Rebirth of the Ultimate Rich Second Generation

Vol 10 Chapter 889: against the wind

? There is no way to avoid it, so I have to bite the bullet. --.

Soon, Lorraine appeared in the court.

It is a little ridiculous to say that celebrities in business circles like him often need a certain degree of pomp when they appear in court. Whether it is the plaintiff or the defendant, there are definitely many police officers and security personnel surrounded by them.

And this person will wear sunglasses, even a mask and hat.

But Lorraine isn't. He doesn't even use sunglasses, just walks into the courtroom with no expression on his face, just like shopping.

He knew that it was just stealing the bell.

Before coming, he had already thought about it, and there was no better way to deal with it for the time being, so he had to react accordingly.

"Announce, the defendant is in court!"

With an order, Lorraine walked into the dock in the court, and everyone's eyes quickly focused on Lorraine.

…… ……

At the same time, on the other side.

A broken street corner, a door on a shabby iron staircase.

A woman with a beautiful figure and a nice face, accompanied by two bodyguards, knocked a few times.

The door opens from the inside.

This woman is Jiang Yan.

And here is the residence of the so-called detective.

In this shabby place, it is really hard to imagine that there will be a hidden detective who is very capable of investigating crimes.

But then I think about it, ordinary real experts always like to live in some very inconspicuous places.


Open the door.

A man with a stubborn beard appeared inside. This man was not tall, he was a little old, and there was a trace of body that was not painful, itchy, salty, and not light in his eyes. He was extremely lazy, as if he could never wake up. .

"Well, Officer Jiang, why are you here!"

It is also very interesting to say that this man is actually a guy with a very weird personality. In addition to investigating the case, he is investigating the case. He is a bit paranoid. In the eyes of some normal people, maybe he is a stranger. It's normal, but he just treats Jiang Yan more. The reason is simple... Jiang Yan is different from other police officers in many bureaus. Now Jiang Yan's status in the bureau is actually not low. At this age, she is already a very powerful criminal police officer, not to mention that she is also a female police officer, a good police officer who does not rely on men to take positions and does not accept any black gifts.

"Lao Zhou, I want to ask you for a favor, a very important thing." Jiang Yan finally settled a little bit after seeing this "Lao Zhou", and immediately said with a hint of anxiety in her words.

This person called "Lao Zhou" showed a faint expression on his face and said: "Hehe, I am no longer in the establishment. Maybe you don't know. The bureau said that I was transferred to other places. Actually On, I was completely expelled, and now, I don’t have any positions and have no relationship!"

Jiang Yan nodded at this time: "I know about this. I am here this time, not for your relationship, but for you to use your ability to investigate the case!"

Hearing this, the old Zhou nodded and shrugged: "If you say that, then I can only say...I will do my best!"


Close the door.

Jiang Yan stepped forward and took out a compact disc from her bag.

"We used some means to get this video. I mean... Lao Zhou, see if you can find some loopholes in this CD, even a little loophole!"

"I try my best!"

After speaking, he took the CD from Jiang Yan's hand and played it.

This video is the one where Xu Qiannian "died" in the Luos mansion at that time.


As soon as the video played, everyone in the room fell silent.

Especially Lao Zhou's face, unusually solemn.

The footage in the video was shot in the dark from Xu Qian's perspective.

Therefore, the main appearances in the picture are the appearance of Luo Lin and Luo Jianrong. In fact, from the picture of this video, the true emotions of Luo Jianrong and Luo Lin cannot be seen at all. In fact, this is understandable. After all, from the situation at the time, Xu Qian’s sudden visit was indeed a bit strange. As a person, he would not easily express the true emotions in his heart. Therefore, from the picture, Luo Both Lin and Luo Jianrong were expressionless.

However, this is what makes Lorraine and Luo Jianrong's purpose seem very vague.

Starting from their emotional performance, it can also be ambiguous that they are brewing a conspiracy.

The video process is relatively simple. Xu Qianian didn’t even say a few words with Luo Jianrong and Lorraine and his son. The two parties broke up. Then Xu Qianian said there was nothing to talk about, and immediately drank the cup of tea. , The so-called "poisonous" tea.

"Infer his psychology from Xu Qian's behavior...All of this should be premeditated by him, and Xu Qiannian made good use of the characteristic of the hostile position, knowing that Luo's father and son would be so expressionless. The defensive posture is more confident to be able to plant the blame. From the psychological behavior, it is easy to judge Xu Qian's purpose and his conspiracy this time, but it is very helpless. We have no evidence to prove that he is actively designing. The person who conspired, let alone, he was the only direct victim in this incident, and he lost his life directly!"

As he said in his mouth, the old Zhou shook his head gently: "This old man of the Xu family is really able to go out... he even lost his life. This is the so-called burning of jade and stone!!!, tusk, he did it. At this level, it is not easy to reverse the case!"

Hearing what Lao Zhou said, Jiang Yan, who had been listening carefully, suddenly said, "Lao Zhou, now our family Lorraine is being tried in court. Their Xu family first started to find a counterfeit for Qiang. The surrender, and then the surrender blatantly planted the Low family in court, what should I do now!"

Lao Zhou listened, his lazy eyes blinked, frowned slightly, and he murmured: "This Xu family's strategy is really used in one link and one link... Officer Jiang, you know Yes, my old Zhou’s only talent is to look up cases. I’m not good at conspiracy analysis. Let me think about it... In this situation, I think it’s good for the Low family to keep silent!"

"Keep silent." Jiang Yan seemed even more anxious when she heard the pretty face.

"How to keep silent in court, can't you fight back!"

Old Zhou said: "How to fight back, how to say, if that person is not from their Luo family, according to the inertial thinking of normal people, everything will be smoothly transferred to the Luo family again. , But if it means to know that person, wouldn’t it mean that there is no initiative!"

"...What should I do." Rao Jiang Yan usually thinks that she is ice and snow smart, but now she also feels a little stupid, she can't think of any effective method.

"With my years of experience in handling cases, now if I want to turn over, the only hope that can be cleared of the crime is this CD..." Then, Lao Zhou reached out and replayed the video and watched it again. .

It is not so easy to find flaws.

If you don't see it once, you can watch it twice, if you don't see it twice, you can watch it three times.

Until you find a flaw that can be reversed.

…… ……

On the other side, the murder of this dog blood is still under trial.

"The prosecution is over, what does the defense want to say." The trial said.

All eyes turned to Lorraine in the dock.

Lorraine naturally knew that at present, he had to remain silent, but he also knew that after the silence, he would inevitably have to say something and what to say to reverse the situation at that time. It was difficult, too difficult.

But what he didn't expect was that the Queen's Attorney who had always been regarded as useless by him but was hired by Qin Wanshu's opinion with high salaries, unexpectedly showed his defense level to the greatest extent, even though he was at a disadvantage. , But the prosecution was speechless for the rebuttal.

In fact, the lawyers here just need to be accurate! ! That is, the Luo Family is innocent. This person who suddenly emerged from the head is a puppet of a conspirator. As long as he kills these two points, and then sees a trick, he will always find the other party's highly targeted remarks.

As for the so-called video, it turned out to be full of loopholes under the rebuttal of the queen lawyer.

No, to be precise, although it is a real video, it is not 100% sure that it is the hands of the Low family.

"Perhaps, Mr. Xu was poisoned before going to the Luo family, and he was poisoned in the Luo family's house. This cannot be said to be 100% of the Luo family's conspiracy, although in the teacup, The so-called poison component was tested, but if the poisoned person suffered too much toxicity, the saliva secreted when drinking water is also full of toxicity. Therefore, I think this video is true, but the evidence is insufficient. Not enough to convict my defender!"

"Prosecution lawyer, what do you want to say!"

"I think the defense lawyers are confusing. First of all, the victim died while drinking water, and the water is toxic. Moreover, the voice of the victim can be heard from the video. It is full of confidence and nothing at all. Signs of poisoning. Judging from the toxicity extracted from the teacup, it is a visible poison. Therefore, the possibility of toxicity lurking in the body is almost zero!"

At this time, Lorraine’s Queen’s Attorney said, “Then I’d like to ask the prosecution’s lawyer, isn’t this also a conjecture? Since the evidence is not very sufficient, please adjourn the court. If you have newer and stronger evidence, then I 'S defenders are always available!"

Hearing this, everyone almost thought that Lorraine was going against the wind.

But didn't expect...

Suddenly, there was a riot at the door of the court.

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