Rebirth of the Ultimate Rich Second Generation

Vol 10 Chapter 867: The emperor's fate

? "..."

In the silence, there was a surging deep inside this poisonous thorn. ""

He has always hated the secular, especially those secular capitalists, high-ranking people, and decision-makers!

In his impression, these people are lofty, domineering **** who abuse private power!

If it were not for the moths of these societies, the world could not have been so chaotic, nor could there be so many miserable people.

However, in his opinion, Lorraine, a wealthy figure with many connections and wealth, has stepped out of his own style, completely out of the conventional sense. This style and means of doing things are a bit confusing, but if you carefully taste Lorraine, it always feels reasonable.

To be honest, in the second before opening this box, Stinger was still thinking about what method he would use to get rid of the slightest appreciation and approval attitude towards Lorraine in his heart.

And now, he knew that he could completely ignore the meaningless things. All he needed to do was to cooperate with Lorraine and to reach an oral agreement with Lorraine. He felt that Lorraine was a very far-sighted person. If he could go on with such a far-sighted person in the future, maybe it would be a good choice. Of course, whether Lorraine can realize the brazen rhetoric he said before is another matter.

There is risk investment in everything, and Stinger naturally knows that.

So he went on to look down, and there was a sentence on the page: "If you have decided to do what I want, then please keep this communicator open, because the first time we passed this communicator Talk, it is likely to come soon."

Seeing this, he slowly stood up, dropped the box and destroyed it, and then carried the black chip with him on his body, and then held the communicator in his hand, especially in the dark. Continuing to walk fast on the dark path, he guessed that Lorraine's "call" should come soon.

Thinking of this, the communicator in his hand suddenly rang.

As a result, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and he answered the "phone" without saying a word.

"Hehe, it seems that you didn't disappoint me.-Stinger, you should be heading to the nearest branch of the Sky Eye Organization now?" Lorraine's voice came from the communicator, signal The intensity is very high, Lorraine's voice is also very clear, and the stinger can even hear Lorraine's breathing while speaking.

"It seems that your investigation of the Sky Eye organization is more detailed than I thought. You still know this about the branch. Yes, I am on my way to the nearest branch. However, the capital city is too Special, the branch of the Sky Eye organization is not as dense as the branch, but is set up in a relatively remote place, and the anti-reconnaissance facilities are set up more secure. So, if I enter the branch When reporting'something', I will leave this communicator somewhere far away. I may not be able to contact you in a short period of time. Don't think it's me temporarily repenting."

Stinger said in a steady voice while moving fast.

For this, Lorraine is certainly able to accept and understand. Therefore, he just smiled calmly: "Hehe, it doesn't matter, as long as you can carry the positioning chip with you."

"Of course, but, even if you know the location of this branch, I advise you not to have unruly thoughts about the celestial eye organization. This is not for me to protect the celestial eye organization, but for your safety. I am I want to remind you that the sky-eye organization is more terrifying than you think. You must not think that you can compete with the entire sky-eye organization on your own." The stinger said sincerely at this time.

Lorraine, I smiled when I heard it, and he could hear that this stinger was sincerely reminding him.

From this point, it can be seen that the stinger's mind has gradually moved closer to Lorraine's side. This is a good sign, very good.

"Hehe, I understand, I won't be so stupid as to be an enemy of the entire Skyeye organization. I asked you to go back and convey'some news' this time. Isn't it because I don't want to be an enemy of the skyeye organization?" Lorraine still smiled. Hehe voice.

"It's the best way, it's okay, if there is nothing else, just do it first, just wait for my news." Stinger said.

Lorraine said: "Well, that's it."

With that said, the two closed this communication almost simultaneously.

…… ……

On the other side, Lorraine and Shen Zheyu both returned to the hall.

Shen Zheyu was very concerned about the results of the exchange between Lorraine and this stinger just now.

Lorraine said: "I can basically be sure that this stinger has sincerely leaned toward me."

"Hehe, you can guess what you look like, but just to be on the safe side, don't you do something else?" Shen Zheyu is a foolproof figure who pays attention to everything, so he is still clinging to this at this time Keep reminding Lorraine all the time.

Lorraine said with a smile: "Ha ha, Zhe Yu, have you forgotten what I told you about the bread?"

"Bread?" After hearing this, Shen Zheyu suddenly remembered the things Lorraine had said before, "Yes, you also said that there is an extremely miniature positioning chip in the bread, which means that now he is more than I carry a positioning chip with me, and there is one in my belly, which is equivalent to two positioning chips!"

"Yes, that's right." Lorraine nodded, "Going back to the topic we talked about earlier, you said it was a trick to stun the snake, and I said it was a blindfold. Think about it, if the stinger is a very good acting, so good A person whose whole person’s mood can change spontaneously, so if he doesn’t cooperate with me, the first thing he needs to do is to discard the black positioning chip I gave him, right? But with his dripping style of doing things, he should not It will be thrown away directly, because in that case, the positioning instrument on my side will display that the positioning chip will not move, which means that he betrayed me. Therefore, if he wants to deceive me, he will use the positioning chip Put it on someone’s body. Or... He ran directly onto the highway and saw a speeding truck, and threw the chip directly into the back of the truck. So that I can also see that from the positioning instrument here. The icon that is still moving fast."

Hearing this, Shen Zheyu nodded, but he didn't pretend to be guessing, he had to listen to Lorraine's words, and then he could make a conclusion in his heart.

"So... look." As he said, Lorraine pulled out a palm-sized positioning navigation display device from the drawer of the table behind him.

Above, there are two cursors blinking and moving, and these two cursors are at the same position at this time.

"Zhe Yu, now you understand.-These two cursors are the positioning chip in his hand and the positioning chip in his stomach. Once he has a strange idea, he will discard the chip in his hand or If you pass it somewhere, the two cursors will separate, and then if he wants to fool me through the conversation in the communicator, if he drags me down, I won't be fooled at all. ——You see, this is it The principle in mathematical geometry, two points, determine a straight line."

In fact, when Lorraine mentioned that there were two positioning chips, Shen Zheyu had guessed this.

But now Lorraine seemed to have no arrangement for him from start to finish, but it was a plan that he had been arranging all the time. After telling Shen Zheyu all of them, he would still feel a slight sigh. He asked himself, if he were in this environment of Lorraine, would he calm down under such a severe situation, and then carefully formulate such a drip-proof plan?

the answer is negative.

Although Shen Zheyu should have another set of solutions according to his own way of doing things, but... he asked himself that no matter what solution he made, it was not as good as Lorraine's.

"Lorraine, didn't you say that there was a small trace of chronic poison in the bread you ate for that stinger? If he found out, wouldn't his impression of you be compromised in his heart?" Shen Zheyu suddenly asked .

Lorraine smiled: "This is true. In his heart, if I would use this little trick, I am afraid it would be a little wary of me again. Although this is a little bit impossible to make it to the table, I am also trying to be foolproof. After all, he is one of the parties involved in this matter, and he can’t expect to be honest with each other and be forgiven by him. This kind of thing often requires some white lies, right? For example, when he returns triumphantly, I can ask him Eat another piece of bread and put an antidote on it, isn't it all right?"

"……alright, you win."

Shen Zheyu looked at Lorraine’s smile, and shook his head gently: “Looking at your relaxed and calm look, it’s hard to imagine that you are still in danger of being targeted by the Sky Eye at any time. Luo. Lin, I can only say one thing...I admire it. Neither I nor Shaojie will have your kind of tolerance. It is no exaggeration to say that among the younger generation, I guess that Pan Jiajun would always There will be no posture like you where everything is under control."

Lorraine smiled lightly: "Hehe, don't compare me with Pan Jiajun. This guy is born with the prince's life, but I don't have the prince's life."

When Shen Zheyu heard this, he smiled and said: "But you have the emperor's fate. ——The prince is the blessing of his ancestors. No matter how outstanding he is, everything he has and everything he creates is based on the inheritance of his ancestors. . And you... everything is created by yourself, so he is the fate of the prince, you are the fate of the emperor, in my opinion, Pan Jiajun is compared with you, hehe, a whole generation behind him."

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