Rebirth of the Ultimate Rich Second Generation

Vol 10 Chapter 887: Want to catch

Come to this mysterious vault.

Xu Tengfei learned about the safe hidden by his grandfather Xu Qiannian, and then took out a small porcelain bottle from it, and looked at the style and color of the small porcelain bottle.

Gently opened the upper seal, Xu Tengfei sniffed lightly, and a pungent question came out.

Xu Tengfei frowned subconsciously, then closed the seal, put it in his pocket quietly, and walked out of the safe room.

Xu Tengfei knew that the reason why Grandpa told him this thing alone, he naturally didn't want other people to know. Regardless of the concerns, if Xu Qiannian does not survive, no one can know the whole story.

In this way, Xu Tengfei spent a day in this cautious environment. You must know that it is more difficult to completely block this kind of thing, especially Xu Qianian died and the body is in the room. Put in.

Although Xu Tengfei is now the so-called head of the family on the surface, but...

After all, not going to the funeral with the corpse of the grandfather, this is indeed unfilial. Xu Tengfei's father finally couldn't help asking, but Xu Tengfei said: "Father, I have a sense of measure in my heart, and I have a strategy in my heart."

The words were ambiguous, as if it were part of the deal with the Luo Family.

In fact, it was Xu Tengfei who made the mystery, because he knew that everyone in the family was a human being. Including his father, Xu Qianian chose Xu Tengfei as the next generation of masters. Tengfei's father didn't say it, and obviously he was very upset. This is just jumping over his generation! This is actually equivalent to a face slap! Anyone in the Xu family is a person who wants to face to death, and Xu Tengfei's father is naturally no exception.

To put it ugly, Xu Tengfei's father is the guy with the biggest opinion in the entire Xu family.

In fact, Xu Qiannian had expressed his intention to pass the position of the next generation of Patriarch to Xu Tengfei before. At that time, Xu Tengfei’s father thought it was pretty good. After all, his son was appointed early, and that was his face. Stained. But... he originally predicted that Xu Qiannian would live for another ten or twenty years. Only when Xu Qiannian died, Xu Tengfei would take over this position. After ten or twenty years, Xu Tengfei's father will be in his sixties, and he won't be thinking about fighting for power. It is a blessing to enjoy his old age.

But now...

If Xu Qiannian died like this, now Xu Tengfei’s father is still in his prime of life, Xu Tengfei is still young, and Xu Tengfei has become the head of the family, while Xu Tengfei’s father, who is in his prime of life, has become the opposite. A lining is attached, which is a little staggering. Perhaps he felt that, in the eyes of people outside, he would be said to be a small figure in the Xu family. After all, he was ignored because of being naked.

Therefore, Xu Tengfei has to maintain a sense of mystery even for his father.

Because all this is his secretly implementing Grandpa Xu Qian's plan.

Facing Xu Tengfei's ambiguity, his father felt uncomfortable, but there was no way he could think about it, and he understood. Although they were unhappy in their hearts, after all, they were fathers and sons, so there would still be no direct contradiction between the malignant face and the secret.

It's late at night.

Xu Tengfei sat in Xu Qian's room, facing the corpse on the cold bed, he was a little bit afraid.

After all, this scene is a little too weird. It brought a dead person back to life. If this was in the past, Xu Tengfei would not dismiss it at all, let alone believe it. Now he has to believe, because only by believing at the very least can he try to do this.

"Does this thing... really have such a miraculous effect?"

Xu Tengfei still had a trace of doubt in his heart.

He took out the antidote with trembling hands, and then stretched out to Xu Qian's "corpse" with some fear. This was the first time he had dealt with a corpse like this. It was in a sealed room in the middle of the night. Corpse, whoever changes it will be a little scared. Even if the person lying there is his grandfather, it is no exception. Therefore, from the bottom of his heart, he hopes that his grandfather can really come back to life in a while, otherwise, the current scene may become a psychological shadow and nightmare for his life.


With a weird sound, Xu Tengfei shook his hands and stuffed the antidote into Xu Qian's mouth.

Immediately after...

There was silence.

Deathly silence.

Xu Tengfei didn't even dare to gasp loudly. He quietly waited for Xu Qianian's response, for fear of missing any subtle sound.

In this way, time passed by minute by minute, but still did not see Xu Qianzhuan awake.

There was not even a trace of reaction.

This is anxious Xu Tengfei.

"...If Grandpa doesn't wake up, what should I do?...The next plan, is it impossible to continue?"

The more I thought about it, Xu Tengfei felt helpless. In this dark night, in the silent darkness, and in such a strange environment, he realized how much he yearned for protection and help. Only then did he realize how unqualified a family heir he was. He is always above the top and domineering. It is only today that he realized that the mind and courage he possessed are not enough to face absolute adversity.

Thinking about it, Xu Tengfei felt a frustration, so he hugged his head and lowered his head. However, at this moment...

Suddenly, an old big hand slapped him on the shoulder unexpectedly.



With a scream, Xu Tengfei seemed to be sitting on the cactus, bounced up suddenly, and then quickly stepped back to the rear with a "patter. patter", and then he looked with a pair of extremely shocked eyes. Looking at this... weird, old man who came back from the dead...

At this moment, the weird picture made Xu Tengfei feel like he was in a real nightmare.

No, it may be a good dream, but it's definitely evil enough and scary enough.

In the darkness, the hazy moonlight colors outside the window projected in, reflecting on Xu Qianian's body who stood up slightly. The old guy said weakly and weakly: "Food...water..."

in fact……

If it weren’t for the person who suddenly cheated the corpse in front of him was his respected grandfather, Xu Tengfei would definitely say something sincerely now...

Whoops... Damn...


The corpse of the night.

If this matter spreads out, it is estimated that the Xu family will be regarded by outsiders as an evil family in the future.

Therefore, after Xu Qiannian wakes up, the first thing to do is the ideological work of everyone in the family.

As for how to do it?

Haha, it's simple, tell the truth.

He directly told everyone about Xu's tactics a thousand years ago, including the fake death tactics this time.

Now that it has been resurrected, there is nothing left to say.

Seeing Xu Qiannian coming alive and appearing in front of everyone, everyone in the family was shocked. After a long time of judgment, everyone judged his true identity from the temperament of Xu Qianian’s gestures. , And then there was cheers.

Although this so-called puffer fish powder suspended animation time is a bit appalling, at least the Xu family members are somewhat knowledgeable. They have also heard about the so-called puffer fish powder rumors, so naturally it is easier to accept it.

The reason why I want the whole family to know now is to facilitate the next step.

Now, the news that Xu Qianian came alive, no one else in the world knows except for the Xu family.

...This is a secret family meeting.

In Xu Qian's bedroom.

The whole family sat together.

Xu Qianlong pondered for a long time, and finally broke free of his thoughts from the mysterious and wonderful death experience before, and then returned to reality, took a deep breath, and said: "This time, my suspended animation has already eliminated Luo Shi The family is pushed to the edge of bad public opinion. Next, as long as we can grasp the guidance of this public opinion and follow the fanfare, then they will get deeper and deeper.-This matter, they naturally want to clean up the crime, then , We should satisfy him first, and then... lash out at them fiercely. ——I think the things described by the victims themselves must be true and credible, right?"

Speaking of this, Xu Qiannian's face showed a gloomy look, and his eyes flashed with a vicious look, and he looked out the window.

...In the words of Tianjiao.

This trick after resurrecting from the dead is called arrogance.


the next day.

The Luo family is still shrouded in melancholy.

"Xiao Lin, don't think about it so much. This time, we only need to find a scapegoat." Qin Wanshu comforted. In fact, she was not very comfortable in her heart when she said these words. After all, the search for a scapegoat, although it is a willing business, is a bit chilling after all.

"……Ok, I know."

After a pause, Lorraine suddenly remembered something, and said to Jiang Yan on the left hand side: "Yanyan, didn't you say that you have a very experienced investigative detective in your team last time? This time, can we use our private Invite him on his behalf to investigate for us?"

Jiang Yan was also worried when he heard this, and nodded slightly: "He was transferred a few months ago, but I will find a way to find out his current contact information."

Lorraine nodded. He has not given up his hope of continuing investigation and clarification.


What everyone didn't expect was...

At this moment, a phone call came in suddenly.

"Hello." Lorraine answered the phone.

On the other side of the phone was Kang Shaojie's voice: "Lorraine, I heard...someone has already surrendered. I'm guessing, did you find a suitable scapegoat?"

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