
The sound of fast moving, mixed with a sharp and light pace, a group of people are moving in the direction near the Luos mansion!

This is a long-driving spear that goes straight to Huanglong!

However, on this road lurking forward, Captain Beta has been secretly thinking about how to get this Captain Gamma in his heart.

In fact, Captain Beta is a drunkard who doesn’t want to drink, and putting Captain Gamma down is what he cares most about, and keeping his promise to do Lorraine is a secondary matter. So, one As he lurked on the road, his gaze never left Captain Gamma's body.

He knew that Captain Gamma was also a difficult guy to deal with, and worried that this guy was now prepared, so he paid attention to his every moment of action.

Although their Sky Eye organization mostly relies on strength to speak, there are still many miscellaneous departments inside. Not to mention, the various weapons are enough for some people to pick up for several hours, and they can be picky. Weapons with various effects, even gas bombs. Although Captain Gamma needs to listen to the orders of Captain Beta, from the perspective of the power level, Captain Gamma is the same as Captain Beta, and is qualified to go to the weapons department to engage in some special team battles against siege. Once it is used, It is enough for the people of his Beta team. There is not much difference between Captain Beta and Captain Gamma, so the only bargaining chip he has enough to win is that the six members of the Beta team under his own want to come up with personal sea tactics.

At this time, Captain Gamma didn't need to prepare anything.

He has a one-time signal communication device quietly installed on his body. As long as he sees that the situation is not good, he will use this one-time signal communication device immediately. Then the members of the Gamma Brigade who have been lurking near the Rock’s mansion will definitely be able to In just a few minutes, rushed.

Captain Gamma himself is confident that he can survive the siege of Captain Beta and Beta Brigade for a few minutes.

Therefore, now they want to get to the Rock’s mansion as soon as possible, because once this Captain Gamma has a temporary intention, he will have to do something on himself in a place far away from the Rock’s mansion. That’s a bit of a hassle. There is no need for a few minutes of hard work. Problem, but if it exceeds a certain time threshold, it will be detrimental to Captain Gamma.

"Pattern, patter, patter..."

Captain Gamma’s footsteps are rapid and rhythmic. Although he can feel his indomitable impact from his steps, in this lurking march, he still contains the soaring aura that can naturally be emitted from his body. Yes, the Sky Eye organization action is to be carried out in a top-secret environment.

However, at this time Captain Beta suddenly saw Captain Gamma's pace quicken, and he had a sudden heart attack!

He, who was very suspicious of his nature, suddenly realized a certain possibility-he had always wanted to kill Captain Gamma, so why couldn't this Captain Gamma have the same thoughts as me? Maybe... he and the Lorraine of the Low family have already had some intersections? Or maybe he had already had a personal relationship with Lorraine in his own name before and reached some kind of secret agreement?

No wonder, the former Captain Gamma suddenly wanted to protect the Luo Family and this Lorraine! It seems... he also has his own small abacus and his own small plan!

And once this is the case, the news of their Beta Brigade’s action with Captain Gamma today will definitely be revealed to the Low Family in advance! This is not the worst. If Captain Gamma, like himself, decides to hide his attention in the action today and kill him Captain Beta, maybe he will set up an ambush in advance of the Rock's mansion! This Captain Gamma knows his own strength and the strength of his brigade basically, so once he ambushes, he must be able to completely suppress us! Moreover, coupled with the master of Lorraine, our Beta brigade may be wiped out! When the time comes, there will be no evidence, and Captain Gamma can completely shirk responsibility by "dead in the hands of Lorraine"! !

In this case, isn't he just sending the sheep into the tiger's mouth and being swallowed by Shengsheng? !

Quietly thinking about these issues in his heart, Captain Beta refocused his gaze on Captain Gamma again, and found that the pace of his feet had only increased, so the premonition of the uneasy guess in his heart became even stronger. .

and so……

He was upset!

——Do it now! The sooner the better! Now there is only Captain Gamma, and looking at his rapid pace, if he set up an ambush for himself in advance, this should be a blank area for his action, so it is better to start! Suffered afterwards!

......Although this Captain Beta is jealous of the gentleman's belly with the heart of a villain, he is very lucky to guess the direction that things may develop. However, Captain Gamma was innocent towards Captain Beta, but he used this method to speculate that Gamma Brigade might be ambushing in the Royal House.

No matter what the starting point of his guess is, he has already taken precautions against Captain Gamma in this regard, which Captain Gamma did not expect.

As a result, Captain Beta began to use some sort of secret signal that had been agreed before to the companions who were advancing with him at the same speed. Those members who received the signal at this time showed a slight change in their footsteps, which is a precursor to their upcoming attack on Captain Gamma!

However, at this time, I have been paying attention to Captain Gamma on Captain Beta’s side, and I instantly felt a little bit of something wrong. He was guarded against Captain Beta from the beginning, and he was already a soldier. Therefore, at this time, the Beta team Suddenly, all the members of's footsteps showed the subtle sound of changes, which was also precisely captured by him.


Suddenly, a dull but abrupt sound exploded among everyone!

It's Captain Gamma! !

Captain Gamma actually acted first! !

As soon as he felt the sudden change of footsteps, he suddenly turned his eye corners, and immediately saw the line-up that was originally a side by side formation, and began to gather himself as the center of the circle! This is a sign to surround him in Tuantuan! Of course, there can be other explanations, maybe Captain Beta is not malicious? Is it just a new strategic deployment that moves forward? But Captain Gamma didn't dare to gamble, once the bet was lost, he would be completely finished.

Therefore, he would rather make a mistake than kill his own beliefs, he should act first!

This is a gas bomb!

Captain Beta did not expect to be wrong, Captain Gamma had already prepared for it!

He really regarded Captain Gamma as a fool! Captain Beta has a grudge against him. Captain Beta wants to kill the opponent. Although Captain Gamma doesn't have this kind of thought, he definitely has a defensive heart.

At this moment, it turned out that Captain Beta was caught off guard.

Because the formation has not been completely opened at this time, and the people of Captain Gamma have not been surrounded, this shows that Captain Gamma can still jump to his favorable position. Captain Beta has already expected it before. With all the energy in the body, he was about to rush to cut off Captain Gamma's back path, but... the gas bomb that suddenly exploded at this moment made him stay away.

They are all characters who came out of the Sky Eye organization.

Other low-level members may not know the origin of the gas bomb, but Captain Beta knows it!

This is a paralysis bullet!

There is no too bad damage effect, but it will cause people to become paralyzed when they absorb the gas smoke of the gas bomb! According to the physique of each person, the time limit for being restrained by paralysis is also different. If it is an ordinary person who has no power to bind a chicken, then I am afraid that within two hours, do not want to be able to make any obvious actions.

And even a guy with the strength of Captain Beta will be paralyzed for at least seven or eight minutes!

Fortunately... Captain Beta also carries this gas bomb on his body, which shows that he has the antidote.

Therefore, he hurriedly took out a capsule antidote from the side of the side, and then threw it directly into his mouth. The moment he swallowed it, he immediately shouted to his members: "I asked you to prepare it before. Swallow the 3h blue capsule in the antidote!!"

After an order, these members didn't dare to do too much because they quickly drew out the antidote, then threw it into their mouths and swallowed it.

At this moment, Captain Gamma naturally noticed this situation.

He gritted his teeth secretly, it seems...this Captain Beta is still very prepared!

Thinking, he took out the antidote on the left with one hand and swallowed it by himself. With his right hand, he manipulated the small organ on his body to turn on the one-time signal communication setting. The moment the signal was sent, it was far away. Not far from the direction of the Rock’s mansion, the members of the Gamma Brigade must have received the news!

He stepped quickly, and he was running hard in the direction of the Luoshi mansion! ! !

He knows very well that Captain Beta is slightly faster than himself when it comes to speed. Therefore, he must use his skillful positioning and rely on some luck to truly rush to the camp he can rely on! !

…… ……

At this time, Lorraine and Shen Zheyu, who were far away in the garden of the Luos mansion, naturally did not know that somewhere just a few hundred meters away from them, a thrilling chase and killing were being staged!

"Zhe Yu, did you hear that voice just now?" At this moment, Lorraine suddenly frowned and asked Shen Zheyu.

ps: It's another sleepless night, six o'clock in the morning, this is the second update. . . ~


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