept all over, and the people who were sleeping, without a chance to groan, were beaten into a sieve full of holes.

They don't need to lift the quilt, as long as they shoot all the beds in the room to one side, they will not miss it! Lorraine and his family must be among them! Because before they acted, there have been dedicated people stalking near the Luos mansion. It is 100% sure that the Luos family has not left the mansion for half a step!

This is the typical catching turtle in the urn, foolproof!

This is always the way the Xu family used Xu Qianlong! Cut grass and roots, kill thoroughly!

...... After the raid in the dark, these four or five people gathered in the living room, and then poured a pool of gasoline on various places in the room, and several people walked out of the Rock's mansion.

Just before leaving, the fire was put down, and the petrol-penetrated Rock's mansion quickly burned.

When they got to the car, the entire Luos mansion had already burned into a sea of ​​flames! ! With a few explosions, the Rock's mansion burned more thoroughly!

After seeing this scene, these people who performed the task exchanged glances with each other, got in the car and left here as soon as possible.

They know very well that under this circumstance, no one who lives in the house will be spared!

"At this moment, even if the Luo family is uprooted! It was ruthlessly wiped out by the leader of the Xu family!!" These characters from the Xu family also know the current rich family. Complaints and relationships.

…… ……

In the basement of Lowe's mansion.

Because the design and structure here are very concealed, no matter from the appearance pattern or the ventilation effect, hiding here is absolutely safe. Lorraine was also considered foresight at the beginning. He seemed to have thought that this day would appear sooner or later, so that this fluke happened today.

Everyone was sitting there with solemn expressions or even a little astonishment. As for Lorraine, his expression was even more complicated.

"The wrist of the Xu family is really the same as the rumors say! Thorough, cruel, no vitality, no room left! Compared with his grandfather Xu Qianian, Xu Tengfei is more than a little bit worse. !——If I really fell asleep unprepared tonight, even if I can wake up from my sleep, but I can’t take care of it all! There are so many people in the Luo family, Christian and I are here. Under the circumstances, it is impossible to protect all of them!——Xu Qianian, Xu Qianian, you are really ruthless... you really learned!"

Lorraine's face was solemn and deep, but his heart was surging, and he had already developed a very strong sense of hatred for this Xu Qianian!

The roar of burning flames outside and the sound of gas explosion that day hit Lorraine's heart fiercely.

"This Xu thousand years must die! The Xu family must be destroyed!" Lorraine condensed, his eyes firm.

"Christian, thanks to your intuition this time, thank you! Our family thank you." Lorraine raised his hand and patted Christian's shoulder, looking serious.

Christian nodded heavily and respectfully: "Mr. Low, this is what I should do. It's just...Mr. Low, your house will be swallowed by the fire and burned."

"It's okay if people are okay. The house can be bought again, and things can be bought again." Lorraine sighed deeply, then a weird smile appeared on his face again, "But... but... There are three grandparents."


Upon hearing this, everyone suddenly remembered the three grandparents of the Meichuan family! Today they stayed at Luo's house!

And it was a good thing to cooperate with each other, but I didn't expect that the killer who came suddenly by the Xu family would end his life!

"...Is this God's will?" Lorraine frowned, and said to himself with a smile.

…… ……

The night is very deep and deep.

The Xu family ushered in their "good news".

Xu Qianian and Xu Tengfei's grandparents have been sitting in the study room waiting for good news.

When the news of "Luo Family Destruction" reached their ears, the grandfather and grandson both showed a smile.

Xu Qiannian is okay, his age and experience are there, with a smile on his face. But Xu Tengfei almost jumped up happily! He had been there for more than once or twice before, and his pride was humiliated and miserable in front of Lorraine.

At this time, the Luo family was completely wiped out, which made him cool from head to toe!

"Grandpa, this is great! The Luo family was wiped out by us! And those leftover problems left behind by their names, our Xu family has a share of the pie! These years, the Luos Group has been in Beijing, in various parts of China They accounted for a lot of market share! Once the market share they once occupied is vacant, then whoever fills it in will make a profit without losing it! No, strictly speaking, it will be a huge profit that doubles! "

When Xu Tengfei said these words, he was very excited and trembling.

Upon hearing this, Xu Qiang waved his hand: "My child, you are in the wrong state. Don't have too much emotion when you encounter things. Emotion will only harm you. As a decision maker, you must be absolutely rational. Now, let me calm down and think about it... The Luo Family has just been wiped out and died in a so-called'fire'. Do you think there will be no guesses from the outside world at this time? The family was the first to stand up and occupy the vacant market share of the Luo family, which undoubtedly aggravated our suspicion. Therefore, the first thing we need to do now is to find a way to deal with the aftermath. The first step is to first Get rid of suspicion."

Hearing these words by Xu Qiannian, Xu Tengfei was stunned, and then nodded honestly: "Grandpa, what you taught is that these principles are in your heart.

Xu Qiannian nodded with satisfaction after hearing the words: "Well, just understand, it's not too late now, let's go back to your room and rest soon. Get a good night's sleep, starting tomorrow, our Xu family will face There are many more questions."

"Yes, grandpa, you also have to rest early." Xu Tengfei stood up, nodded respectfully, and then left the study.

…… ……

The second day.

Pan Jiajun was suddenly woken up by a phone call.

It was only six o'clock when the Qing Dynasty got up.

Pan Jiajun usually gets up at seven o'clock, so he opens his lazy eyes and settles before answering the call. He won't pick up the phone in a daze, because he is Pan Jiajun. As long as he is awake, he must keep a clear mind at all times. Otherwise, sometimes it will be delayed by confusion. If this call is from his partner, and the other party is going to take the opportunity to play tricks with him, then a dizzy mind will only harm the interests of the Pan family.

This is the fatigue of being in a high position, which ordinary people cannot understand.

"Hey, Master!" The one who called was one of Pan Jiajun's close men.

"Well, let's say, what's the matter with the call so early?" Pan Jiajun's voice didn't contain any emotion, and it passed to the other end of the phone indifferently.

"Something happened!" The man said immediately, "Luo's family... are all dead!" ~ See the first release without ads, please go to ""

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