"That goddess is really weird. └┘"

Pantene's mind is full of the fortune-telling appearance of the goddess tonight.

"Lorraine said that the goddess was accurate. I guess he didn't lie to me. Even though he tried to suppress the shock in his eyes at the time,...I can still feel it very clearly when I sit next to him. The shocked atmosphere in his heart."

Does this kit really reveal any mystery?

With these doubts, she finally opened the kit.

First of all, the paper sign was opened, and it said: "The goose will fly to the south and will eventually return, without seeing the scene of the country, and crying for Jun Qingcheng, with no sorrow.


When Pantene saw these words, there was a mass of paste in his head.

What do you mean? What is this metaphor?

Do you mean that your destiny will end in tragedy? Isn't it right? Didn't the former **** woman say that her destiny is rich and wealthy?

Pantene knows that this kind of drawn paper lottery is a relatively general thing. What does it mean specifically? It needs to be comprehended by yourself, and the signature written by the goddess himself may be able to understand her. Helped.

Thinking in her heart, she also opened the signature.

What surprised her was that there were so many densely packed characters on it. That **** woman could write so many characters so quickly. What a quick pen speed is needed.

After calming down, Pantene pondered and looked at it.

"Sometimes a fate must be there, and a hit is always necessary. Don't force it.-Ms. Pan, the emotional line on your palm is very peculiar. Your emotional line turns out to be a very short and very short line in the palm of your hand. The short line segment has no connection before and after, no beginning, no end. It's like an incomplete line. I can't fully understand your feelings. I only send you the four words "Life and death". I can't tell now. What you will encounter in the future, but when you do, you will know what it is. At that time, you must think carefully and make a careful choice. When the eyes and ears are destined to lose one of them, What do you choose?——This jade pendant was given to you by me according to your hexagram. It is called'Jun Ruogui'. At some point in the future, it may be able to bring you good luck. Ms. Pan, please do it for yourself. "


At this moment, Pantene was completely silent.

Of course, Pantene could understand such easy-to-understand words. But... what exactly does this mean? My own line of emotion is an incomplete line. Is it possible that it is of the same type as that of Lorraine? ——Haha, it seems that both myself and Lorraine are the kind of people who have had emotional problems. Maybe this is also a kind of fate.

With a faint smile in her heart, Pantene took the jade pendant out of the kit.

After taking it out, Pantene was immediately stunned.

This jade pendant... is definitely expensive!

Yes, no matter from the point of view of texture, color and polishing, it is definitely a good product! And it is the best product! The sapphire color is actually mixed with some light red, crystal clear!

This jade pendant seems to be polished into a drop of water, no, it seems like a drop of blood again...

"Jun Ruogui? ——What is the origin of this jade pendant?"

Pantene walked off the bed slowly, rubbing her white and slippery legs on the silk sheets, moving smoothly, and then she wore a silk nightdress, naked and tall. The long, smooth legs walked to the computer and ate his feet, making a faint sound on the beech floor.

"Jun Ruogui..." Pantene started to search for related news on the computer.

Not to mention, after searching for it, Pantene really found the origin and legend of the name of the "Jun Ruogui" jade pendant.

Roughly speaking:

In ancient times, a certain great power marshal died in battle and died under the iron halberd of a hostile country. When he died on the battlefield, his wife, who was far away in his hometown, gave birth to a boy. More than two decades later, the Grand Marshal’s son grew up into a heroic general. In the past two decades, he has been practicing his martial arts and art of war. It can be said that all aspects are He is proficient in everything, capable of literary and military skills, and his purpose is to avenge his father's great revenge. At that time, people in this country called this general the "Son of Vengeance" and said that he was born for revenge.

It is a pity that after he was exquisite in his studies, he wanted to take revenge, but found that the strength of his country was not as good as before, and he was already unable to compete with the army of the country that killed his father. In desperation, he had no choice but to Disguised as a wanderer, mixed into that country, and then joined the opponent’s army. Starting from a small pawn, with a bravery and obsession, he showed some of his true abilities from time to time and was appreciated by his superiors. Step by step from a small soldier, to a corps leader, to a centurion leader, a thousand commander, a partial general... until you become a general of the enemy country! !

At this time, another ten years have passed. After ten years, he finally waited for an opportunity.

This hostile country is a martial nation. A certain prince of the royal family held a competition to recruit relatives for his daughter, that is, the Hongmei princess. This prince was the one who led the war on the front line and designed to kill his father. The culprit!

Therefore, this vengeful son went to participate in this martial arts contest, and in the end, he hit a blockbuster, defeated all competitors through powerful martial arts, and won the crown in one fell swoop. The Red Charm Princess, who had been watching the martial arts contest in the dark, was deeply attracted by the vigor of this vengeful son, and then... he fell in love with him hopelessly.

This vengeful son, with a misfortune in mind, married the red charm princess, and while getting along with the red charm princess ostensibly, the vengeful son began to plan how to assassinate her father.

Finally, he finally got his detailed battle plan ready and prepared for action. In order to make the plan foolproof, he specially drew a map covering the entire palace, marking the general offensive route. After all, there are too many masters in the palace. , In order to ensure the advantage of the battle against the prince, he must choose the most vulnerable assassination route.

He acted.

But while he acted, he was negligent.

The lost map was discovered by Princess Hongmei. She discovered her husband's conspiracy by virtue of her ice and snow clever mind. She suddenly felt that the person she loved was the one who wanted to kill her father!

As a result, the Hongmei Princess suddenly realized the seriousness of the problem, and immediately chased him out, rushing to find him before his husband killed his father.

Seeing Princess Hongmei stopped him, the son of Vengeance didn't even have his heart to kill her, so he explained all the reasons and said that his father's hatred was not shared. Then, he bypassed the red charm princess and stepped forward, but he didn't expect that he suddenly chased him behind him with a knife, and thrust it straight into his back, straight through his heart!

The Vengeful Son turned his head to look at her with a complicated look, and finally fell into the arms of Princess Hongmei.

Princess Hongmei said: "I'm here to accompany you, you will not be alone."

After finishing speaking, he also thrust a knife into his chest.

At the same time that the Vengeful Son died, the Red Charm Princess had almost completely lost consciousness.

But at this moment, the sky was full of light, and a stream of brilliance descended from the sky and landed in front of the Hongmei Princess who was about to lose consciousness.

There seemed to be a holy immortal in the light. He told Princess Hongmei that they were the immortals who violated Tianjo’s love, but they were defeated and returned to life, and they became the hostess of ten generations. Different evil fate. There is one last life, and all the evil obstacles can be resolved.

And while the Red Charm Princess was dying, he begged the holy immortal: "In this life, I chose to let my family live and accompany him. If there is a next life, I would choose to let him live and punish all the evils. , I am willing to bear it myself, be willing to be a pig, a horse, and be slaughtered by others.-If you come back, I am willing to go to hell, if you come back, I am willing to live beyond birth."

After saying this, she died completely, and the tears that flowed from the corners of her eyes were mixed with the blood from the corners of her mouth. This kind-hearted saint waved his hand and turned into tears. The jade pendant in the shape of drops of blood and blood flashed, not just where it flew.

——The above is all the legends about this jade pendant of "Jun Ruuogui".

After Pantene finished reading, there was only a fierce tremor in her heart... What a tragic and beautiful myth.

Thinking, she lowered her head and whispered about this jade pendant-these legends were obviously fabricated by the merchants who speculated on the price of the jade pendant, but this added a lot of connotation to this jade pendant.

Click the mouse with your right hand and continue to browse below. Pantene surprisingly found... many people are bidding below! The tallest, unexpectedly all came out more than one million? ! !

Is this jade pendant really so valuable?

Pantene was shocked-since it is so valuable, how could the goddess give it to herself before? Could it be that she didn't know the value of this jade pendant? ! ——No, since she knows this jade pendant is called "Jun Ruogui", she must know this.

Is it possible that it is a fake?


Pantene looked at the jade pendant of "Jun Ruuogui" again for a while, then changed his mind and shook his head slightly: "Hehe, I care about these things. Fortune-telling is originally a three-point speculation and seven-point falsehood. If you believe it, you will not believe it or not. If you happen to meet it, even if it is fate, accept it. I will find someone to pierce me early tomorrow morning. I will wear it on my neck."

With a plan in mind, Pantene turned over and got into the quilt on the bed, then turned off the light...beautifully asleep...

ps: I came back very late. This is the first shift. The left hand continues to fight for the second shift...~


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