"Yo? Still dare to laugh? Why? Is what I said funny?!"

Hearing the laughter, this guy named Du Ziteng was immediately upset. How could he allow others to commit the majesty he has finally established?

Then catch a typical example and reprimand it!

Turning his head, this guy arrogantly yelled, "I tell you! I will tell you! There will be Du Ziteng with my father-in-law in the future... Congratulations! Good luck! Good luck! Manager Qin, what a fuck, also There is Luo Dong, ahahaha...I...I..."

When this guy saw the appearance of Qin Wanshu and Lorraine, he was so stupid that he immediately sank into a deep pit. He stammered and trembled all over in fright. He didn't know what to say, his face was pale. There is not a little blood!

Lorraine squinted at this guy, his eyes full of pity, and said with a smile, "So you are called Du Ziteng."

"Ah, yes, yes, yes, yes...! I, I, I, I, my belly, my belly, my belly, my belly, my belly, my belly, my belly, my belly, my belly, my belly, my belly, my belly, my belly, my stomach, my belly, my belly, my stomach hurts... Out of everyone's sight.

Seeing the embarrassed appearance of this guy named Du Ziteng, everyone felt a bit funny in their hearts, but they wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh.

Lorraine looked at everyone who dared to laugh but didn't dare to laugh, and felt a little disgusted in his heart. Only the few people who grinned silently seemed more real.

In fact, from this scene, Lorraine can see the true emotions in these people's hearts.

Those who want to laugh but dare not laugh are afraid of Lorraine. Why are they afraid? Because they have a guilty conscience, as long as they are members of the Rock Group, they know that Lorraine is a more kind person. Why are they guilty? Because they were also thinking about good things in their hearts, Lorraine knew that this could explain their loyalty problem.

On the contrary, it is the people who laugh. They have no psychological burden and stand upright, so naturally they will not be afraid of that much.

"Why didn't everyone laugh? Wasn't this scene quite funny just now?" Lorraine still had the smile with squinting eyes. At this moment, everyone didn't know what Lorrain was thinking.

Seeing everyone's appearance, Lorraine waved his hand indifferently: "Okay, that's the end of the farce. Let's end the meeting."

Before he finished his words, his gaze suddenly fell on the people who laughed naturally just now, pointed his finger at them, and said: "You guys, come to my office with me. Others don't leave yet. , Wait a while and there will be things to announce.

These people were all taken aback when they heard the words, and then their complexions changed! ——Oops, is it possible that Luo Dong saw us laughing just now, so he kept us in his heart. Is it to punish us? This sentence is really good!

They felt regretful in their hearts, but they didn't say anything to refute, and they nodded honestly, following Lorraine's pace, and walked out of the conference room together.

After a few of them followed Lorraine and Qin Wanshu out of the meeting room, the rest of them all breathed a sigh of relief. When the panic settled down, everyone exchanged unspoken gazes, with a hint of gloat in their eyes. Taste——Look at those few just now, and seeing that Luo Dong is back, he even dared to laugh and die!

However, after ten minutes, the development of things was far beyond their expectations.

Qin Wanshu returned to the meeting room with the few people who had been called to the office just now. The people in other meeting rooms thought that when these people appeared again, they would be sad, but... when everyone saw the expressions on their faces At that time, I was surprised.

Why... They seem to be very happy?

When everyone was puzzled, Qin Wanshu said: "Everyone is here. I announce one thing. From now on, this Mr. Liu next to me will replace Mr. Du Zi Tengdu as the head of the accounting department. And this one Mr. Hu..."

After the announcement, everyone found that those who were called into the office just now had been entrusted with a heavy responsibility!

This must be arranged by Luo Dong. As for why Luo Dong arranged it, they thought it out in a moment and a half with their minds. The only thing they knew was... Luo Dong has his criteria for doing things. There is no room to refute the order.

…… ……

The episode ends here.

This time, Lorraine unexpectedly saw a few people who were more loyal to the company, and also used this to see the true thoughts of some unruly people.

Eliminating dissidents and stabilizing one’s own company cronies are always what a decision maker should do. Even if the Rock Group is an industry of the Luo family, after all, due to various reasons, the joint-stock system is implemented. This, It must be cared and done well.

After returning to the office, Lorraine put aside the company's business.

The top priority now is to deal with the Xu family!

And it's the kind of deal with no room left!

Lorraine is not a foolish man, so he has his own clever ways.

Turned out the phone book, and then Lorraine dialed a call, international long distance, to the country of Japan.

"Hey, who is it." The voice of an extremely sad woman came over the phone, speaking in the Japanese dialect.

Although Lorraine does not have a deep understanding of the Japanese language, his goal is to be internationally. Therefore, he still has a slight grasp of the languages ​​of several major economic powers. In addition to the previous trip to the Japanese country, basic communication is no problem.

"Hello, you must be Miss Umegawa Uchiko? I'm Lorraine, Lorraine of the China Luoshi Group. I have sent you a written notice before, for Ms Umekawa Uchiko, your grandfather and father I am very sorry about the matter with my brother."

"Lorraine..." Yizi Meichuan was taken aback for a moment, and said in a very resentful tone the next second, "I didn't call you, so you dare to call me! Don't think I don't know, my grandpa , My father, my brother, were all killed by your Luo family!"

"Miss Meichuan, this misunderstanding is serious. Haven't the photos of our burnt-down family been sent to you? I have already told you the reason for the matter. You better believe me, because you Meichuan The enemy of the family is still at large. I called you this time just to inform you that I am going to take revenge on the enemy of your Meichuan family. As for whether to participate in it, it is entirely up to you, Miss Meichuan. "

Umekawa Uchiyoko is not an unreasonable person. In addition, Lorraine described the whole thing in a very accurate remark with a snarling psychology. Now Umekawa Uchiko also deeply hates the Xu family. The reason why she talked to Lorraine like this now was mainly because she complained about Lorraine. After all, the three generations of their Meichuan family's grandparents died in Luo's family.

"No matter how you say it, things this time have nothing to do with your Luo family!"

"Yes, it is precisely because of this that I am prepared to launch a retaliatory attack on the Xu family."

"..." Meichuan Lingerie heard Lorraine's words and didn't know what to say.

Lorraine almost met, and said: "Miss Umekawa Neizi, if you are going to visit China in person, then someone from Luo will be responsible for your safety throughout the entire process. ——Someone from Luo, always waiting for your call. "

After speaking, he hung up the phone.

Lorraine grasped Umekawa Uchiko’s psychology very well. He knew that the Japanese people’s vengeance mentality was very heavy. In addition, during the conversation with Umekawa Uchiko, Lorraine was basically able to touch her. Personality and style of doing things. Compared with the three grandsons of the Umekawa family, Umekawa Uchiyoko's mind is obviously much more immature.

Lorraine wanted to control her, it was easy.

Now Lorraine can basically be sure... the Japanese side, he has almost mastered it. Yamaguchi formed his own "friends." The Umekawa family is completely innocent towards themselves at the moment, and even if there is hostility, it doesn’t matter. Without the Uekawa Yuzhao, Umekawa Daikucha, and Umegawa’s grandson, the Umekawa family, nothing There is no doubt that it will fall. However, the Umekawa family has a big business and a solid background. Umekawa Uchiyoko has some skills. For a while, the Umekawa family will not be defeated by competitors. What's more, Umekawa Uchiyoko has many uncles to help. . Therefore, the only possible situation is the struggle for power within the Meichuan family.

And these, there is no threat to Lorraine, he does not need to pay attention.

…… ……

After contacting Umegawa Uchiko, Lorraine paced back and forth in the office and had a general route to deal with the Xu family. However, what to do in detail is worth pondering.

"Perhaps... I also used some kind of secret action to retaliate against the Xu family?"

Thinking about it, Lorraine shook his head and denied the idea: "No, in this case, it should cause a backlash, and it's too risky. Now that the Xu family knows that I am not dead, they must have made a very comprehensive deployment, and always beware of this. This happened. Besides, if I did this, wouldn't I fall behind like the Xu family?"

"Perhaps, I should hold a press conference to publicly reprimand the Xu family for their evil deeds? Although there is no evidence for the time being, the pressure of public opinion will definitely oppress the Xu family for certain defects. Then... It is possible to crush the Xu family and the Xu family internationally!"

Having figured this out, Lorraine sighed. There was no better way for the time being, so he had to do it first.

However, at this moment, his mobile phone rang suddenly.

Lorraine answered the phone without hesitation, and Kang Shaojie’s voice came from over there: "You stinky boy, what can you tell me in the company? Come on, the old place, I'm waiting for you with Shen Zheyu ! Give you an hour, if you dare to come late, be careful that the brothers beat you."~


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