Lorraine's strength is still very strong.

With such a few clicks, he easily knocked down the first human extreme masters of Gamma Brigade. As for Captain Gamma, he had quick eyes and quick hands. He avoided Lorraine's attack in the first instant. It's a pity that his current strength has seriously declined, and Lorraine's knife tip slightly rubbed his elbow.

"Wait! This friend!! Don't listen to that guy's nonsense!" Captain Gama saw this Lorraine come up and attacked fiercely. It was obvious that he couldn't stand it, so he quickly said to persuade him, "He is the one who kills and overpowers The robber, he carries the national treasure of China, and I am instructed to arrest him and bring him to justice!"

This Captain Gamma's level of lying is really inadequate, and he utters nonsense, and even has such an imaginative vocabulary as a national treasure.

Therefore, at this time, Lorraine almost didn't laugh out loud in his heart, but on the surface he pretended to be very angry. After doing enough, he suddenly became angry and suddenly said, "What!? You said that guy. Stole our national treasure of China?! What a bastard!!"

Before the words were over, Lorraine immediately jumped up and rushed towards Captain Beta.

Seeing that Lorraine was provoked so easily, this Captain Gama couldn't help feeling happy, and did not forget to add: "This **** is still a disgusting Japanese, but he speaks Chinese fluently!!"

Upon hearing this, Lorraine became even more "angry" and yelled: "Asshole Japanese pirate! You deceived me just now!! My Chinese land is so sacred, how can you allow you, a beaming clown in the land of bullets, to invade?! !"

When the roar reached, the figure arrived.

Still the old routine, Lorraine fired a few shots, and then took out the dagger. He moved quickly among the members of the Beta brigade, like a flexible civet cat. In the blink of an eye, he put down a few obvious physical strengths. A member of the Beta team that did not support, and this time Captain Beta was not as lucky as Captain Gamma. Lorraine directly inserted a knife into his shoulder clavicle!

"Pump!" With a horrible sound of meat and blood splashing, Captain Beta couldn't help but exclaimed in pain: "Why don't you believe me!! You fool, you have been used!!"

Upon hearing this, Lorraine was immediately innocently surprised: "What did you say!?"

"He was lying to you just now! The national treasure is in his hands! Don't be used by him!" Beta said hoarsely, "You see they are obviously more people than us, we are in ambush! Young man, help The country will remember you forever!!"

"Ah!! You lied to me!?!" Lorraine was completely "angry" when he heard this.

... At this moment, Shen Zheyu, who had been watching from a distance, was really about to be unable to hold it back.

He wanted to clutch his stomach and laugh, and then ran over to pat Lorraine's shoulder and said: "Buddy, you bull, Oscar actor, it's you."

Nima Lorraine is too good at acting!

He kicked it horizontally, which should have intensified the resonance between the two people and the enemy, but in this way, Lorraine rushed to the middle of the two to stir up the mud, making it as if he was an official. Similarly, he pronounced that whoever is guilty will be guilty, and whoever he pronounced innocent will be fine.

Originally, Lorraine’s behavior of being "angry" at every turn and then coming up with a mess was very "irrational", but he happened to have the ability and strength to truly determine the outcome of the two powers, so whether it is Captain Gamma or Captain Beta did not dare to take it lightly. They had no choice but to "please" Lorraine. Once Lorraine decides which side to help, then this side will definitely defeat the other side.

Thus, the situation at this time appeared.

However, Lorraine’s real purpose in his heart is very clear. He wants to weaken the strength of the two sides a little bit. Therefore, if he says something here, he deliberately listened to him and helped him with impassionedness. What else was said, he immediately "suddenly realized" the letter, and then turned to help here.

Once he came and went, Lorraine killed some here and then some over there. His goal was achieved. However, Captain Gamma and Captain Beta still didn’t want to unite, instead, he was taken by Lorraine’s actions. Intensified the contradiction between them.

I have to say that Lorraine's trick of fishing in troubled waters is really very clever.

In an instant, a brand new change took place in the pattern here.

A large part of Captain Gamma's arm was slashed by Lorraine, hurting the muscles and muscles, while Captain Beta was stabbed into the collarbone of the shoulder with a knife. The pain is naturally self-evident. of. As for the members of the Gamma Brigade, there were ten more. In a blink of an eye, only five were alive. Among these five, three were seriously injured, and two were slightly injured but physically exhausted. On the other hand, Captain Beta had a six-man lineup. In a blink of an eye, there were only three panting players. They were all injured by Lorraine’s previous attacks without exception. Body, coupled with physical overdraft, strength has already been greatly reduced.

At this moment, both Lorraine and Shen Zheyu are still at their peak.

To put it bluntly, now that the two of them unite, they can completely wipe out the two teams!

Therefore, right now is the best time for Lorraine and Shen Zheyu to start.

At this time, Captain Gamma and Captain Beta have more or less sensed something wrong from the bottom of their hearts-after all, they can achieve the position of captain, how much more they have intuition and discrimination than other members of the same level of the Sky Eye group. . The reason why they were stunned by Lorraine just now was mainly because both of them had already lost their eyes and were determined to kill each other. Therefore, Lorraine used them. In fact, Lorraine had spotted this point, and came up with such a method of fish and mud in troubled waters.

It was Captain Gamma who first noticed something wrong. After his previous irritability was slightly relieved, he suddenly realized Lorraine's performance at this time... it was a bit exaggerated. If it is so easy to be deceived, and to believe others so easily, then why did Lorraine manage the Lowe family into the super family of today's Novartis in just a few years? Capricious, listening to everyone's words like a wall, this is tantamount to behavior that only a fool would appear!

On second thoughts, a lot of people have already been recruited on my own side and the Beta team, and compared with just now, the strength of both sides has been obviously weakened a lot! In this way... once Lorraine decides to destroy them, then they don't know how to die, and there is no way to fight back! !

"Could it be...this is a strategy of this Lorraine!?! Using blindfolds to let us relax our vigilance, and then fish in troubled waters, weakening our strength a little bit?!!!" Captain Gama woke up! !

"Oops!! Beta! Don't be deceived by this guy anymore!!! He was deliberately provoking!!!" Captain Gamma, who figured this out, didn't dare to delay any more, and immediately shouted!

At this time, Captain Beta, who was still thinking about how to use Lorraine to contain Captain Gamma, subconsciously wanted to refute Captain Gamma, but he was taken aback in the next second! --Yes! Judging from the current situation! ! This Lorraine really seems to be deceiving them! !

At this time Captain Gamma and Captain Beta realized this point, so...Lorraine naturally no longer needs to act. After so long of acting, although he kills happily, he is really tired to play an "angry young man". what……

Simply "Pata" and "Pada" stepped back and put on a defensive posture. Lorraine showed a conspiracy smile on his face, saying: "Hehe, the two captains from the Sky Eye organization, react It's fast."

I... Damn it! ! It was really being used to deceive! ! !

Seeing Lorraine’s expression at this time and hearing his words, Captain Beta and Captain Gamma immediately became angry. The two exchanged glances and finally reached a temporary agreement for cooperation within a short period of time. A little pause, "簌! 簌!" After two sounds, he flew towards Lorraine! !

Both of them are now very aware of the severity of the situation, and they are already very angry, so this first encounter, they used the strongest strength they can now burst out!

Of course, they can use some weapons, such as gas bombs...

It’s a pity that when Captain Gamma and Captain Beta were fighting, they were already trying their best. The well-equipped various miscellaneous things on his body have already been used almost, and now the only one that can still come in handy, maybe Only the most portable portable dagger or other melee weapons!

Seeing the two awe-inspiring masters, Captain Gamma and Captain Beta, stabs towards him together, Lorraine showed a smile on his face instead-what a joke, they have been weakened to this point just now. , If you still dare not collide with them head-on, it would be too shameful!

It's just that... Behind them, the members of the Gamma Team and the Beta Team were all united together, attacking Lorraine! Although these guys have almost reached their limit, if they swarmed up, Lorraine would still be very embarrassed to deal with under their experienced siege and suppression.

"Zhe Yu!!!" Lorraine shouted at this time in order to be foolproof.

However, at the moment his words fell, he suddenly felt a rapid figure flashing to his left!

This figure threw himself awe-inspiringly: "Buddy waited until the grass grows under his feet!!-Deal with these two captain-level masters with peace of mind, others, leave it to me!!!"

ps: second more~


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