During the period of separation from Lorraine, Shen Zheyu once again met with his master.

Still the same place-the balcony of his bedroom.

Father Tian is still like that, coming and going without a trace, he specially ran to drop such news to Shen Zheyu, mainly to remind him, this apprentice, that he must pay attention to safety, now Asia is very uneven, in addition, I also made a special trip to remind Shen Zheyu... to speed up the determination of the exercises Lorraine was practicing... Does it match the exercise classics he is looking for? Is it the "Tyrant" that has long been lost in the legend!

That day, after the old man told Shen Zheyu about the internal disagreements in Tianyan, Shen Zheyu felt the seriousness of the situation.

In short, there will definitely be many unexpected things in the future, and the struggle between giants will become more and more complicated.

"Zhe Yu, do the captains of the three blade brigade also accept employment tasks?" Lorraine asked.

Shen Zheyu's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he smiled and said, "Hehe, a very clever question. In fact, based on your strength, it is estimated that these three captains are the most important to you now?"

After a short pause, he continued: "According to the intelligence, the three captains are called'Captain Alpha', Captain Beta Beta, and Captain Gamma. Among them, Captain Beta and Gamma Captains sometimes accept employment tasks, but...the nature is different from other people. When they accept employment tasks, they often do not reveal their true identities. From this point, we can see that they are A conspiracy is brewing."

"Alpha, Beta, Gamma... Hehe, although these three people are captains, they are still relatively weak compared to the chief executive above them?"

"Of course. The name of the chief executive officer of the Blade Division is Zhao Feng, and the name of the Blade Division is named after him. Within the Sky Eye organization, it is possible to lead to higher-level figures, mostly the Sky Eye organization. The kind of masters who are starting to train, so they are mostly called by code names. And this Zhao Feng, obviously uses his own name. With his own name, he can be in the high position of the eyes of the sky. All of this shows his The origin is very unusual." Shen Zheyu said seriously.

Regarding the last guess, Father Tian did not tell him that these were all his own guesses. It can be seen that he is very interested in this man named Zhao Feng.

"Zhao Feng?" Lorraine frowned slightly and asked, "At what stage is this person's strength?"

"...This is not easy to say." Shen Zheyu smiled lightly when he heard the words. "The specifics are not clear. In short, he is very strong and very strong. When the Tianyan organization established an employment branch, the internal There are more than 30 second-line masters fighting together for the position of the chief executive officer of this employment division, and this Zhao Feng is one of these 30 second-line masters. Finally, the top four, then It is him, Zhao Feng, and the three who are currently serving as Captain Alpha, Captain Beta, and Captain Gamma."

"Oh? So, although they are in a subordinate relationship, they competed with each other in the beginning, right?"

"Yes, Zhao Feng won in the end."

"Hehe, this can be guessed."

"This is not the point." Shen Zheyu changed his mind and said with a more solemn expression, "The point is, this Zhao Feng... defeated three people in one fell swoop. Although it was a hard fight, in the end he can still rely on it. It is quite tyrannical to knock all three of them unconscious!"

"One enemy three?!-aren't they all internal second-tier members? How can the level of strength differ so much."

"That's why I said that it is impossible to make an accurate judgment of his strength, because before he became the chief executive officer of the blade department, he was an internal second-line member of the Sky Eye organization, but he was able to fight with one enemy and three strong, but it was far from The average second-line members are comparable. Therefore, the combat effectiveness data of this guy has always been vague. It is estimated that only the internal high-level personnel of the Eye Organization today have his detailed combat effectiveness data."

"...Does he have the level of the third human limit?" Lorraine pondered for a long time, and finally said slowly.

"The third human limit?" Shen Zheyu smiled, "Lorraine, if you say that, you must not know how terrifying the third human limit is. I guess he should be at the peak of the second human limit. ."

"...Why are you so sure?"

Upon hearing this, Shen Zheyu smiled mysteriously: "Haha, guess?"

Of course he is very clear. You must know that the human limit determination and division system of the Sky Eye organization was created by his master Tian. The first human limit and the second human limit will not be mentioned for the time being. The highest degree-the third human limit, is positioned by the Lord according to his own strength.

In other words, when Father Tian created this power division system, he was just a master of the third human limit.

To say that Zhao Feng had the same level of strength as the old man, then he would not believe that Shen Zheyu was killed. Of course, Shen Zheyu's guess as to Zhao Feng's strength at the second ultimate peak level of humanity was not what the Lord Tian told him.

"In addition, there is something very interesting. ——This Zhao Feng is a left-handed."

"Left-handed?" Lorraine repeated subconsciously.

"Yes, because... his right hand was broken."

"Broken? How was it broken?"

"It is said that... was when he was fighting for the position of chief executive officer with the three captains, he was cut off by Captain Alpha, the most powerful of the three captains. However, this is just a legend. It is not the case. know."

These were all things Shen Zheyu had specifically asked someone to investigate after he knew what the Lord Tian said. Therefore, the intelligence information obtained was slightly vague and general.

"So... Among the three captains, the one who is closest to Zhao Feng in strength is this Captain Alpha?"

"It can be said that at the beginning, this Zhao Feng was purely a triumphant victory through a dark horse, and the favorite that has been expected to win before is now Captain Alpha."

"...So that's it..."

After listening to these, Lorraine took a long breath.

The words of Shen Zheyu just now brought Lorraine into a new, unknown and mysterious world.

The Sky Eye Organization... these four words seemed to have magical powers, and aroused the unprecedented interest of Lorraine.

"Sky Eye Organization, this Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon organization... what kind of existence is it..." Lorraine said silently, "I don't know, I will continue to grow like this, one day in the future, will I be able to contact this? One level? Can you understand this level?"

As soon as the picture in his mind turned, Lorraine suddenly appeared a slender and beautiful figure, with long fiery red hair, flying like a maple leaf under the bright clear sky, which formed a sharp contrast with her black tight leather jacket, slender. The waist, tight buttocks, slender legs, and toned arcs show an s-shaped tall, plump and hot body, but... it makes people feel that they can only be seen from a distance, not to be played. This is a red rose with thorns, this rose is as murderous as numb, this rose is sealed by blood.

However, Lorraine seemed to be able to see from this beautiful back, a forbearance, heavy burden, and inexplicable heartache buried deep in her heart.

"You... why do you want to join Sky Eye without hesitation?" Lorraine asked quietly in his heart again. This question, in his heart, in his dream, did not know how many times it had appeared.

"Hey, why are you stunned?" Suddenly, Shen Zheyu said.

Lorraine recovered after hearing this, and was about to reply, but found that Shen Zheyu was talking to Kang Shaojie at this time.

Kang Shaojie suddenly returned to his senses and smiled and scratched his head: "Hehe, I just feel that the question you are discussing is very interesting, just like a science fiction movie...Oh, no, martial arts movies...not right, anyway, I feel what you said. Things belong to another world."

"Those of us who live in the world are bound by material all day long. Of course, we don’t have time to study and pay attention to these things. The world is so big, there are no wonders, and we always have a curious heart. There are many unknown things. A lot." Shen Zheyu said meaningfully. This principle was taught to him by Father Tian.

"Zhe Yu, you said that Zhao Feng, who appeared in the sky as a dark horse, could be some hidden ancient martial arts masters of the Huaxia Kingdom. For some reason, he came out of the mountain and entered the sky eye organization?"

"The hidden Gu Wu master? Hehe, how could it be possible? According to the information, this Zhao Feng is only about twenty-eight years old now." Shen Zheyu shook his head.

"Twenty-eight years old?! Is there such a strength at only twenty-eight years old?-He is really a genius!" Lorraine was surprised.

"Genius? Indeed, he can be regarded as a genius. But... if you say the real genius of the Sky Eye organization, one person has to mention it."

"Oh?" Lorraine raised his brow.

"That is... Alpha, the captain of the No. 1 Battalion Team now!"


"Yes, if the rumors are true, then from the point of view of his ability to cut down Zhao Feng's right hand, it has already left many people behind. More importantly... this Captain Alpha is now only about twenty years old. age."

"Twenty years old?!!!" At this moment, Lorraine was completely shocked.

Originally, Lorraine thought that he was already a very heaven-defying martial arts genius, but he didn't expect...There will be even more heaven-defying existence. From the description of Shen Zheyu just now, it is not difficult to guess that Captain Alpha's strength is significantly higher than himself.

"The pool of sky-eye organization...really deep." Finally, Lorraine took a deep breath and sighed again, shaking his head. ~


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