Rebirth of the Ultimate Rich Second Generation

Vol 10 Chapter 874: Counterattack soon

Lorraine smiled immediately when he saw the black shadow coming up suddenly. ""

Sure enough, I didn't read the wrong person, the stinger finally came.

Moreover, judging from his cautious behavior style, it is obvious that Lorraine's identity and current situation are considered very much.

"Pap. Pap."

The stinger turned into a black shadow, shuttled between the dark jungles, and found his whereabouts from Lorraine. It only took a few breaths for this guy to have arrived at the foot of the Rock's mansion.

This buddy guessed that he was wearing Metersbonwe today. He didn't take the usual path. After climbing a few times, he jumped from the backyard to the balcony of Lorraine.


With a faint sound, the stinger had already stood in front of Lorraine.

"Haha, are you back?"

Lorraine said with a smile, this picture seemed to be ridiculing and chatting with an old friend who had been eating and drinking together two days ago.

As for the Stinger, he obviously liked Lorraine's state.

"Yeah." The Stinger was not good at talking, but he nodded in a wooden manner, and then said somewhat rigidly, "As for the Sky Eye organization, I have already notified the previous information, and later I also conducted some intelligence information. Hunting confirmed that the Sky Eye organization has believed my report. At least, the upper level will no longer ask about these things. The head of the Hiring Blade Department has issued the latest instructions, saying that the Beta Team and Gamma Team will be integrated and reconstructed. In the future, there will only be a Beta team. In other words, they did not intend to conduct an in-depth investigation for the annihilation of the Beta team and the Gamma team."

Upon hearing this, Lorraine finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he didn't say anything on the surface, didn't mention anything, and kept laughing and laughing, but in his heart, he was still very afraid of such a giant Sky Eye organization. To put it bluntly, before the arrival of the stinger, Lorraine had always had a big rock in his heart, and even felt a little frightened.

After all, this time he knew very well that he was betting.

Although his positioning instrument always shows that the two positioning chips of the stinger are in the same position, he has always been very rigorous in his work style, and he does not rule out any other possibilities, such as... this stinger They found their superiors, and their superiors conducted a close investigation on the positioning chip on his body. Finally, I can see through these secret arrangements of Lorraine. Once that happens, it will inevitably cause the stinger to have some rebellious emotions on him. Once the stinger produces rebellious emotions, then he is very likely to react to the "real situation". Organize the superiors of the blade department for the sky eye.

Once that happens, Lorraine's previous efforts to reap the benefits of the Beta and Gamma Teams will definitely become a flashpoint for Lorraine to touch the inverse scales of the Sky Eye organization.

At that time, Lorraine was completely powerless.

This time, Lorraine’s bet was relatively large, but he had to do it. Fortunately... God still seemed to be looking after him this time.

Now the Stinger is back, and it also brings such good news-of course, this does not rule out the possibility that the Stinger is acting as a double-faced party in between. In fact, the Sky Eye organization is planning to deal with the Luo Family.

Despite this possibility, Lorraine, judging from the current situation, this stinger did not seem to be a lie.

In fact, many times, not all things are 100% without problems. Wealth and wealth are in danger. Even if there are many uncertain factors in many things, in order to move forward, then you must have some courage-that is trust.

In addition, just trust your instincts.

So far, Lorraine's intuition has never been missed. This time, he believes that his intuition has not gone wrong.

"The Blade Department will integrate, and no further investigation?-This is really good news. But from this point, it can be seen that there are still a lot of masters and talents in their celestial eye organization, and they have lost two second humans. The limit masters, and so many masters of the first human limit, made a brand-new organization plan without any pain in the blink of an eye. If this kind of thing happened to me, if so many masters were lost by my side, You will definitely feel the pain." Lorraine thought in his heart.

Just thinking of this in his heart, Lorraine subconsciously raised his head and glanced at the Stinger, a question suddenly arose in his heart, and immediately blurted out and asked: "This time, your Heavenly Eye Organization is reorganizing the brand new brigade of the Blade. , As a backup member of the original Beta team, you should have obtained the authority to enter the official ten-man organization, right?"

Upon hearing this, Stinger shook his head slightly. The expression on his face looked like a smile, but the tone of his voice was as usual. There was still no emotional ups and downs: "No, I have not been included in the brand new The official formation of the brigade is still on standby in the original position, and...I am currently in a state of no tasks. I can only receive new tasks after the establishment of this brand new brigade."

Lorraine felt dumb when he heard the words of Stinger, and then a strange look appeared on his face.

...This is...Don't you believe in stinger?

It stands to reason that as the only survivor of this incident, the stinger has reported all the "true conditions" to the upper layers of the Sky Eye organization, and he deserves some attention and even rewards. Even if there are no rewards, at least you can play a slightly more important role in the reconstruction of the new brigade? It's not that the stinger's strength is not enough. After some understanding, Lorraine is very clear that even if it is a reserve member, the stinger's strength is still at the stage of the first human limit, and the strength strength is not necessarily better than other formal ones. The overall strength of the ten-member staff is poor.

From this point, it is not difficult to see... this certain officer of the Sky Eye who issued the next deployment does not trust the Stinger, at least, it does not trust the loyalty of the Stinger. Or maybe... He thinks that the reason why the Stinger became the last survivor was because he was a deserter?

In any case, from this aspect, Lorraine can roughly guess what the higher-level people of the Sky Eye organization think about the stinger.

If the stinger is two-faced, come to fool yourself... then the stinger will at least be given a brand new identity or promoted by the superior, so sending him the stinger over to fool yourself is more convincing, and... ...Attractive?

but none.

This made Lorraine's instincts a little firmer in his heart.

"It seems that your celestial eye organization is more complicated than I imagined." Not knowing which question came to mind, Lorraine suddenly came to such a conclusion.

After hearing the words, Stinger knew what Lorraine's words meant, and then nodded: "Mr. Luo, therefore, you don't have to say to me'your eye organization' anymore. When I choose to come to you , I have actually made the choice I want to make. —— Didn’t you tell me before, what I want, so what. Now I’m here, what can you give me?"

"..." Lorraine pondered a little when he heard the words of the stinger.

After a pause, he suddenly smiled and said: "What I can give you is not a promise. I can only say... Maybe, by my side, you will see in the future that you have never thought about it but can make you I really like the sight."


Stinger was silent for a while, and then came: "Is this the so-called bad check of your capitalists?"

Lorraine seemed to think about it seriously when he heard the words, and then smiled: "Haha, it can be understood that way."

"Since there are some doubts about what I want to pursue right now, and the people who gave me these doubts, and even some shake my beliefs, are you. So I will stay with you for the time being. I think that time can help me. Prove whether my choice is correct this time."

"I like this sentence." Lorraine smiled.

"So... what do you want to tell me next?"

Lorraine thought carefully: "There is no order, but I know... Maybe I will need your help soon. So, if you don’t mind, you will always keep in touch with me, and it’s best to ignore me too. Far away, that is to say, the kind of situation where you are on call, and when something happens, it can be the first time to save the urgent need."

Stinger didn't say anything, but nodded cleanly.

He roughly guessed why Lorraine said that... He knew that this time the Luo family was going to fight the Xu family in all directions.

After all, in order to destroy the Luo family, the Xu family even dispatched a trump card of the size of the Sky Eye organization. Of course, Lorraine was angry in his heart. Imagine that if Captain Beta and Captain Gama hadn't had the kind of infighting situation before, the Luo family would die without a place to bury them.

For this kind of enemy who has used such cruelty, Lorraine absolutely cannot continue to drag on.

In fact, he has already made some commercial arrangements. If nothing else, before 12 o’clock tomorrow morning, many of the Xu family’s stocks in the stock market will collapse. Regarding the financial struggle in this regard, Lorraine will not I don't know too much, so... these are all handled by Qin Wanshu and the financial team under him. Coupled with the influence of various factors, the Xu family will never be able to raise their heads in business.

Thinking of this in his mind, Lorraine had already watched the stinger jump down from the balcony again.

Watching the dark shadow disappear into the night again a little bit, Lorraine squeezed out the cigarette in his hand, and then looked at the hanging moon in the sky...

He knew that if nothing happened, tomorrow, the countdown to the demise of the Xu family would officially begin.

ps: The left hand has been out of town for the past two days, and there is no time code word. This chapter was completed after two days of intermittent writing with a mobile phone. Find an Internet cafe to upload it. Yesterday I only changed one chapter, and today I only changed one chapter. I owe two chapters in the past two days. After I go back, my left hand will fill in one by one. I apologize, I hope everyone understands~ Please go to ""

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